Denmark Guide [M]

FINISHING WORK IN DENMARK When leaving Denmark, it is mandatory to deregister at the following authorities: 1. Folkeregistret (National Registry). It can be done online or at local citizen service 2. SKAT – Deregister at SKAT by filling out the “Moving from Denmark” form. EU citizens do not need to de-register with SIRI. SIRI will automatically be informed once you deregister in your municipality/at local citizen service. Please note: When non-EU citizens leave Ardmac, Ardmac is required to notify the Danish Immigration Service that the employee does no longer works for our company. Please note: if you have a residence and work permit based on your employment with Ardmac in Denmark, you cannot take up work with another employer in Denmark on the same work permit. It is a good idea for you to leave your bank account open for a year from when you leave due to tax returns, etc. If you are to get a tax reimbursement, the tax authorities must be able to transfer the money directly to your account. When you leave Denmark to live in another EU country, some EU countries require documentation that you have been covered by health insurance in Denmark to be covered by health insurance in their country. Contact Udbetaling Denmark on +45 7012 8081 for more information.


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