MARCH, 1954
VOL. 2, NO. 3
1954 BIOLA LETTER MONTH BEGINS In response to hundreds of demands mode by listeners to the Bible Institute Hour, a special 36-poge booklet hos been prepared, which you see pictured, containing many
of the favorite selected gems, illustrations, sentence sermons, and poems heard over recent broadcasts. This handy volume contains mpny pictures of those who ore regularly featured over the air, and also other "be– hind the scenes" photos. During Morch, which is 1954 BIOLA Letter Month, a copy of the book will be sent out free of charge to all who write in and request it. It is hoped that during the 3 1 days of the month, every listener will write to the Bible Institute Hour, Los
Angeles 17, California. Members of the radio family ore urged to send in their favorite hymns, Bible questions, or comments on the broadcast, when they write for the "Nuggets of Gold". THE HANDY ADDRESSED ENVELOPE ENCLOSED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE.
Enclosed with this cd1t1on of the BIOLA BROAlJCASTER 1\ o special h.:ttcr from Dr lou1<:. T Talbot, which covers a h w of his many fascinating oct1v1t1c5 1n th(.' Far [o'>t Attcr you rt od the spccrnl correspondence, pass 1t along to a friend, and be listening for late-minute reports directly from the field
AFRICA - How thankful Oran .Smith and I are for your faithful prayers, for they hove seen us through a month which hos been filled with intensive travel, photographing, and preaching of the Gospel to . those who hove never before heard. These people know nothing but unrest and fear with the constant rise of Communism. Not only must the mis– sionaries be aware of the surge of Mohammedanism but also the spirit of the "red sickle". The pictures which we have taken have so gripped our hearts that we trust as they are shown to our students. at B.IOLA, many hundreds of them may cry out: "Lard, here am lj send me." God hos been with us in a wonder.fully miraculous way, and we realize it is only because you have been faithful with your constant and fervent prayers on our behalf. Moy God abundantly bless each one of you, in our Lord's match– less service. Ever in Him, Louis T. Talbot.
March 1 -
15 - Field Representative 17 - Thais Good letter 19 - Talbot Seminary 22 -
Remote Broadcast from Students' Practical Work BIOLA Hour Missionary Report Interview Rev. George Bennard Mayor Norris Poulson
3 -
News of King's Business BIOLA HOUR Missionary
5 -
24 - 26 - 29 - 31 -
Remote Broadcast Telephone Report
8 -
Hymn History
l 0 - 12 -
Report from Dr. Talbot
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BIOLA BROADCASTER ~!~le Institute Ho11r
,558 So.uth Hl)pe Strli)et Los Angeles 17, Colif. Gentlemen: Pleose send me th.e following checked material: 0 A copy of ''NUGGETS O.F GOLD,'' the le.tter m.onth bookle.t. D A copy 11f the devotionol booklet, ''A Way of l ADDRESS CITY_ ___________ _ _ _ ------ ---- II GEMS of WISDOM · Next time you're tempted to pick out the faults of others, count ten . .. of your own! Every man has a better right to hear the Gospel once before someone else has heard it twh:e... A good thing about telling the truth is, you don't have to remember what you say. There is no RIGHT way to do a WRONG thing. With four messages of comfort and guidance, the Bible Institute Hou~ has recently published a new devotional booklet entitled, "A Way of Knowing''. To receive your free copy to study at home, use the convenient coupon at the bottom of the column to the left. The world today is starving, hungry for daily bread while often times many of us here at home fare sumptu– ously with plenty to spare. This picture has a spiritual analogy also as we think of the many churches, Gospel radio programs, and printed literature which flood the ear and eyegate of an overstuffed country, while across the seas there are JJ.Jillions who have never before heard of the One who said: "I am the Bread of Life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." God's Word says: "Trust in the Lord, and do good and verily thou shalt be fed ... Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled . . . The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him . . . How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not heard?" May our answering cry be: "Here am I, Lord, send me." Again this year, the liii'ile fosfitute takes ple.asure ·1., an. "no.uncing the specia·I sum:mer c:onfe.renc:e, August 15th to the ·22nd, at beautlf.ul Mo.unt Herm.on, Ca.lifor.nia. Reservations may be. n·ow, by writing directly to the conference grounds~ ':Teams of BIO.LA faculty personnel will tour twelve cities in· Ote~ ''gon and Was.hi1tgton this year. Complete details on .Uiose m~ti·n·gs: :win be pdntll.11 in sub:s.eq.uent edition·• o.f the BRO.AD(::ASTER•. o be careful of package becou it has dynamite in it/ ' a group of officers in Korea were told. The young soldier who spoke immediately caught the interest of his two su9eriors, for they wanted to know more about the new army weapon. He carefully handed them the box, with a smile which they couldn't see, and gingerly opened it. They were amazed to find a number of Bibles. 11 Why, there's no dynamite in here," one of them protested. "Ah, that's where you're wrong, sir, 11 the private replied, "for the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two 00 edged sword." This young man was exactly correct for Paul in Romans 1:16 soys: "For . I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power (or Dynamite) of God unto salvation to eve•y one that believeth." Often times we as Christians forget that we hold the secret to the world's needs and problems, but because we are afraid of what men might say of us, we keep it lacked up in our hearts where no one else can benefit by it. If only we would fear God as much as we fear man, .or what man might say about us, great things would be accomplished for the honor and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sincerely yours in Christ, "We never test the resources of God, until we attempt the i'mpossible." - F. B. Meyer * * * * * THE FIVE STONES FOR A HAPPY HOME 1. MUTUAL LOVE 2. MUTUAL CONFIDENCE 3. MUTUAL ENCOURAGEMENT 4. MUTUAL THRIFT 5. FOUNDATION CORNERSTONE .. . The Lord Jesus Christ "For other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid which is Jesus Christ." - 1 Corinthians 3: 11 The best place to go when trouble comes is to your knees. Your missionary writes . . . "Because you prayed, God touched our weary bodies with His power And gave us strength for many trying hours, In which we might have faltered, had not you, Our intercessors faithful been and true. Because you prayed .. . God touched our lips with coals from altar fire, Gave Spirit fullness and did so inspire That when we spoke, sin blinded souls did see; Sin-chains were broken, captives were made free. Because you prayed ... The dwellers in the dark have found the light, The glad news has banished heathen night; The message of the Cross so long delayed Has brought them life at last ... Because you prayed. If you don't stand far something, you may fall far anything. THE MISSIONARY INHERITANCE Every Book in the New Testament was written by a foreign missionary. Every Epistle in the New Testament that was written to a church, was written to a foreign missionary church. Every Letter in the New Testament that was written to an individual was written to the convert of a foreign missionary. The one Book of prophecy in the New Testament was written to seven foreign missionary churches in Asia. The problems which arose in the early Christian church were largely questions of missionary procedure. The map of the early Christian world is the tracing of the missionary trips of the Apostles. "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest." I ................................. .. ·: Always the center of grecat argument among etymolo– '· gists is the debate on what the longest word in the die– :: tionary is. "This Week" magazine ends all controversy by reportin\" it is a . m~~ical term using. 49 letters: pneumono– ' · ultram1croscop1cs1licovolcanokomos1s. There ore other words in Webster much more important, however, specking of salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ. The reader is urged to study the Bible, where we mod our Saviour's words: "J am the Way, the Truth and the Ufe; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." J:'•gho.ut thA! We8.t • • • t!t!fJfBLE LlVSl'lTVTE nova~~ - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday !It 8:30 A.M. (;alifornla Chico - KXOC ---, 1060 .Nevada Reno-KAT0-1340 ... ...... '-' a u ... ~ ·:: ... z.., 0 01 z" er: 2 ... .., > .. .... ..., a .... & ::'/ 1, -, ~ ¥ ~ if·'. •. j ;· & -~- ' - -- . . . - . -- ~. ~ .: ~ •f-." ... "' c -< :s N OQ ..( ... ~ g Om "' .... . t: ~ ~ ~ ... "! .. "' .. " • > .. o a :i -.: .( ": 0.,; ... .. a; ~ . • c 0 . ~ ~ E .. 0 ,.. 2 E ....... o a l ~; ~ ::5 h 0 0 • a.- ... "'m a ... ! 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Albany - " "' Ashland--KWIM - 140() Astoria - KAST - 1370 Bend - Kii.ND - 1110 Coos Boy - KOOS - 1230 {( "~ & ! ~ - Grants P~ss - ~IJ.IM - 1340 ~ Portland- KWJJ-1080 ' Roseburg - .l(RXL - 1240 . - ·.·, Salem - KSLM - 1390 - -'/ Washin~ton Aberde-en - KXRO - 1320 Bellinpam - KPUG - 1170 ' Centralia - KELA- 1470 :_ ~ i Everett - KRKO - 1380 " - Longview - KWLK - 1400 Olympio-KGY-1240 ' UJ > (9 Q z < I– :;) 0 {( 9\ = ~ " .... ; .= ii ~ -; ,., z ~ .s .. jiic .. ~ ... - c .c:i 0 = ~ .. a • =- = a ~ ~ " ~ .= -; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A. l: 0 u er: 0 ... ... ... {( .; u .:i .:i 0 0 c °' - a ... - "' "' -< 0 ...... z " )( er: :.: :.: :.: ~ - ~~ • g 0 = 0 "" = z i - ~ 0 ~ ... ~ ~ ~ f Ill - ';I :::.:: ~ ~ liiiP =~ .,.L ~ _J ~ < I 0.. _J ~ iii: ~ Idaho , . Coeur d'Alene - KVMI - 1240 Walla Walla - KUJ - 1420 _ · Lewiston- KRLC-1350 Wenatchee- KWMW-1340 · W•" -•-KWAC-'20 Yo.,mo-KYAK-"OO ·I Spokane.,- KNEW - 790 Seattle - KVI-- 570 :· i
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