AFRICA - How thankful Oran .Smith and I are for your faithful prayers, for they hove seen us through a month which hos been filled with intensive travel, photographing, and preaching of the Gospel to . those who hove never before heard. These people know nothing but unrest and fear with the constant rise of Communism. Not only must the mis– sionaries be aware of the surge of Mohammedanism but also the spirit of the "red sickle". The pictures which we have taken have so gripped our hearts that we trust as they are shown to our students. at B.IOLA, many hundreds of them may cry out: "Lard, here am lj send me." God hos been with us in a wonder.fully miraculous way, and we realize it is only because you have been faithful with your constant and fervent prayers on our behalf. Moy God abundantly bless each one of you, in our Lord's match– less service. Ever in Him, Louis T. Talbot.
March 1 -
15 - Field Representative 17 - Thais Good letter 19 - Talbot Seminary 22 -
Remote Broadcast from Students' Practical Work BIOLA Hour Missionary Report Interview Rev. George Bennard Mayor Norris Poulson
3 -
News of King's Business BIOLA HOUR Missionary
5 -
24 - 26 - 29 - 31 -
Remote Broadcast Telephone Report
8 -
Hymn History
l 0 - 12 -
Report from Dr. Talbot
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BIOLA BROADCASTER ~!~le Institute Ho11r
,558 So.uth Hl)pe Strli)et Los Angeles 17, Colif. Gentlemen: Pleose send me th.e following checked material: 0 A copy of ''NUGGETS O.F GOLD,'' the le.tter m.onth bookle.t. D A copy 11f the devotionol booklet, ''A Way of l ADDRESS CITY_ ___________ _ _ _ ------ ---- II
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