GEMS of WISDOM · Next time you're tempted to pick out the faults of others, count ten . .. of your own!
Every man has a better right to hear the Gospel once before someone else has heard it twh:e...
A good thing about telling the truth is, you don't have to remember what you say.
There is no RIGHT way to do a WRONG thing.
With four messages of comfort and guidance, the Bible Institute Hou~ has recently published a new devotional booklet entitled, "A Way of Knowing''. To receive your free copy to study at home, use the convenient coupon at the bottom of the column to the left.
The world today is starving, hungry for daily bread while often times many of us here at home fare sumptu– ously with plenty to spare. This picture has a spiritual analogy also as we think of the many churches, Gospel radio programs, and printed literature which flood the ear and eyegate of an overstuffed country, while across the seas there are JJ.Jillions who have never before heard of the One who said: "I am the Bread of Life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." God's Word says: "Trust in the Lord, and do good and verily thou shalt be fed ... Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled . . . The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him . . . How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not heard?" May our answering cry be: "Here am I, Lord, send me." Again this year, the liii'ile fosfitute takes ple.asure ·1., an. "no.uncing the specia·I sum:mer c:onfe.renc:e, August 15th to the ·22nd, at beautlf.ul Mo.unt Herm.on, Ca.lifor.nia. Reservations may be. n·ow, by writing directly to the conference grounds~ ':Teams of BIO.LA faculty personnel will tour twelve cities in· Ote~ ''gon and Was.hi1tgton this year. Complete details on .Uiose m~ti·n·gs: :win be pdntll.11 in sub:s.eq.uent edition·• o.f the BRO.AD(::ASTER•.
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