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Russell Township council has granted Chris Pearson permission to operate his mobile canteen in Embrun. During its regular meeting March 7, Russell Township council voted on the installation of a mobile canteen near the +PF#ÊMJTMFCBTFCBMMEJBNPOE JO&NCSVO Canteen owner Chris Pearson requested in January that he be allowed to install his canteen in the park, and the motion was approved with no discussion Pearson will operate his canteen from April to October and pay a rental fee of $1250 per month, leading to a potential revenue of $8750 per year to the munici- pality. Council will revisit this decision in /PWFNCFSUPEFDJEFXIFUIFS1FBSTPOTMFBTF will be renewed. The canteen is 20 feet long and eight feet wide, and Pearson will bring four picnic tables and some garbage receptacles with him. The municipality already maintains a portable toilet in the vicinity. There is a DBOUFFOCVJMEJOH JOUIFQBSL CVU JUIBTOU been fit for food preparation for many years and has instead been used as storage by the parks and recreation department. Pearson will use the building for storage as well, and water and electricity will be brought to UIF USVDL GSPN UIFCVJMEJOHTIPPLVQT WJB trenches dug along the ground. The total cost for these trenches has been estimated at $3500, which the administra- tion recommends be covered by the parks

Les PPO cherchent un exhibitionniste qui a exposé ses parties génitales à un passant sur le New York Central Recreational Trail. - photo d’archive


Police responded to a call about a man baring his genitals to a passerby on the New York Central Recreational Trail. On Sunday, March 6, a passerby enga- ged in conversation with an unknown male TIPSUMZBGUFSQNPO UIF/FX:PSL Central Recreational Trail near Forced Road. After a short talk, the passerby noticed that the man had his genitals exposed. The man left the premises without further incident. Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers are seeking assistance from the public in identifying the flasher, who is described as a slim Caucasian man approximately 172 DFOUJNFUSFT v UBMM CFUXFFOBOE years of age, with dark, well-groomed hair and a short, dark beard. He was well-spoken with no discernible accent and was last seen wearing a black jogging suit with a logo on the chest and two stripes on each arm Anyone with any information should contact the Russell County OPP at 613- 443-4499 or OPP Communication Centre at 1-888-310-1122.

Le parc Joe Bélisle à Embrun accueillera une nouvelle cantine à partir du 1er avril. —photo d’archive

BOE SFDSFBUJPOEFQBSUNFOUTPQFSBUJPOBM budget. The hookups could be used in the future, and the rent that Pearson will pay to park his canteen would cover the cost in three months. Pearson rents a grey water tank from a local company that empties it XFFLMZ TP UIF UPXOTIJQEPFTOUOFFE UP worry about the wastewater disposal. The council has previously discussed two bylaws that the canteen would be in violation PG5IFàSTUTUBUFTUIBUUXPDBOUFFOTDBOU operate within 46 meters of each other, and there is already another canteen in UIF1BMBJTEFT4QPSUTJO&NCSVO)PXFWFS  this canteen is only open for two weeks in

April and four in October, closing for the entire summer. Township staff discussed the situation with the current owner, who has no objection to Pearson opening his canteen in the area since they have such a short overlap in operation. The second bylaw states that nobody shall sell anything within a park or recreation area without a permit. Such a permit was granted along with the decision to allow Pearson to park his canteen in the park. Pearson will provide an insurance certificate of $5 million with the municipality added as an additional insured.

C’est la nouvelle façon d’être chez soi. La vôtre. UďķĮĮðĉĨăðť ďĊĮăȸÆìĴÐĴăŒÐĊĴÐÌȸķĊÐĨīďĨīðÑĴÑȚŒďķĮÅÑĊÑť ÆðК ÌÐĴďķĮăÐĮŒĊĴæÐĮÌÐĴīŒðăăÐīŒÐÆķĊæÐĊĴt'O}ZtɮăďÆășĴďķĴ ÐĊÑÆďĊďĉðĮĊĴÌÐĮĉðăăðÐīĮÌÐÌďăăīĮÐĊÆďĉĉðĮĮðďĊĮăďīĮÌÐăŒÐĊĴÐș ÐĴŒďķĮīÐÆЌКķĊÐīÐĉðĮÐÐĊīæÐĊĴăďīĮĪķÐŒďķĮÆìÐĴКȘ *

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