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NDP SEEKS GLENGARRY-PRESCOTT-RUSSELL CANDIDATE for people with low or fixed incomes.


4PNF PG UIF JORVJSJFT 8PPESVGG IBT received are from people who understand that the ad was not meant to be serious. But, he added, “the bulk of the people calling just want an apartment.” If the riding association does not have its own candidate confirmed before the actual QSPWJODJBMFMFDUJPOEBUFJTDPOàSNFE UIF/%1 head office will appoint a candidate for the riding, even if it is someone who does not live in Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. 8PPESVGGTBJE UIBU UIF SJEJOHBTTPDJB - tion would prefer to have a local person SFQSFTFOUUIF/%1"OZPOFXIPJTJOUFSFTUFE in becoming a candidate can email him at

“There are a lot of people living in Glen- garry-Prescott-Russell dealing with housing BOE GPPETFDVSJUZu8PPESVGGTBJEi5IPTF are two massive issues.” As an example of increasing concern over affordable housing in both the riding BOEFMTFXIFSF JO0OUBSJP 8PPESVGGDJUFE a social media post he placed on a site devoted to classified notices. He posted a photo of “a broken-down doghouse” under the Apartments for Rent heading to highlight the affordable housing issue. “It wasn’t a trick ad, it is clearly a photo of a doghouse,” he said. “I have had over a hundred inquiries.”

A provincial election will be part of the June calendar this year and the local NDP association is seeking its candi- date for the Glengarry-Prescott-Russell riding. i8FBSFTUJMMTFBSDIJOH uTBJE +BZ8PP - druff, president for the Glengarry-Prescott- 3VTTFMM/%13JEJOH"TTPDJBUJPOEVSJOHB phone interview. “I’ve had a couple people reach out.” The riding association has received requests for information on what being a provincial candidate will involve. There is no specific deadline right now for confirmation of BO/%1DBOEJEBUFGPSUIF(13CVUUIFSJEJOH association would like to have a nominee soon to challenge both incumbent Liberal MPP Amanda Simard and Alfred-Plantagenet Township’s mayor Stéphane Sarrazin, who will represent the Progressive Conservative party. i8FBSFFYQFDUJOH QPUFOUJBMMZ BOFBSMZ FMFDUJPO uTBJE8PPESVGG BEEJOH UIBU UIF official start for the provincial campaign could begin soon as both the federal and provincial governments ease the public health safety restrictions dealing with the pandemic. i8FBSFBMSFBEZJOFMFDUJPONPEF uTBJE 8PPESVGG SFHBSEJOH/%1SFBEJOFTTUPCFHJO campaigning. He indicated two of the key local issues for the Glengarry-Prescott-Russell campaign will be affordable housing and food security



Following a presentation by Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, the UCDSB has voted to only recommend masking for kinder- garteners rather than require it. The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) has reversed a decision made last October requiring Kindergarten students to wear masks while inside. Ontario has manda- ted that all students in Grades 1 to 12 wear a mask inside, and although kindergarten students weren’t included, the UCDSB voted in October to extend it to them following local public health recommendations. However, during a regular update to trustees regarding the public health situation, UIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6 T%S Paul Roumeliotis said that masking kinder- garteners is still “strongly encouraged,” but not required. Masking has been much less effective in kindergarteners than older children, possibly because kindergarteners

Cette annonce dans la section Appartements à louer d’une page de médias sociaux avait pour but d’attirer l’attention sur le problème du logement abordable à Glengarry-Prescott- Russell et dans d’autres régions du Canada. Elle a reçu des dizaines de demandes, certaines plaisantes mais d’autres sérieuses, de la part de personnes qui cherchent un endroit où elles peuvent se permettre de vivre. —photo fournie

often wear their masks incorrectly. Roumeliotis expects an announcement about removing mask mandates in schools, either partially or fully, within the next few weeks. This move to recommending masks for kindergarteners instead of requiring them is a step towards that. Following the presentation, the UCDSB voted to remove the masking requirement for kindergarteners. Following a presentation by Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, the UCDSB has voted to only recommend masking for kindergarteners rather than require it. —archive photo



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d’incendie préconise la construction d’une nouvelle caserne de pompiers pour rempla- cer celle de St-Albert qui est maintenant vieille et obsolète. Le plan recommande également de rénover la caserne existante de St-Isidore, si cela est possible, ou d’en construire une nouvelle qui répondra aux besoins de la communauté en matière de protection contre les incendies. Mme Groulx a

Le conseil de La Nation a fait le premier pas vers l’amélioration du service de protection contre les incendies pour deux des villages qui relèvent de sa compétence. Le conseil a ap-



prouvé la recomman- dation du chef des pompiers, Richard +(SPVMY EFOHBHFS une firme d’ingénierie architecturale pour préparer les plans de spécifications des casernes de pom- piers communau- taires de St-Isidore et de St-Albert. La firme Integrated Design

The Nation has taken the first step towards upgrading the fire halls in the villages of St-Isidore and St-Albert by hiring an architectural engineering firm to draft plans that will outline specific needs the new structures must meet for fire protection service for the communities.

indiqué au conseil que le futur rapport du consultant sur les plans et les spécifica- tions suggérés pour les deux casernes de pompiers aidera le conseil et le per- sonnel à planifier le budget de construc- tion des projets. Le

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&OHJOFFSJOH"SDIJUFDUVSF *%&" E0UUBXBB été retenue parmi deux soumissionnaires pour le contrat à 63 545 $. Le plan directeur municipal en matière

financement de l’étude d’ingénierie archi- tecturale proviendra du fonds de réserve du service d’incendie municipal.

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