walking the Pilot Block in the Block By Block initiative, but all have agreed to return to see first-hand the great working being done. The elected offi- cials include: • Gov. Evers (along with his team) • State Rep. Kalan Haywood II (on two different occasions) • State Rep. David Bowen • County Supervisor Priscilla Coggs-Jones (we partnered with her for a clean-up of Moody Park) • We’re looking forward to meeting with Mayor Cavalier Johnson after postponing our meeting. • BLOCK BY BLOCK INITIA- TIVE – Pilot Block work is winding up and the next two blocks have been identified: 22nd-23rd between Locust Street and Hadley Avenue. Residents are being engaged (neighborhood clean-up and free lunch from Makin’ Ja- maican on Nov. 13), they are finding out what the process is and what their home repair requirements are. This area was chosen as the next two Pilot Blocks because there is an investor who is interest- ed in purchasing city-owned property located in the same area. The next steps include continuing to engage resi- dents, holding virtual meet- ings to introduce homeown- ership process, educating residents on non-traditional

ways to be a homeowner, and establishing BID in Amani. • FOOD DRIVES – Amani Unit- ed assisted with Dominican Center and Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin for food drives throughout the year. There were three mobile food pantries in the summer and giveaways for Thanksgiving and Christmas, which included food, resources, holiday gifts and winter gear. • AMANI UNITED BOARD – President, Vice President and Secretary positions are coming up for election in October 2022 (these are two-year positions). The committee chairperson positions were extended to four years, most will be up for election in October 2024. We’re excited for the next election and to see Amani residents take on leadership positions.

Be sure to get on the Amani United email list (click here: http://eepurl.com/hrlkmD) to see the greatness coming up in 2022 and get informed and help with the work we’re doing. We’re asking that we also keep in our prayers those who have lost a loved one this year. “Let us be about what we talk about! The change starts with us!” is my motto. Wishing you all a prosperous New Year.

Submitted by Barbara Smith, Housing and Economic Development Committee Chair, Amani United

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