Resources for the Community
VERG – San Geronimo Valley Emergency Readiness Group by Jim Fazackerley and Don Holmlund
personnel. Instruction includes household preparedness, disaster first aid, fire extinguisher instruction, and light search and rescue. The best single source of information for San Geronimo residents is on the web at For more information about getting prepared, becoming active with VERG, or attending future trainings contact VERG Coordinator Jim Fazackerley at 415-300-7170 or Brian McCarthy at 415-613-6435. Current information and opportunities can also be found on the VERG Facebook page:
The San Geronimo Valley Disaster Council was estab- lished in 1974 to raise awareness, prepare the community, develop a disaster plan, and work in coordination with the County of Marin in the event of a disaster. Disaster response by this citizen group is carried out through func- tional divisions: rescue, medical care, damage assessment, shelter, and communications. These efforts are coordinated with the Marin County Fire Department. Preparedness and planning efforts are continually underway in coopera- tion with the West Marin Disaster Council. In the past four years, the San Geronimo group has been revised and renamed VERG (Valley Emergency Readiness Group). In a major emergency, the San Geronimo Valley Com- munity Gym may be opened as a shelter and reception center. Since a limited number of people can be housed in an emergency shelter, it is vitally important that each individual household maintain food, water and emergency supplies sufficient for at least 72 hours. In addition, VERG maintains two trailers with cots, water, generators, medical supplies, personal hygiene kits, and cleaning supplies, and a variety of other emergency supplies and tools. The main goal of VERG is to prepare the community. The most important key to recovery after a disaster is the planning that happens beforehand within individual fami- lies and neighborhoods. Two valuable programs exist to educate our citizens: The Neighborhood Program features a presentation by a VERG representative and a representative from the Fire Department. Information and discussion center around disaster preparedness in families and the neighborhood. During these meetings, neighborhood coordinators are chosen who will continue to update the neighborhood on disaster planning and will communicate the needs of the neighborhood in the event of a disaster. Neighbors are also invited to join the VERG Neighborhood Radio Network to relay needs and information during emergencies. This network connects all Valley villages with each other and with emergency services. The second program is Marin County CERT (Com- munity Emergency Response Team) training, which is held several times each year and taught by Fire Department
CERT volunteer, Elise Piliwale, ready for action!
50 th Anniversary
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