Is Your Pain Caused By Spinal Stenosis?

Think about moving joint by joint

tal Extension At Home Exercises To Help Back Pain Do these exercises to help your knee pain. If it still hurts call for a consultation. Share this with a friend or family member to help keep them healthy too!

posture. ine.

Exercises copyright of

Great For Back Pain

Great For Hip Pain

LUMBAR SEGMENTAL EXTENSION Stand with good posture. Find a neutral spine. Bend backwards in a very controlled manner. Think about moving joint by joint. Do not push into pain. Return to the start position. Repeat 5 times. Start position

CHILD’S POSE Kneel on the floor, buttocks over heels. Stretch arms forward far as you can. Let head and trunk sag to the floor and hang heavy. Keep buttocks over heels. Relax. Repeat 6 times.

in a very controlled manner. ng joint by joint. pain. t position.

Always consult your physi- cal therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

Think about moving joint by joint

Buttocks over heels, stretch arms Now is the time for resolutions How are you going to take care of your body and health in 2017?

1. Be purposeful in everything you do. Strive for purpose in your daily activities. Do you just at lunch or do you enrich relationships while you eat? What purpose do those two sitcoms serve you every night? What is the purpose of eating that bag of chips? More importantly, what types of consequences await you now that you’ve indulged? Be purposeful in everything you do. Walk with purpose and people are more likely to respect your time. 2. Resolve not to be mediocre, even in how you eat. Use the freshness of the new year as an excuse for avoiding mediocrity. This can be a challenging task because industry markets products and services to the lowest common denominator. Junk food is marketed to the lowest common denominator. Fast food, for example, is

produced cheaply and sold cheaply. If you need help eating in a way that will benefit your health in the long run contact us and we can provide a plan that is right for you. 3. Schedule exercise and stretching. Exercise is more effective when it is regular and systematic. It can be difficult to schedule exercise unless time is pre-committed. If you need help with exercise or if you have pain that is holding you back, contact us at South Valley PT and we can help you meet this resolution. 4. Mend fences and help others resolve issues. Call, or better yet, visit the person with whom you want to make peace. Use this exact wording: “I feel bad about what’s happened between us and want to take responsibility for everything. I’m sorry about the past and I’m going to be a better person for you in the future.”

rebuffs you or otherwise tries to continue the conversation, try to not pursue the topic. Allow them to respond, then gracefully end the meeting or phone call. Give the person time to think about what you said. What are the things you want to resolve to do or not do in 2017? Write them down below.

ween your knees for support.

In 2017 I resolve to...

Lie on side. Use pillows for

Whether the other party accepts your apology,

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