« f u n d a m e n t a l *
T. C. Horton.
(1) " The Testimony of Foreign Mis- sions to the Superintending Providence of God." By the late Arthur T. Pierson. The opening sentence reads, "God is in creation; cosmos would still be chaos with God left out. He is also in events; the whole of mission history is a mystery un- til read as His story.". (2) " I s there a God?" By Bev. Thom- as Whitelaw, M. A. D. D., Kilmarnoek, Scotland. The gist of the article is in the following. " The Atheist, for example, as- serts that there is no God. The Agnostie professes that he cannot tell whether there is a God or not. The Materialist boasts that he does not need a God, that he can run the universe without one. The (Bi- ble) Fool wishes there was no God. The Christian answers that he cannot do with- out a God." (3) " S in and Judgment to Come." By Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D., Lon- don, England. This paper, by one of the greatest of modern writers, is a tre- mendous argument for the failure of man. (4) " T he Atonement." By Professor Franklin Johnson, D. D., LL. D., Chicago, 111. He prefaces his article with these words: " The Christian world as a whole believes in a substitutionary atonement. This has been its belief ever since it be- gan to think. The doctrine was stated by Athanasius as clearly and fully as by any later writer. All the great historic creeds which set forth the atonement at any length set forth a substitutionary atone- ment. All the great historic systems of theology enshrine it as the very Ark of the Covenant, the central 'object of the Holy of Holies." (5) ' ' The God Man. ' ' By the late John Stock. A strong, forceful paper upon the deity o± our Lord, closing with these words: " The Christ of the New Testa- ment, of the early Church, or universal Christendom; the Christ, the power of whose name has revolutionized the world and raised it to its present level, and un- der whose guidance the sacramental host of God's redeemed are advancing and shall advance to yet greater victories over su- perstition and sin, is Immanuel, God with us, in our nature, whose blood "cleanseth us from all Isin," and who is " a b le to
5i _j T has been given to few S men to eatch a vision of ' doing world-wide things and to fewer still the privi- lege of making such a vision a reality. The two laymen who conceived the thought
of giving a message in this series, "The Fundamentals," in defense and confirma- tion of the Faith, to the Christian leaders of the English speaking people of the world could not have imagined the tre- mendous reach of the movement nor the widespread results which have followed. They did not anticipate that thousands of letters of approval and testimonies of ap- preciation would come to the publishers. They had no thought that thousands of • praying people would be lifting up their hearts and asking for God's richest bless- ing upon themselves, and the good work they had undertaken; nor that hundreds o± ministers would be moved to preach on the great fundamentals of the Bible. Neither could they have known that many Christian leaders become weak in the faith and having questioned concerning the veri- ties of the Scripture would be won back to the truth. It has been our pleasure through the courtesy of the Chicago office to see hundreds of these letters from all parts of the world, and perusal of them set the heart thrilling with joy that God had permitted these, His trusted servants, to perform in His name snch a great and lov- ing work for the church universal. All praise to the Lord Christ who by His Spirit energized them to such à lofty serv- ice and filled their hearts with such a holy desire. We unite our prayers with the thousands who remember them before the throne. May the Lord grant unto them the fulness of His grace and blessing and give them to see on the other side what they cannot see here, the full fruit of their unselfish ministry. Volume VI of the series is now being distributed free to every pastor, evange- list, missionary, theological professor, the- ological student, Y. M. C. A. and V. W. C. A. Secretary, Sunday School Superin- tendent and editor of a religious paper throughout the English speaking world. The last volume has eight papers, every- one of the highest order.
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