does not supplant law by love, but those who will not have love shall have law. The Homiletic Monthly long ago went over to the side of the liberal theology, but now enters a protest against the nat- ural outcome of liberalism. It A Bad raises its voice against the Professor. 'eaehing of " a German pro- fessor of psychology," in a "professedly Christian university in New York City," who told his class that the soul is "'no more immortal than the b o d y" —" t he phenomenon of human conscious- ness ceases with the life of the cerebral (brain) cells." Equally wicked and un- scientific assertions are made in many if not most of our schools from Kindergarten to University, and it is due to, and we may thank for it, the skeptical tendencies and concessions of ' ' professedly Chris- t i a n " editors, preachers and teachers. A leader if not the leader of " l i b e r a l" THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Promised to Abraham. Gen. 17:6. Organized at Sinai. Ex. 19:4-8. Settled in Canaan. I Chr. 28:5. Overthrown for Apostasy. Am. 9:8: Eze. 21:27. Restoration Foretold. Am. 9:11-15. Restoration Tendered. Mk. 1:15: Ac. 3:19-21. Restoration Rejected. Mat. 26:62-66. Restoration Postponed. Luke 19:11, 12- 41-44. Restoration Retold. Acts 15:16, 17. Rom. 2:5, 26. Restoration Prefigured. Rev. 6:22. The restoration prophecies provide for the return of the King; the return and regeneration of the people; the occupation and regeneration of the land. "Thus saith Jehovah, doer of all these things." TESTIMONIALS TO THE GOOD BOOK. It is inspired, "All Scripture is inspired Of God," 2 Tim. 3:16. It is tested, " The Word of the Lord is tried," 2 Sam. 22:31'. It is pure, "Every word of the Lord is ì & i b l e
theology in Germany, Prof. Harnac, a man most learned in the history and doctrines of the church, has recently A Great spoken a most welcome word. Word from Referring to an infidel Ger- a Great Man. man preacher who would hold his pùlpit to proclaim his un- belief, and had claimed Harnac as one in agreement with him, he writes: " I f you would but come out of your dark hole into the open, i. e., should look abroad at his- tory, you would see that God has sent us teachers and prophets, and over them a Man Whom, not we, but He, has made Lord and Christ. The original conception of Jesus, which corresponds to the one I hold, is that He was Messiah and Lord . . . but the freedom of the clergy? Well, at the risk of being called a reactionary, I affirm that there is something more im- portant than Freedom, namely, Truth, the essence of the thing." That is, at this time, from this source, a great testimony. pure," Pro. 30:5. It is sure. " T hy testimonies are very sure," Psa. 93:5. It is permanent, " The word of our God shall stand forever," Isa. 40:8. It is alive, " The word of the Lord is quick and powerful," Heb. 4:12. It makes rich, "Better unto me than thousands of gold and silver," Psa. 119:72. It gives success, "This Book . . . shall make thy way prosperous," Josh. 1:8. It gives pleasure, " Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart," Jer. 15:16. It makes wise, "Able to make thee wise unto salvation," 1 2 Tim. 3:15. It builds up, " The word of His grace, which is able to build you u p ," Ac. 20:32. It equips for service, " I t is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished," 2 Tim. 3:16. It has blessing in it, "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy," Rev. 1:3. It has Christ in it, "Search the Scrip- tures . . . these are they that testify of me." Jno. 5:39; b r i e f s .
By J. H. S.
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