Say shall we yield Him, In costly devotion, Odors of Edom, a nd offerings divine, Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, - Myrrh f r om the forest, or gold f r om the mine? Vainly we offer each! ample oblation; Vainly with gifts would His favor secure; Richer by f ar is the heart's adoration; Dearest to God are the prayers of the poor." VI. THE INDIFFERENT WORLD. " 'Twas in the calm and silent night! The Senator of haughty Rome, Impatient urged his chariot's flight From lordly revel rolling home; Triumphal arches, gleaming, swell His breast with thoughts of boundless sway; Wh a t recked the Roman wh at befel A paltry province far away In the silent midnight Centuries ago. Within t h at province f a r a w ay We nt plodding home a weary boor; A streak oi light before him lay, Fallen through a half shut stable door Across his path. He passed—for naught Told wh at was going on within; H ow keen the stars, his only thought— The air how calm, and, cold, and thin, Oh, strange indifference! low and high Drowsed over common joys and cares; The earth was still—but k n ew not why, The world was listening unawares. How calm a moment may precede One t h at shall thrill the world forever! To t h at small moment none would heed, Man's doom was sealed no more to sever— In the'silent midnight . Centuries ago. VII. ANALOGIES BETWEEN CHRIST'S BIRTH AND THE CHRISTIAN'S BIRTH. 1. The birth of Christ was ordained from eternity (Eph. 3:11), the Christian's birth is f r om eternity (Eph. 1:4, 5). 2. Christ was born of the Spirit (Luke 2:35), the Chris- tian is born of t he Spirit (Jno. 3:5). 3. The angels rejoiced at the birth of Christ, the angels rejoice a t birth of a Christian (Luke 15 :10). 4. Christ was born and nourished by a virgin, t he Christian is born and nour- ished by a virgin, the Church (2 Cor. 22:2). 5. The birth of Christ marked a new era in the world's history, it w as B. C., the a n- cient world, it is A. D., the modern world; the birth of a Christian m a r ks a n ew era in the soul's history, .it w as O. M., the old man, it is N. M., the n ew m an (Eph. 4: 22:24). Wh a t m a t t er t h at the Christ should be Born f ar a w ay across the sea, Unless the Christ be born in thee? Luke.2:21-39. ment closed with a similar promise, "Behold, I come quickly" (Rev. 22:20). 4. Those who like Simeon and Anna are looking for Him, shall have a similar vision of Salvation. "To them that look! for Him He shall appear , , , u n to salvation" (Heb, 9:28). 5. The His Temple.
shone like a gem set in nocturnal blue, and the moon silvered her way with un- wonted smiles, and Jupiter, Saturn and Mars paraded glittering in splendor together along the Zodiac's path, and gift bring- ing Magi came in barbaric gold, and Herod was troubled; t h at melody year when music was floating everywhere :in the hill country of Judea,' a nd Elisabeth sang her song, and Mary warbled her sweet and thrilling Magnificat, a n d, Zacharias intoned his Ben- edlctus, and good old Simeon sank overjoyed to his rest breathing his holy 'Domine Nunc Dlmittlsl' Messiah the Prince was born! 'Glorious Christmas. Ring the bells!' " V. THE STORY OF THE BIRTH. 1. The "herald angels." "While shepherds watched their flocks by night, All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around. 'Fear not,' said he, for mighty dread H a d seized their troubled mind; 'Glad tidings of great joy X bring, To you and all mankind. To you in David's town this day Is born of David's line, The Saviour, which is Christ the Lord; And this shall be the sign: The heavenly Babe you there shall find To h um an view displayed, All meanly wrapped in swathing bands, And in a ma n g er laid.' Thus spake the Seraph, and forthwith Appeared a shining throng Of angels praising God, and thus Addressed their joyful song: 'AH glory be to God on high, And to the e a r th be peace; Good-will henceforth f r om heaven to men (1) "Full of wonder a nd praise," the favored shepherds hastened to see the wonderful babe. They found H im as the angels said (as all who seek H im in likei spirit ever have and do find Him) just as He w as described. (2) The lowly poor were first to receive H im a nd "to the poor the Gospel was preached" first. "What a wonderful Saviour," a Prince, t he Mighty God (Isa. 6:9), chose a couch of s'traw in preference to one of ivory, in a stable r a t h er t h an a palace; and chose a s his courtiers the humble r a t h er t h an the proud. So they found H i m: "Cold on His cradle the dew-drops were shining, , _ ... L ow lay His head with the beasts of the stall; . . Shepherds adore H i m in slumber reclining— Maker, a nd Monarch, and Saviour of all. Begin and never ceaiSe.' " 2. The adoring shepherds.
The Lord Gomes to Lesson IV.r—January 28.
I. PROPHECY FULFILLED. % The Old Testament closed with the pre- diction that "the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to His temple" (Mai. 3:1). 2. Though hundreds of years pass all the prom- ises shall be fulfilled. 3. The New Testa -
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