Leslie Whitcomb and Chester White. Tom Hannay, evangelist of the C. E., was pres- ent and rendered good service. Plans are in progress for an extended campaign. " T h e All C l a s s ," 1 Cor. 9:22. This class has more than met our ex- pectations. Over one hundred members have enrolled and the results of the work have been very satisfactory. The class is conducted along new lines—there is nothing pedantic ahout it. The members are catching the real spirit for service and are getting the essential things well in hand. An interesting feature is the per-
sonal experience in soul saving. : Some wonderful stories have been told of God's leading in this work and of remarkable answers to prayer. To be in touch with this class is like living in the Acts of the Apostles. At one service the following testimonies were given, illustrating: Beaching a man on the street, fishing for one in a store, finding another on the street car, a forty-five minutes' talk rid- ing on an elevator, sitting in a stairway until midnight to win a soul. Every mem- ber has at least five persons on his prayer list. All are at the work and many souls have been won.
" J o r
S p e c i a l
" p r a t e r .
For the Gypsey Smith meetings.
For our good Brother Blackstone, his work in China and his personal preserva- tion at this time.
For the work among the young people in the various classes we are holding.
For Mr. Hurlburt of the African Inland Mission and young people of the Insti- tute who have volunteered for African work.
For Doctor Torrey and Mr. Hunter as they take up the work with us.
For the King's Business our Monthly Messenger, that it may be used in larger and larger measure.
For the means necessary for the erection of the building we are now so much in need of.
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For all departments of our work, that in all we may seek only the glory of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. For our beloved president, Mr. Lyman Stewart, that he may be granted the full- est possible measure of health and strength for the great work God has given him to do. ' ' Praying always with all prayer and supplication, in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and sup- plication for all saints; and for rne, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel." (Eph. 6:18 19).
Earnest prayers must be offered for our college boys and girls that their faith fail n o t.
For the Street Campaign now being in- augurated under the direction of Mr. Mul- len.
For the women of the Auxiliary who are helping in prayer in the service and in so many ways.
That God may send men and women of His own choosing to the Institute for in- struction and training.
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