King's Business - 1912-01

literal as any other. God's oracles are not like the pagan's ambiguous riddles. A fixed conviction that a statement of the Word is as valid as a fact of the world is of the first importance.

the name of common sense, seek any other sense?" said a great lawyer. Figures of speech, poetical, even hyperbolical, ex- pressions are, by usage and mutual under- standing, as definite and, in that sense,

" p e r s o n a l

^ E v a n g e l i s m *

T. C. Horton.

We have voluntarily accepted a new Master and have become subject to new laws. Jno. 1:12.; 1 Jno. 5:12; Rom. 8:2. Our bodies have become temples for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16; Col. 2:20. Henceforth we are to be to the praise of His glory (Eph. 1:12) by bearing much fruit. Jno. 15:8. We were saved to serve, so that we might say as did our Lord, " I have fin- ished the work that Thou gavest me to do ." Jno. 17:4. While it is true that there are mani- fold gifts of the Holy Spirit for ministry and worship (1 Cor. 12:1-11), and to all is given some special definite ministry (1 Cor. 12:12, 31), yet it remains absolutely true that every believer must be a soul winner to fulfill the functions of the new life. The Normal Christian l i f e. The life of the believer is evangelistic, for his life is the life of God. The first picture we have of the ruined world is that of God seeking the sinful pair. The purpose of Christ's coming was to seek and save the lost, Luke 19:10; 1 Tim. 1:15. The Christ life within us must go out to the unsaved; a proof of this is that in- variably the impulse of a new born soul is to find some one else to whom the won- derful story can be told. Jno. 1:45. Were we living the normal Christian life we would be everywhere, in the most natural way, telling the wonders of Christ's love. Acts 8:4. What Believers Are. We have selected seven significant terms which are applied to believers which clear- ly set forth their responsibility in the matter of soul winning. (1) Servants. Let a man so account of us as the ministers (servants) of Christ. 1 Cor. 4:1. In the original this word min- ister means an officer, one on duty and sub- ject to orders. (2) Stewards. Stewards of the myste-

PERSONAL Working class is conducted in the Insti- tute on Friday nights. They are doing personal work day by day.

The name given to the class is " The All Class." 'Its -tqxt is: 1 Cor. 9:22. " I a m made all things to all men that I might'by all means save some." Its daily prayer is, "Lord make me a soul winner today." It meets for lunch at 6:00 p. m. All profits from the luncb buys tracts for the use of the class. A prayer service is held at 6:30 for those on the prayer lists; at 7:00, Devotional Bible Study; at 7:30, Song Service; 7:45, Class Work; 8:30 to 9:00, a half hour is devoted to personal ex- perience with souls, led by workers who have been used of the Lord. This pro- gram has worked well and the class is most satisfactory. A Divine Art. Soul saving is a divine art. Men are not born soul savers, but are made. There is a widespread misapprehension in the minds of most Christians concerning re- sponsibility for this work. Christians seejn to think that some people are called to this work, but that the obligation is not universal; that it is work which one may do or not as they choose. This is false, unscriptural and illogical. Soul sav- ing is the greatest work in the world and is committed to every believer. All may have the joy of doing it who give them- selves to it, and all who fail to do it are recreant to a holy trust and poorer throughout eternity. The Purpose of Our Salvation. The acceptance of Christ as Savior and Lord results in a new relationship. We are delivered from the dominion of dark- ness into the kingdom of God's dear Son. Col. 1:13.

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