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The Reality of Divorce Trials and Family Wills Understand the Truth Behind These Common Myths
After practicing law for 20 years, I’m confident I’ve heard every legal myth, especially regarding family law. No two cases are the same and with family and finances, there are so many factors to consider ( and potentially misconstrue ). Jan. 25 is Opposite Day, and I want to take this opportunity to dispel a few legal myths you may have heard and share the truth. When it comes to divorce, people often think that if their spouse was a “bad person,” or was unfaithful or struggling with substance abuse, they can get everything they want when it comes to alimony. Contrary to popular belief, the bad conduct of one party toward another in a marriage is less significant than you imagine in the context of whether or not a spouse is entitled to alimony. Conversely, the primary factor that judges weigh with respect to an alimony request focuses more on an economically advantaged spouse’s ability to pay and an economically disadvantaged spouse’s need for support. In short, the court’s analysis is much more focused on economics and earning capacity than good or bad behavior of a party. Furthermore, while longer-term marriages are more likely to result in an award of alimony, there are plenty of instances where spouses in short-term marriages receive alimony as well. Another misconception is that trials are filled with “bomb shell” or jaw-dropping moments like people see on television or in the movies. To the contrary, trials are usually relatively “clean” because of the fact that the parties typically already engaged in extensive discovery, both written discovery and depositions, so most of the time, the lawyers know what testimony will come from witnesses on the stand.
While I’m at it, here’s some more advice you’ll never hear me give: You should totally talk to your friends or family members who have gone through similar cases and set your expectations there! No matter how similar you think your case is to someone else’s case, every case has hundreds of tiny details and is entirely different from any other case. Moreover, the reality is that you’re likely not even in front of the same judge that your friends or family members were. No one can guarantee an outcome! I would also never recommend my clients go online for answers to any of their legal questions. Endless sites are offering incorrect information, even from official websites and blogs. That’s like me diagnosing myself with a medical condition based upon some research on WebMD. You cannot rely on online information alone when making any legal decision. Lastly, if you think your case is under control and don’t need a lawyer, that should be your cue to do the exact opposite and reach out to our team! As Benjamin Franklin once said: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Better yet, Abraham Lincoln famously said, “The man who represents himself has a fool for a client.” We can better help you prevent fires than fight them! Misinformation is the easiest way to derail your case altogether. My team and I can help you set the record straight and know exactly how we can support you and your case. If you ever have any questions, reach out to our team at 901-388-5805 to get the whole truth.
Additionally, these cases don’t just last a day in court like most TV shows and movies might make you think. They can drag out for months, or even years, in any phase of the case, and so many clients are shocked by just how long their cases take to get to trial. As for wills, I always hear people ask when their family should go to the deceased’s house for a large meeting to read the will. This never happens. Ever! I have only seen this occur in movies, never in real life. All these legal myths can only lead to poor legal decisions and advice. For Opposite Day, here’s a piece of advice you’d never hear me say: Go ahead and post all the details of your case on social media. Never do this! This is the first place the opposing side will search for dirt on you. Because of this, most attorneys will ask you for all your online profiles and usernames.
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In today’s world of video games and streaming for entertainment, one of the most powerful — and rewarding — steps you can take is engaging your child’s imagination without electronic devices. A MAKE-BELIEVE STORE One great way to do that is by putting your child in charge of a make-believe ice cream store. It’s easy and only takes a few common household items, starting with a few bowls. First, squirt a generous helping of shaving cream into each bowl, then add different colors of food coloring to each. After stirring with a spoon, your child will suddenly have a variety of make- believe “flavors” to offer to their customer — you.
have other small household items in other bowls (such as buttons and small craft items) that can serve as the ice cream “toppings.” BALLOON SPORTS You can also engage your child’s hand-eye coordination skills with a fun game of balloon tennis or volleyball. To start, simply blow up a few balloons of different sizes. Then find a chair or other items around your house that can double as a “net” between you and your child. The fun comes in batting the “ball” (a balloon) back and forth across the net. When your child bats the balloon to your side and you hit it back without it passing back over the net, the point goes to your child, just like in real tennis or volleyball. You can keep score if you’d like.
You can also make up your own rules, like players can hit the balloon two times before returning it to the player on the other side of the net. Or, if you want to really challenge your hand-eye coordination, you can use two balloons and try to keep both in play at the same time. At the end of the day, with fun activities like these, you can engage your child’s imagination with a true brand of homemade fun!
They’ll have fun scooping up the flavors you want from each bowl into a plastic cup. You can even
CREATE A SHARED CALENDAR. A shared calendar is valuable for coordinating schedules, activities, and visitation plans. This digital or physical calendar should include school events, medical appointments, and any other relevant information each parent should know about. With a shared calendar, both parents can stay organized and transparent. BE FLEXIBLE AND WILLING TO COMPROMISE. Flexibility is vital in co-parenting. Unexpected events or schedule changes often arise, and being willing to compromise ensures both parents can adapt to the needs of the children. A flexible approach also encourages a cooperative and amicable co-parenting relationship. RESPECT BOUNDARIES. Always respect each other’s boundaries and personal space to keep things civil. Avoid unnecessary confrontations and communicate with a focus on your children rather than rehashing past grudges. Setting clear boundaries helps create a respectful co-parenting dynamic.
USE NEUTRAL LANGUAGE. When communicating, choose neutral and non- confrontational language. Avoid blame and accusations, focusing instead on factual information and the children’s needs. While it might be difficult, especially if your relationship was more explosive, neutral language enables a more constructive and less emotionally charged atmosphere, which is crucial for your children. SEEK PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT. Co-parenting can be challenging, and seeking professional support, such as family mediation or counseling, can provide a neutral space for conflict resolution and communication improvement. A trained professional can offer guidance and strategies to enhance co-parenting dynamics. Effective communication is essential for successful co-parenting after a divorce. Embracing these tips fosters a cooperative and supportive environment that benefits everyone involved. If you ever have any questions about co-parenting and visitation, call our team at (901)388-5805 .
Divorce often marks the end of a relationship, but for many couples, it also signals the beginning of a new chapter in co-parenting. Successful co- parenting relies entirely on effective communication and collaborative decision-making. As you enter this new phase, follow these fundamental tips to foster healthy communication and navigate the complexities of working together after a divorce. PRIORITIZE THE CHILDREN’S WELL-BEING. Always keep the focus on what’s best for the children. While it might be difficult initially, you must set aside personal differences and emotions during discussions about the children’s needs, education, and extracurricular activities. Prioritizing the children’s well-being creates a cooperative environment that promotes positive co-parenting.
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Ready to Move On? Legal Requirements for Parental Relocation in Tennessee A divorce can mean signficant life changes, including potential relocations to new cities or states. If you’re considering moving with your children after a divorce, you must be fully aware of potential roadblocks standing in your way and understand that relocation is not guaranteed. No matter the parenting time schedules, you cannot move away with your children without providing notice to your co-parent and strict compliance with the Tennessee Parental Relocation statute. Before you start packing your bags, here’s everything you need to know. WHAT DOES THE TENNESSEE PARENT RELOCATION STATUTE SAY? Also known as T.C.A. § 36-6-108, the Tennessee Parent Relocation Statute provides that any parent planning to relocate their minor child more than 50 miles away or out of state must provide the other parent written notice via certified or registered mail of the intent to relocate no less than sixty (60) days prior to the anticipated relocation date. If you, as the custodial parent, plan on moving less than 50 miles away within Tennessee, then no authorization is required.
Baked Salmon With Garlic and Lemon
Prepare to tantalize your taste buds with a zesty dish that combines salmon with the vibrant flavors of garlic and lemon!
INGREDIENTS • 2 lbs salmon fillets
• 1 tsp dried oregano
• 4 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 tsp dried thyme
According to § 36-6-108, for those wishing to relocate, your written notice must include the following:
• Juice of 2 lemons
• Salt and pepper, to taste
• “Statement of intent to move; • Location of proposed new residence; • Reasons for proposed relocation; and
• 2 tbsp olive oil
DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 375 F.
• Statement that absent agreement between the parents or an objection by the non-relocating parent within thirty (30) days of the date notice is sent by registered or certified mail in accordance with subsection (a), the relocating parent will be permitted to do so by law.” The final part confirms that the relocating parent is free to move with the children if the other parent does not mail in an objection to the court within 30 days of receiving the notice. As set forth above, notice from the moving parent must be delivered by certified registered mail at least 60 days before the date of the suggested move. WHAT IF THE OTHER PARENT OBJECTS? Suppose a parent objects to the relocation and promptly objects to the relocation and files an objection in court. In that case, the court will evaluate numerous factors to decide whether or not relocation is in the child’s best interest. A court case may follow, so you must have an experienced family attorney to help present your relocation case to the
2. Line a baking dish with parchment paper. Place the salmon fillets on the baking dish. 3. In a small bowl, mix together the garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, oregano, thyme, salt, and pepper. Pour the mixture over the salmon. 4. Bake for 15–20 minutes or until the salmon is cooked through. Serve and enjoy! INSPIRATION “The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.” —Josiyah Martin
judge. Conversely, if you are served with a notice of parental relocation, you must take prompt action in the event you object to the relocation. If you need legal guidance regarding relocation or any family law matter, call our team at 901-388-5805 to schedule a consultation today. We’ll help you fight for what’s best for you and your child.
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2820 Summer Oaks Drive Bartlett, TN 38134 901-388-5805
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1 How to Separate Fact From Fiction in Family Law 2 Engage Kids in Creative Play Without Electronics Essential Tips for Co-Parenting Communication 3 Everything You Need to Know About Parental Relocation Baked Salmon With Garlic and Lemon 4 Innovative Ideas to Cut Your Vacation Costs Inside This Issue
5 Proven Strategies for Cost-Effective Travel
LOOK FOR DISCOUNTS AND OFFERS. Keep an eye out for discounts, offers, and coupons that can help you save money on activities, dining, and shopping. Websites like Groupon and LivingSocial offer various deals that could be useful during your trip. These websites often provide discounted tickets to attractions, cheaper dining options, and even discounted rates for experiences like spa treatments or outdoor activities. TRAVEL DURING OFF-PEAK SEASONS. Traveling during off-peak seasons will save you money on flights, hotels, and activities. You also benefit from less crowded destinations and shorter queues for popular tourist attractions. This is a win- win for travelers seeking a budget-friendly and less-crowded travel experience. USE LOCAL GROCERY STORES AND PACK SNACKS. Another way to save money while you travel is by shopping at local grocery stores for snacks and
Traveling can be an enriching and fulfilling experience, but it can also be costly. Many people dream of exploring new destinations, but financial constraints can be limiting. Fortunately, we’re here to share five practical tips to help you save money while enjoying your trip. PLAN AND BUDGET AHEAD. One of the most effective ways to save money is by planning and budgeting your trip in advance. Create a comprehensive budget that includes airfare, accommodation, food, transportation, and activities. Having a budget lets you track your expenses and helps you avoid overspending. You can also take advantage of early bird rates for flights and hotels. CANCEL UNNECESSARY SUBSCRIPTIONS. Before you travel, review your monthly subscriptions like gym memberships, streaming services, or magazines you won’t use while you’re away. Temporarily canceling these subscriptions can free up extra cash for your travel fund.
meals rather than eating out for every meal. This gives you a taste of local businesses and culture. Packing snacks can also help you avoid buying overpriced food at airports or touristy areas. By implementing these tips into your travel planning and experience, you can stretch your dollar further without compromising the quality of your trip. Happy traveling!
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