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PROJECT ZERO The Vankleek Hill Fire Department was approved for aid from Enbridge Natural Gas Distribution, for a Project Zero campaign this year for home fire safety. The department will receive 120 combination smoke/carbon monoxide detectors for distribution during 2018. – Gregg Chamberlain ENQUÊTE SUR UN INCENDIE SUSPECT Le détachement de Hawkesbury de la Police provinciale de l’Ontario enquête sur un incendie suspect survenu le mercredi 20 juin 2018, vers 2 h 30, à l’arrière d’une résidence de la rue Dufferin à Hawkesbury. Les articles à l’extérieur de la résidence ont été incendiés intentionnellement. La PPO est intéressée à parler à des témoins qui auraient observé des activités suspectes. Toute personne ayant de l’information est priée de communiquer avec l’Unité des crimes au 613-632- 2729 ou au 1-888-310-1122. — Michel Lamy FÊTE DU CANADA À L’ORIGNAL ! Il y aura du plaisir pour tous lors de la célébration de la fête du Canada le 1 er juillet à L’Orignal. Les festivités commenceront vers midi et se termineront par des feux d’artifice à 22 h 15. Clown Frisotine, maquillage, sculpture de ballons, atelier de tatouage, jeux de groupe, course dans la boue avec les pompiers et Frisotine, structures gonflables, barbecue, concours, course à obstacles pour enfants et spectacles attendent les participants. DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG Homeowners need to check what’s un- derground before digging for any home renovation or landscaping projects. The L’Orignal Fire Department responded to a recent call about a broken natural gas line. Now Champlain Township admin- istration is looking into whether the municipality can bill the property owner for all or part of the fire department’s expense time. Enbridge Natural Gas Distribution may also charge for the cost of repairing the broken line. – Gregg Chamberlain PETITE AVENTURE DESJARDINS À VÉLO Ça roulera comme jamais dans Prescott et Russell, alors que plus de 1700 cyclistes participeront à la Petite Aven- ture Desjardins 2018, du 30 juin au 2 juillet. Inscription vendredi entre 7 h et 10 h. Pendant trois jours, ils parcourront entre 118 km et 289 km, selon les parcours qu’ils choisiront. Le point de départ et de retour se fera à Vankleek Hill. Tourisme Prescott-Russell invite commerçants et citoyens à accueillir les cyclistes.– Michel Lamy

La demande de matériaux recyclables diminue sur le marché mondial, ce qui complique le fonctionnement de certains programmes locaux de recyclage, comme celui de Recycle Action pour la collecte de plastique agricole usagé. —photo archives


Recycle Action’s various recycling collection programs, including the one dealing with collection of farm plastic used to protect hay bales from the weather. “There’s absolutely no market for it, none whatsoever,” said Barton regarding farm plastic. The report noted that Recycle Action has begun stockpiling the farm plastic and other materials it collects in anticipation of new markets for these recycled materials opening up. So far there are 75 tonnes of materials in storage and Recycle Action has on-site storage capacity for 200 tonnes under its Ministry of Environment certification. The drop in demand from China for re- cycled materials has caused market prices to

8&&,&/%$-0463& '03)*()8": Municipalities still face demands from the province to reduce the amount of garbage going into their landfills. The province also continues to encourage recycling through its public ad campaigns. A weekend closure is planned later in the summer for part of Highway 34 for a culvert replacement project. Champlain Township council voted ap- proval for the second of two options from 385PNMJOTPO-UE GPSSFQMBDFNFOUPGB large drainage culvert located on the south side of the Highway 34 overpass, in the neighbourhood of Splendron Farms. Public 8PSLT%JSFDUPS+BNFT.D.BIPOFYQMBJOFE the options during the June 19 council session. The first option would mean partial traffic closures scheduled for that portion of the IJHIXBZPWFSBOFYUFOEFEQFSJPEPGUJNF  while the contractor set up a modular bridge to allow replacement of the culvert. The tumble with the value of cardboard dropping from a high of $200 to $118 per tonne, and the value of hard-pack paper from $130 per tonne to $36 per tonne. Other recyclable materials are also dropping in value, though the seriousness of the decline varies. GREGG CHAMBERLAIN

The state of the world market for recycled materials now has Mayor Gary Barton of Champlain Township concerned. “Recycling is a bit of an issue right now,” Barton said during the June 19 township council session. Both the mayor and council were reviewing the May summary reports from the Joint Recycling Committee, which includes representation from Champlain and East Hawkesbury Townships and the Town of Hawkesbury. The report included an update on


Une partie de l’autoroute 34 sera fermée à la circulation pendant tout un weekend, plus tard cet été, pour permettre le remplacement d’un grand ponceau de drainage

second option calls for complete closure of that part of the highway for about 57 hours, to allow crews to work through the day and night to replace the culvert. The full closure option would be sched- uled for a weekend, from 8 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday. A specific weekend period for the road closure and culvert replacement has not been determined yet. Both council and the contractor agreed that the second option would be the fastest way to replace the culvert with the least amount of traffic disruption for the public.

Le Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien (CSDCEO) accueillera l’an prochain, à Cornwall, le 21e congrès de l’Association franco-ontarienne des conseils scolaires catholiques (AFOCSC). En annonçant la nouvelle, le 29 mai dernier lors de la réunion du CSDCEO, le président de l’institution, François Bazinet, a présenté aux membres la rame qui fait le tour des conseils devant organiser l’événement. Il a souligné qu’il s’agissait d’une première pour son conseil. Notons que le dernier congrès de l’AFOCSC s’est tenu en mai, à Sudbury, et a renouvelé à sa tête Jean Lemay, conseiller scolaire au CSDCEO. —photo Frédéric Hountondji

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