L-R: Host of the Golf Day, Niall Evans from Gyproc/Isover, with John Kirker, SCS Supplies, David Orr from Charles Tennant and Gordon McAvoy, NI Builder.
Saint-Gobain tees up a fun golf day A successful Saint-Gobain golf day was held at Malone Golf Club in Belfast on August 22, attended by representatives of builders’ merchants and specialist distributors from across Northern Ireland. Hosted by Saint-Gobain Gyproc and Saint-Gobain Isover for more than 40 years, the popular annual event offers an opportunity for the designer, manufacturer and distributor of construction materials and services to catch up with its key customers.
L-R: Conor Kelly, Paul Carroll, Bernie O’Hare and Ronan Kelly from Point Building Supplies.
L-R: James O’Hagan from B.J. Mullan with Colm McCann, Scot McNeilly and Brent Steele, all from Charles Tennant, Belfast.
L-R: Pat McGeown, ex-JP Corry with John Shilliday, Shillidays Castlewellan, and Johnny Toal from host of the Golf Day Isover/Gyproc.
L-R: Pete Duffy, Dennis Boyle, John Bonnar and Charles McBride from The Cope Builders Providers, Dungloe.
L-R: Shane Milligan, Chris Liggett and Max Wilson from Murdock Group with Ian McClelland from MacBlair.
“The popular annual event offers an opportunity to catch up with key customers.”
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