King's Business - 1957-02

teach liberal arts courses in Phoenix schools. The new ruling based on a “belief that education majors don’t know as much as their students,” requires a p p l i c a n t s to hold a Master’s or Doctor’s degree from a liberal arts college. Inexpensive Books for Asia Asian students will soon be able to buy leading textbooks originally published by McGraw-Hill under an arrangement with a Japanese printing and publishing house, the price being about half that of the U.S. editions. Printing will be done in Japan in collaboration with Kogakusha of Tokyo. The new venture by the U.S. textbook pub­ lishing house is in response to de­ mand from professors and faculty members in many Asian countries. There is said to be keen interest in the scheme especially in Japan, the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Indo­ nesia, Thailand, Ceylon and Burma. Under the arrangement, the low- priced books can be sold only in Asia. The first volume to appear will he Professor Paul A. Samuel- son’s Econom ics: An Introductory Analysis. What better bulwark against the spread of communism in the Far East could be built than to blanket these countries with the American system of democracy and our economic system? This will be a g r e a t a i d i n counteracting Russia’s attempt to cover the same areas with their very inexpensive volumes propagating their own doc­ trines. New Record for Church Giving Americans gave more to their churches last year than ever before in history. Contributions totaling $1,842,- 592,260 — an over-all increase of 11 percent above the previous year — have been reported for 1955 by 48 Protestant and two Eastern Orthodox church bodies. The 1955 figure, representing the giving of more than 48,800,000 church members, is a per capita increase of 8 percent — from $49.96 in 1954 to a new all-time high of $53.94 according to an announce­ ment by Rev. T. K. Thompson, executive director of the Depart­ ment of Stewardship and Benevo­ lence of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.


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