King's Business - 1957-02

their names. 5. The Celtic-Anglo-Saxons are Israel, the chosen people of 'God. The British Isle inhabitants are descendants among others, from the tribes of Saxons (Isaac’s sons), the Danes of Dan, the Jutes of Judah, the Fresians, the Piets, and the Scots, and Normans of Benjamin. 6. 'Brith’ in Hebrew means 'covenant’; therefore, we have Britain, 'covenant law,’ British the 'covenant man,’ Brittania 'cove­ nant ships.’ 'Brittania rules the waves,’ controlling the Eng­ lish Channel, Gibraltar, Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, the Suez Canal, Malta, Aden, and other gates and stations. America controls practically all of the remaining gates. This, all in fulfillment of Genesis 22 :17 : '. . . thy [Abraham’s] seed shall possess the gate of his enemies’ (read Isa. 14 :1 -8 ). The Anglo-Saxons are 'Christianized Israel’ and are ful­ filling Isaiah 49 :6 '. . . I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.’ The Church is the priesthood of the nation. In 1776 A.D. the Lord divided Israel into two nations, so that God’s promises to both Ephraim and Manasseh might be realized. "7 . When General Allenby, the British soldier, drove the Turks out of Palestine and took possession of that land, the British were the children of Israel from the North and all the lands were returned to the land given to their fathers by God, in fulfillment of Jeremiah 2 3 :7 ,8 . During the centuries before this return of Israel (the Anglo-Saxons) to Palestine, God has fulfilled Ezekiel 20:33-35, bringing scat­ tered Israel with a mighty hand out of countries into the wilderness (Great Britain) and the wilderness was to blos­ som like a rose, and be the place prepared of God where Israel should be nourished. And there Israel was to fulfill Deuteronomy 32:13, and be the lion lifting himself up with the strength of the unicorn— as a great lion (Num. 23:24; 2 4 :9 ). "8 . In this latter day the New Covenant is first for the Anglo-Saxon Israelites. As under the Old Covenant, stran­ gers and sojourners can become Israelites, members of the kingdom nation (Britain) and partaker of its benefits. These partakers are grafted into the Israel stock for kingdom benefits. Every Anglo-Saxon who complies with the law is recovenanted to God. The law has not been set aside, only the form of circumcision. The punishment of those refusing to comply with this law shall be destruction. The present failure of Anglo-Saxons and Americans to recognize Great Britain as the kingdom of Israel is responsible for the pres­ ent misery and suffering in the two lands. Israel’s time of punishment, foretold in Daniel 4:23, 32, 'seven times’ has expired. 'Seven times’ was a period of 360 weeks or 2520 years. Adding 2520 years to the time of Judah’s captivity, about 600 B.C., we come to about 1920 A.D. One of the chief speakers for the Anglo-Israelites declares the Lord will come for His Church September 16th of the year 1936. 9. Only Spirit-filled Christians will be saved from the great time of trouble. The rest of the Church and all Israel (Britons) will survive until Jesus’ feet stand on the Mount of Olives to save His people from destruction, in fulfill­ ment of Zechariah 14:1-3 (Howard B. Rand). The wise virgins of Matthew 25 are the Spirit-filled Church members who will be raptured. These will know in advance the arrival of the day of their removal. This will include only a few. "10. (Rev. Wm. P. Goard.) The throne of David has come down to Great Britain through a clear line of descent and therefore the fulfillment of God’s promise that David’s

ANGLO-ISRAELISM continued land. How a trip across the Atlantic changed them from Ephraim to Manasseh is another point which has not been made clear by the Anglo-Israelites. However, they are posi­ tive that the people of England and the United States are the lost ten tribes of Israel and are heirs of the promises which God made in His covenant with Abraham. Anglo-Israelites and Jews The question naturally rises, if England and the United States are to be identified as the ten tribes, who are the Jews and what is to be their destiny? The Jews, according to these Anglo-Israelites, are the descendants of Judah, and since this was the only tribe in the land of Palestine during the earthly ministry of Christ, they alone are responsible for His crucifixion, and as a result, the curse of God rests upon them. Anglo-Israelism applies all the promises to Israel to the British nation, but strangely enough, they have left all the curses for disobedience to the Jews, the descendants of Judah. To be consistent, at least, they could pass on the bad as well as the good to the British. But consistency is not a characteristic of this system. A fter making a recent trip through Canada, which gave me an opportunity to talk to many Anglo- Israelites, I have come to the conclusion that this whole system is a delusion of Satan, a denial of the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ, a presentation of a false Messiah, which leads people to rest upon their nation­ al connection for salvation rather than upon the finished re­ demptive work of Christ. This system like Christian Science, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism and other cults is a sign of the days in which we are living. I have been reading the magazine B iblical Truth fo r Bereans and have found therein the following tenets of Anglo-Israelism sent from the "Anglo-Saxon Federation of America,” Haverhill, Mass.: "1. The Bible does not state or infer that the Jews are God’s chosen people. Judah and Israel are entirely distinct and separate entities (2 Chr. 1 1 ). 2. The Bible made these prophecies and recorded these facts concerning Israel and the Jews. Israel was to find an island home and be moved no more. The Jews were to be strangers in all lands. Israel was to constitute a kingdom but the Jews were never to be a nation until reunited with Israel. Jews were to remain under the law and Old Covenant, whereas Israel was to be a Christian people. 3. Israel had nothing to do with the crucifixion of our Lord, not being in the land, except Ben­ jamin, who accepted Him. "4 . ’Ephraim’ is England and 'Manasseh’ represents the United States. Manasseh was the 13th tribe, and that ac­ counts for the discovery of America on October 13, 1492 and the following 'thirteens’ in American history: Thirteen colonies; 13 bars and 13 stars (flag); 13 letters in ’E Pluribus Unum’ and 13 feathers, 13 olives, and 13 arrows on American coins. First American navy, 13 ships; corner­ stone of White House laid October 13, 1792. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. General Pershing born September 13, I860 and arrived in France for participation in the World War June 13, 1917. The first letter in Manas­ seh is the 13th, both in English and Hebrew languages. Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis each had 13 letters in



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