King's Business - 1957-02

throne would endure forever. Great Britain and America, Ephraim and Manasseh (who are to render willing obedi­ ence) are preparing the way for the coming of the King. The house of David, removed from Jerusalem in the days of Nebuchadnezzar, was brought to Ireland by Jeremiah the prophet in the person of Tamar Tephi, thus establishing the present line of descent. The ten tribes came from Assyria to Europe, thence to the British Isles to be joined to the house of David; God’s Jehovah throne was estab­ lished in the midst of His kingdom, modern Israel or Britain. An ancient king of Ireland was married to a Jewish prin­ cess from the East and their coronation was on Jacob’s stone and the royal house of Britain descended from that union. T he present King of England, Edward Albert Chris­ tian George Andrew Patrick David, is the prince descended from King David, the 100th generation from BCing David, born 1076 B.C. His name was at the suggestion of the Marchioness of Waterford, for said she, 'I believe he will be David your prince foretold by the prophet, under whom we shall repossess the holy land.’ The royal mother replied, 'Baby is called David.’ The present King David is on the throne and Ezekiel 37:24 is fulfilled. "11. According to Daniel 2:44, 45, a stone is to come from heaven, smite all other kingdoms, become a mountain

of Egypt. This stone in Egypt is the altar of Isaiah 19:19, 20, God’s witness. The little stone now occupies the chief seat in the kingdom, the coronation chair at Westminster Abbey. The kings of the House of David have been crowned upon this stone. During the past 130 years the kingdom of Great Britain has expanded into the mountain and the emblematic big stone, the pyramid, is God’s witness to Great Britain’s claim. "The Anglo-Israelites decide much by the structure and measurements of the pyramid. They say 'When the time arrived for the Kingdom to grow into a mountain, God revealed a mountain of stone as a witness to the Kingdom people. Cutting the pyramid open from north to south, the diagram of the passages gives a chronological history of Israel and Judah.’ There is recorded that the transfer of the Kingdom activities was from Judah to Israel, because the Jews, and not Israel, crucified Christ. Even the very time of Britain’s ultimatum to Germany and the Anglo- Saxon’s entrance into the World War in 1914, is told in the pyramid measurements; midnight August 4, that was the beginning of Jacob’s trouble in fulfillment according to Jeremiah 30:7.” B ecause there is no historical and scriptural founda­ tion for these claims, Anglo-Israelism is forced to appeal to legends, traditions and folklore for evi­ dence to support the foregoing statements and to obtain sufficient basis for their theory. For instance, they claim that hundreds of years before Christ, Jeremiah and a daughter of Zedekiah sailed for Ireland where the girl married a member of the tribe of Dan, who was the king of Israel. In this way the present reigning house of Eng­ land was established. The legend also includes the amazing story that Jeremiah took with him to Ireland the stone on which Jacob slept at Bethel. This stone, they claim, had been carried by Jacob from place to place during his lifetime, and toward the end of his pilgrimage he bequeathed it to one of his sons. Finally, it was placed in Jeremiah’s hands and taken with him to Ireland. Later this stone was taken from Ireland to Scotland, and for centuries the kings of Scotland received their coronation while seated upon it. From Scotland it was taken to England and placed under the coronation chair, the chair on which all the kings of England have been crowned from the time of William the Conqueror to the present. In his book entitled T h e Destiny o f the British Empire and the United States o f America, Lieut. Col. W . G. Mack- endrick, D.S.O. of Toronto, an exponent of Anglo-Israelism, says of this chair and stone: "The British coronation chair built around Jacob’s stone which the Bible refers to as the throne of God (i.e., set up by God), establishes the throne of England and connects it with David’s throne.” O f course, for all this there is no scriptural or historical evidence; in fact, geologists have examined this stone under the coronation chair and have found that it is a red sand­ stone common to Scotland and entirely different in character from any stone forming the geological content of Bethel, or in fact, Palestine. Because there is no Scripture to support this fanciful story concerning Jeremiah and the ten tribes making their way toward Great Britain, Anglo-Israelism is compelled to resort to methods adopted by the Roman Catholic Church, appealing to the apochryphal books by quoting from Second C O N T IN U ED

Coming In April

Several evangelical Christian magazines have recently come out favorably for the Seventh-day Adventist system of religion. There are few people today who know this system of religion better than Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. For sev­ eral months Dr. Talbot has been work­ ing on a brand new series of articles answering this latest trend of events. Dr. Talbot’s first, thoroughly document­ ed article will appear in the April issue of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s .

and fill the whole earth. This Stone Kingdom is to stand forever. Israel is to stand forever (Jer. 3 1 :3 5 ,3 6 ). There­ fore, Great Britain is the Stone Kingdom, the forever Israel. To prove this, there are two emblematic stones, the little stone in Britain’s possession and the big stone, the pyramid



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