Hawaii’s all yon expected
and more!
Jointie 1957 CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE CRUISE with Dr. James T. Martin
of the Pacific combined with Christian fellow ship and Bible Study.
Highlights of Your Trip Bible study under three outstanding pastors and Bible scholars Seven Conference Sessions in three Honolulu Churches. V isits to M ission Stations. Daytime reserved for sightseeing. Five organized Island Tours. Leisurely living in Luxurious M oana Hotel on W a ik ik i Beach. H aw aiian Luau — N ative Feast — served by local church. O ptional tours to neighbor islands. Round trip cruise aboard palatial Luxury Liner SS Lurline 4 V 2 days in each direction. A ll First Class. Finest of Food. Or, 7 V i hours each way on Pan Am erican's new D C 7C "m id n ig h t to daw n" fast and com fortable carriers. Your Hosts Rev. and Mrs. Arvid F. Carlson of Pasadena's Mission Covenant Church. Dr. and Mrs. John G. Mitchell of Portland's Central Bible Church. Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Munger of Berkeley's First Presbyterian Church. MAIL COUPON TODAY —
'4 d a y - s*4 H a * a ,L ' *
SEE breathtaking beauty in an enchanted won derland. .;
for information regarding baggage, clothing, costs, and reservations.
Dr. James T. Martin Chevy Chase Baptist Church 1209 East Garfield Glendale 5, California
Please send complete details regarding the H aw aiian Christian Conference Cruise.
O PT ION A L ROUND TRIP BY AIR If your tim e is lim ited you can go v ia Pan Am erican Airw ays leaving Los Angeles, San Fran cisco, Portland or Seattle on Fri day, A ugust 9. Return August 26. This gives you 16 fu ll days in the Islands.
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