King's Business - 1957-02

Out ofthe Lab

3 UP-TO-DATE BOOKS ON PROPHECY KEPT FROM TH E HOUR A System atic Study o f the Rapture in Bible Prophecy By Gerald B. Stanton Prim arily a Biblical

and theological defense o f pretribulationism , this book is complete, well documented and author­ itative. Today, with the fear o f the atom ic ca­ tastrophe hanging just over our heads, there is greatly increased interest in prophecy. The Preacher's M aga­ zine has this to say: "H ere is a solid defense of the pre-tribulation view— the most compre­ hensive seen yet. The m id-tribulation and post­ tribulation v ie w s are honestly reviewed. A scholarly presentation of a momentous them e." $3.95

Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairm an, Dept, o f Science, Biola Bible College

Nature : science & M any attempts have been made and are being made today at correlat­ ing science with the biblical ref­ erences to nature. More often than not, these attempts fail for two rea­ sons: first, because it is not recognized that science and revelation have two different objectives in view, and sec­ ond, because science and the Bible speak different languages. The primary objective of science is the study of natural things. All of nature comes under the scrutiny of the scientist. His goal is to describe nature in understandable terms and to formulate the laws controlling its operation, while the Bible, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with spiritual matters. Through it man learns of God, is instructed in righteous living and is informed of God’s plan of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. However, just because the Bible is primarily concerned with spiritual things does not mean that it totally ignores nature. Quite the contrary is true. In order for the Bible to be an adequate revelation from God, it is necessary to make some reference to nature, for after all, man is sur­ rounded by natural things. In fact, to the average man this part of his environment is more real than the spiritual. Thus God included within the Bible sufficient information about nature so that man could correctly orient himself to it. Through the Scriptures, God reveals to man that He is the Creator of all iiature and that it is by His power that all things exist. In revealing this the Bible does not portray nature as the scientist does, for it does not pretend to ex­ plain the inner operation of nature; it merely assumes that God and His power are sufficient explanation. As we mentioned above, language differences can also be a source of

bib lical viewpoints

misunderstanding. The language of the man in the street is not good enough for the scientist. He has had to coin all types of terms, very precise terms, that have meaning for other scientists but that are all too fre­ quently meaningless to the average man. The Bible, on the other hand, is not written for only the enlight­ ened few but also for the mass of humanity. As a result, it is written in the language of the masses jfoffia type of language that has meaning for everyone. Biblical language de­ scribes nature as it appears on the surface and it is not meant to be a scientific description of the principles and laws of nature. For example, we find the Bible referring to the sun setting and rising. This is the lan­ guage of the average man. Since the Bible was for such a man, one would expect this kind of language. How­ ever, such language is not anti-scien- tific, it is non-scientific. It is a lan ­ guage that even the scientist uses in his everyday life. Now since the Bible is not con­ cerned with the fundamental laws and processes of nature as the scien­ tist is, and since where it does touch on nature, it uses popular language rather than scientific, it becomes very difficult to correlate the two. Because of these differences, one is forced to interpret the Scripture’s descriptions of nature in the light of modem science. But since science at no time knows all there is to know about nature, such interpretations cannot be static things. They must be made with the understanding that new evidence from the scientist might necessitate re-evaluation of older interpretations of scriptural truth; not because the W o r d of God is n o t accurate but because it is a complete r e v e l a t i o n whereas the scientist’s information is only partial. END.

IS TH E RAPTURE NEXT? By Leon Wood The author and other faculty members of the Grand Rapids Baptist Theological Seminary and Bible Institute spent several months studying this problem. Here we have the results of their study. The Preacher's M agazine says o f this work, " A very fa ir and Scriptural treatm ent . . . The author holds to the pre-tribulation view but outlines the view o f the post-tribulationists." Cloth, $2.00; Paper, $1.25 ISRAE L— KEY TO PROPHECY By W illiam L. Hull ISRAEL TO D A Y THE COMM UNIST LINEUP THE FU R Y OF THE ANTI-CH RIST The informed Christian of today is interested in all these topics relating to prophecy. Only by having a right perspective of Jewish history can the Bible be appreciated in its entirety. Here is an up-to-date account of Israel's recent history, so much in the news today, and prob­ able future events in the light of Scriptural prophecy. Paper, $ 1.00 Zondervan Publications ORDER FROM YOUR BOOKSELLER S T O P S M O K I N G Banish The Craving For Tobacco! The easily applied method explained in "TH E SMO KING H A B IT " by Wodehouse w ill enable you to quickly and positive­ ly rid yourself of the Tobacco Habit. Read this book through. Y ou 'll enjoy it, and if you don't give up smoking, you get your money back and no questions asked. Postpaid only $ 1.00. NEW LIFE, Dept. KB-26, Rowan, Iowa The Church Press, printers of the King 's Business, have opening for man who can operate M iehle V ertical Press and also do a certain amount o f hand composition and linotype makeup. Twelve employees a t present. 40-hour week, two-week vacation after one year. Located in city of Glendale, border­ ing Los Angeles, ten m iles from Bible Institute. N on -d rin ker, non-sm oker. Phone or w rite THE CHURCH PRESS 3900 San Fernando Road, Glendale 4, Calif. Los Angeles phone: CHapm an 5-2464 CHRISTIAN PRINTER W A N T E D

Faith that is sure o f itself is not faith ; faith that is sure o f God. is the on ly faith there is. — Oswald Chambers



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