King's Business - 1957-02

toward him and said, “I want to talk to you.” “Maybe so,” he said, “but I don’t want to talk to you. What’s more I don’t ever want to see you again so you’d better be on your way out of town while you’re still able to go.” No doubt he expected to scare me into running but he was very much out of luck. “I ’m sorry you feel that way about it but I still want to talk to you privately, and in your office,” I said calmly. All this time I was walking slowly toward him. He pulled out his gun and said, “You don’t seem to understand ordi­ nary talk so maybe you’ll under­ stand if I let my .45 do the talking.” The place took on a deadly si­ lence. I had no fear however. I kept moving toward him as if someone was leading me by the hand. It was a feeling of assurance that all would turn out well. My eyes met his and I could tell he was weakening and so I became bolder. I did what to everyone in the place was absolutely foolish and ordinarily would have meant sui­ cide. I stepped up to Fancy Frank and quietly took hold of his gun and removed it from his hand. This was unheard of, and as far as these men were concerned, unbelievable. They didn’t understand, but I did. God had taken hold of the situation. “Fancy Frank!” I spoke out firm­ ly but calmly and loud enough for everyone to hear. “You, your gang, and the devil have had things here in White Horse your way long enough. It’s high time that God, the decent people of this town and the ranchers took over. So, it’s you and not me who’s going to leave. Fur­ thermore, from now on there’ll be no more need for the likes of your men here either, so they better go too. The sooner you all do that, the better for all concerned. I’ll be back tomorrow to check with you and find out what you decided to do.” Soon as my speech was over I walked out. Although during the time I was talking no one made a move, soon as I was out they all began to try to get in on the con­ versation. “Why didn’t someone slug him?” Fancy Frank said an­ grily, looking from one of his men to the other. “Why didn’t you?” A1 answered. “I don’t know, I just couldn’t.”

a pressure I can’t explain and it’s getting worse. We have to get rid of him and right away before he causes some kind of trouble. We have enough of that without him adding any more,” Fancy Frank; said. “All right, boss, we’ll take care of him,” A1 Ruffman said with a cold chill in his voice. When the sheriff and I got into White Horse, he went over to his office and I responded to a feeling I had to go over to Fancy Frank’s place and have a talk with him. So I tied my horse to the rail out in front and went inside. There were a couple of men at the bar drinking and some were seated at a table in one comer of the big room. Just then the door to Fancy Frank’s office opened and out came several men. What a hard looking bunch they were. Apparently they had just finished having that special meeting with their boss and they all looked like they had had a real bad night. When they saw me, they stopped for a moment and some low talking took place. It didn’t look good and I was suspicious. Then they went over to the bar and ordered drinks. I took courage and walked toward them asking if they could tell me where I could find Fancy Frank. “Sure,” A1 Ruffman spoke up gruff­ ly, looking at me with a sneer on his ugly face. “But you better be on your way to some place where he can’t find you.” All of them l a u g h e d at that remark. I was in a tough spot. I could feel the tenseness like a heavy blanket. A1 spoke in a whis­ per to one of the men and he eased away from the group as he made for the door through which they had so recently come. I wished the sheriff had come with me for I felt sort of cornered. Then I re­ called the all night prayer meeting. Seemed like someone whispered in my ear, “Fear not, for I am with thee.” Suddenly all fear left me and it was as if the Lord was standing right by my side. • T he door through which the man had disappeared opened. Out came Fancy Frank and the man was right behind him. He looked at me and I could see hatred spread all over his rather pale face. He stood there defiantly. I started slowly



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