King's Business - 1957-02

out a pastor. So there was no preaching but we got out the old hymn books, one of the women played the organ and we sang a few hymns of praise. Then at the suggestion of various folks, certain parts of Scripture were read, includ­ ing the 23rd Psalm. There was much prayer of thanksgiving. Be­ fore we dismissed, it was decided that an attempt would be made to get a preacher to come to White Horse as soon as possible. And until one did come, they’d continue to meet in the church every Sunday without one. Well, since things had returned back to what m i g h t be c a l l e d normal, I felt I should move on. My job in White Horse had been done. So I told the folks I would continue to pray for them and ask God to help them all to try to live His way. Their words of thanks to me and their promise to pray for me were still ringing in my ears like sweet music as Deerfoot and I headed on north, reluctantly turn­ ing our backs on all those wonderful people. And now it’s time once again for me to turn my back on all of you wonderful boys and girls. I sure don’t like to do it, but I expect to be back before long to meet with you at our story Round-Up. So, bye for now, and may -God bless you all lots and long, now and always. Be sure to be good, real good, until we meet again. END.

Frank’s first and so sneaked away from the rest of the bunch and went into the office the back way. Much to his surprise, on entering the place, he found Fancy Frank already putting all the money from the safe into a little black bag with the idea of getting away before anybody caught on. As you can imagine, a fight took place. Guns were drawn and Fancy Frank was killed and A1 was seri­ ously wound ed . T h e shooting brought in the other men, and when they saw what had been going on they started to scramble for their share. In the fight the lights were put out and more shoot­ ing took place. They were all reap­ ing what they had sown and the harvest was a sad one. Several were wounded but with the exception of A1 Ruffman, who had killed Fancy Frank, all got away. But Ruffman’s wound proved fatal and before the sheriff and I arrived on the scene, he was dead. So with Fancy Frank, his right- hand man, A1 Ruffman, dead, and all the rest of the men having left town White Horse became a peace­ ful place and the ranchers in that area were able to settle down to a life that was free from menacing marauders. N ext day was Sunday. So all the ranchers and their families came to town and we met in the little church which at the time was with­ eGiver sticks and roots. Their lodges are round at the top and are very well put together. Made out of sticks, grass and moss, they are plastered with mud. They build a sort of ramp from the water right into the “living room” of the lodge and up this they carry wood and bark for the winter. They are busy working day and night. Because ladies like the long shin­ ing chestnut-colored hair from the

Dept. No. 5

w rite name address in C.O. BARTISTA FI LMS WH E A T ON , I L L I N O I S , U. S. A.

For Your Friend see p a g e 5

O p in io n s a m o n g C h ristia n s d iffe r on th is v ita l subject. But w h a t re a lly is im p o rta n t is th a t a ll m en , Je w a n d G e n tile , need C hrist. o f The Friends of Israel M ission- a ry and Relief Society, Inc. are reaching the Children of Israel across the face of the earth w ith the message of salvation through their crucified Messiah. O ur team of consecrated w orkers preach Christ in m any languages and countries, in Am eri­ ca, Argentina, India, Israel and Europe. The love of our Lord is also m ade real in a tangible and personal w a y to those w ho suffer or are persecuted for His sake. Please join us in this Christlike and heart­ w arm ing m inistry o f the G ospel and Chris­ tian service. W e need your help urgently. Sample copy of ISRAEL MY GLORY, out­ standing missionary publication, sent free to all who love the Lord and His cause. & THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL M issio n a ry a n d R e lie f Society, Inc. Rev. V ictor Buksbozen, G eneral Secretary 728 K W itherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia 7, Pa. Canada: Rev. Bruce M illa r 1066 Avenu* Road, Toronto 12, O ntario Dear Friends of Israel: I am sen d in g enclosed fo r yo ur m inistry $ _____ N A M E_____________________________________________


backs of beavers and the soft wool that lies next to their skin for winter coats, the trappers are busy trying to capture these lively little animals. Sometimes the beavers keep only a day or two ahead of the hunter. But they are such expert swimmers and divers and can re­ main under water for so long that they give their enemies a lively chase and often outwit them alto­ gether. They carry branches and


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