King's Business - 1957-02

LAZY LITTLE BEAVER other burdens with their front feet, while using their back webbed feet and their rudder-like tails for swim­ ming. Well, you can tell from this de­ scription that the beaver deserves the title of being a very busy ani­ mal. But our story is about a lazy little beaver. His name was Biffy and he was really a disgrace to the beaver family. He did not like to work and he tried to get out of it every time he could. Biffy’s mother and father were in trouble because they had to move in a very short time. They had learned of the plans of the trap­ pers and a new location was the only solution. This had to be a wide, untidy-looking swamp for the sake of safety. They needed only a part of the swamp for their lodge so they had to build, in addition to a new home, a dam to enclose some of the water. They had decided to dismantle their old house and take some materials to the new lodge. They worked at night and you can imagine the activity that was going on! Swimming very rapidly, Biffy’s mother and father and sis­ ters and brothers carried sticks and stones and branches much larger than themselves. They were all told to take as much as possible and Biffy’s task was to carry sticks and mud. But the spoiled and lazy little Biffy did not want to do his share in this task. He liked to play water tag and to wrestle but when it came to doing anything useful and help- Pen Pals & Club News PEN PALS Irwin Bergere, 46 5 W . 125 St., N .Y ., N .Y .; 17; stamp collecting, history, swim­ m ing, reading, camping, witnessing. Judy Dresher, Star Routq;; Box 4 4 A A , Silverton, Ore.; 11; reading, sewing, cook­ ing. W ould like pen pal from A laska or U.S. Philip Hun Sang, P.O. Box 3 2 2 , Port Louis, M au ritiu s (an island southeast of Madagascar); 19; basketball, stamp col­ lecting, reading. Gayle Morrow, 1441 So. 11th St., L in ­ coln, Neb.; 10; horses, roller skating, swimm ing, reading. Vivian H. Nazarro, 4 Torres Bugallon

continued ful, even though it took no more energy than the games, he hated it. However, he could not figure out how he was going to get out of working this time when his family was in such a hurry to move. He didn’t want to get all tired out, but of course he didn’t stop to think that the others would be all worn out too. Laziness is just another form of selfishness. He was trying to think up ex­ cuses. “I can’t say I am sick for I ate too much for dinner for anyone to believe that,” he said to himself. “And I can’t say I don’t know how to swim underwater for my father knows better.” While he was lying on the bank thinking in this fashion the other beavers were plunging into the water, making hurried trips from one lodge to the other. Their old lodge was a sorry sight with the sticks ripped from the sides and holes everywhere. All at once Biffy had an idea! Why not crawl back into the part of the old lodge that remained and go to sleep? They wouldn’t look for him there, and you couldn’t be ex­ pected to work if you were sleep­ ing. This is just what he did. He found a part of the comer where he used to sleep and soon was fast asleep. The night was going rapidly by and Biffy’s family was hurrying to get as much done as possible before the sun came up and revealed their activities. They were so busy they didn’t miss Biffy, thinking he was doing his share of the work. But St., Lingayen, Pangasinan, Philippines; 9V4; reading. Terry Wetmore, Box 13, Steamboat, Nev.; 10 ; arithm etic, singing, swimming. A n y boys and girls interested in joining our pen pal club w rite Pen Pal Editor, The K in g 's Business, 55 8 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, C a lif. Include age and in­ terests. — ED. Know Your Bible Club The following boys and girls have read the Gospel of John and have asked one of their friends to read it also. They are now eligible to be members of the Know Your Bible

1. For one pen­ ny a day you can become one of the supporters of our Is­ abelle Orphanage at Pusan, Korea. 2 . If you wish to invest one penny a day for the little orphans of Korea, we w ill send you a bank mounted with beautiful wooden figure made by our teenage boys.

3 . " F o r w h e re your treasure is there w ill your heart be also" M att. 6:21. W rite to: The Korea Gospel Mission Inc. P. 0 . Box 291, Inglewood California



all obtainable at Berne Witness Co. Berne, Indiana


D EA F AFR ICANS "How Shall They Hear?”

The present-day, high-geared world evangelism programs of evangelistic meetings, radio min­ istry, literature campaigns, mu­ sical expressions, etc., are mar­ velous. But how shall the ne­ glected illiterate deaf of Africa hear our Gospel? They, too, need your prayers and help. For fur­ ther information, write to: CHRISTIAN MISSION FOR DEAF AFRICANS 11704 Griggs, Detroit 4, Michigan



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