King's Business - 1957-02

S tu dy Q u estion s on C h a p te rs 20 a n d 21


(C o n tin u e d ) 1. What is our Lord’s attitude toward giving and receiving? (20: 35.) 2. How is the love for Paul in the elders’ hearts evidenced? (vv. 36-38.) 3. Trace the further journey on a map of the area involved. Perhaps you have maps in the back of your B ible; if not, use a Bible dictionary or Bible atlas (21:1-3). 4. Again what was the first thing Paul did upon landing? (v. 4.) 5. Do you think the Holy Spirit was forbidding Paul to go to Jerusa­ lem or simply instructing him regard­ ing his future there? (v. 4.) S tu d y Q u estion s on C h a p te r 21 (C o n tin u ed ) 1. Follow the journey as indicated in verses 6-8. 2. What further forewarning did Paul receive concerning his coming treatment in the Holy City? (w . 10, 11 .) 3. What request did Paul’s friends make of him in light of the prophet’s warning? (v. 12.) 4. Was Paul being stubborn in his persistence in going to Jerusalem, or do you think he had the mind of God and knew his visit to that place to be the w ill of God? (v. 13; note v. 14.) 5. How did the Jerusalem Chris­ tians receive the apostle and his com­ pany? (v. 17.) S tu d y Q u estion s on C h a p te r 21 (C o n tin u ed ) 1. How did the news of God’s work among the Gentiles affect the church leaders in Jerusalem? (w . 18- 20 .) 2. What rumor had been circulat­ ing about with regard to Paul’s teach­ ing to the Jews? (w . 20, 21.) 3. What effect did this rumor have on the great crowd of believing Jews gathered in Jerusalem? (v. 22.) 4. Did Paul actually teach Jew ish believers to forsake Moses? (cf. 15:1- 35.) 5. What suggestion did James make to Paul to help dissipate this rumor in the city? (vv. 23-25.) S tu d y Q u estion s on C h a p te r 21 (C o n tin u e d ) 1. Was Paul w illing to do this?

Outline helps and. questions for personal and group study

Searching the Scriptures

b y C h e s t e r J. P a d g e t t

Acts (continued)

2. What commendation does Paul make in verse 32? 3. Why does the apostle give such pre-eminence to the Word? (v. 32.) 4. Was Paul’s motive in preaching the making of money? (v. 33.) 5. How was the pureness of his motive proved? (w . 34, 35.)

S tu d y Q u estion s on C h a p te r 20 (C o n tin u ed ) 1. If we would follow the apostle’s example in preaching and pastoring, must there be an element of warning in our message? Must we call God’s people to watchfulness? (v. 31.)

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