King's Business - 1957-02

(v. 26.) Do you think Paul was in­ consistent with himself and his mes­ sage in this action? It is my judgment that he was not but that he was doing the right thing, even though the plan did not accomplish its purpose. 2. Who was it caused the riot that nearly took the apostle’s life? (v. 27.) Note that these Jews were not believ­ ing Jews or even Judaizers but Jews who hated Christ, the gospel and Paul. 3. Was the charge that these Jews leveled against Paul true? (vv. 28, 29.) 4. How was the life of the apostle spared? (vv. 31, 32.) 5. What mistake had the chief captain made with regard to Paul’s identity? (v. 38.) ( C o n tin u ed ) 1. What request did Paul make of the captain? (vv. 39, 40.) 2. What fact gave Paul the ear of the crowd? (22:2.) 3. For what four-fold purpose did God apprehend Paul? (vv. 14, 15.) 4. What statement was it that in ­ furiated the mob against the apostle? (vv. 20, 21.) 5. What past event had made a pro­ found impression on Paul’s mind and heart and may have contributed to his conversion? (v. 20.) (C o n tin u ed ) 1. What did the Jews want to do to Paul when he mentioned the Gen­ tiles? (22:22.) 2. How did Paul escape scourging? (vv. 24-29.) How was scourging car­ ried on in Paul’s day? Look up the answer in your Bible dictionary. 3. What action did the chief cap­ tain take to ascertain the charge brought against Paul by the Jews? (v. 30.) 4. W h a t w o n d e r f u l statement could Paul make before the Jewish council? (23:1.) 5. How did Paul cleverly divide the council against itself? (vv. 6-10.) (T o b e con tinu ed n ext m on th .) S tu d y Q u estion s on C h a p te rs 21 a n d 22 S tu d y Q u estion s on C h a p te rs 2 2 a n d 23

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