King's Business - 1957-02

Feb. 24, 1957 K i n g a n d P e o p l e

OBJECTS: The circle and triangles used in the last two lessons, another triangle the same size, mounted on flannel, on which the word “King” is printed, and a red paper cross 16 inches high by 13 inches wide. (On one side of the cross print “Priest, Prophet and King.”) LESSON: Before we bring today’s les­ son we w ill put the circle and tri­ angles from the last two lessons on

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the board. The center triangle repre­ sents God and the other two triangles illustrate how God sought to reach His people. We have a new triangle this morn­ ing with the word “King” on it and we shall place it with the others. (The four triangles together make one large triangle with the three points touching the circle.) God knew that Israel wanted a king like other nations. Knowing that it would be better for Him to choose their king than for them to choose one, the Lord sent Samuel to anoint Saul, the son of Kish as king. If we were to tell you the whole story of King Saul’s life, it would be very sad, for while he started out as a humble young man, he died a very proud and sinful king. However, some of Israel’s kings were good rul­ ers and through them God was able to reach the nation. Because of the sinfulness of the people as well as that of their kings, the rule of kings in Israel did not accomplish a ll that God desired. As we have studied these lessons, we have noticed that, due to sin, none of these three methods of reaching Israel was entirely satisfactory. It was, therefore, necessary for the Lord Jesus Christ to come into the world and to die on the cross. We will place this red cross, representing Him, over the triangle. As we turn the cross over, we see what Christ is now, to all who be­ lieve in Him as Saviour, and what He w ill be to the nation of Israel when He returns to rule and reign on the earth — Prophet, Priest and King. END.

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