King's Business - 1957-02

Glassijjied Qdoelt isements

Study Bi b l e at Home

10 CENTS PER WORD — M IN IM U M $1.00 Effective with the May 1957 issue the rates will be 15c a word, minimum $3.00. Bibles and Books cilities and extensive experience over twenty- five years. A uthor's Research Bureau, 137 Cot­ tage Street, Jersey C ity 6, New Jersey.

Christian leaders like Charles E. Fuller, Irwin Moon, Percy Crawford are graduates of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles (BIOLA). Now by Corre­ spondence you too can take courses from BIOLA that will help you better understand the Bible. Enroll today for one or more of the following: STUDIES FOR NEW CHRISTIANS 10 lessons, 2 examinations.....................................$ 1.00 MINOR PROPHETS (Price includes 5 textbooks)................................$14.00 BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY 16 lessons, 6 examinations.....................................$ 2.50 CHILD EVANGELISM 9 lessons, 9 examinations...................................... $ 5.00 CHRISTIAN FOUNDATIONS 10 Lessons in Practical Christian Living..!............$3.50 EVANGELICAL TEACHER TRAINING COURSE 6 units, 21 examinations........................................$ 8.00 CHRIST IN THE TABERNACLE Open-book quizzes, 2 examinations........................$6.00 FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY By Reuben A. Torrey...............................................$ 5.00 Ask about other courses available CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL — The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. EYES SHOULD BE EXAMINED YEARLY Dr. W . LaVern Salter, O.D. Dr. John Wm . Salter, B.S., O.D. Room 226, 610 So. Broadway, L.A. 14 TUCKER 48455 Serving Students & members since 1926

Scofield Bible —- Retail and W holesale — A ll Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stam ping — Thum b Index'— Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 M ain Street, Hamburg, New York. W rite for Inter-Varsity book catalogue or see Inter-Varsity books a t your bookstore. Inter- Varsity Press, 1519 North Astor, Box KB, Chi­ cago 10. Bible Rebinding Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet every need. A ll types of binding, rebinding. W rite for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Bookbinding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Bibles rebound in attractive leather covers. Hiah quality workmanship; reasonable prices. W rite W estern Bible Bindery, 8009 S.W. Canyon Lane, Portland 1, Oregon. Books W anted Religious libraries purchased. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, M ichigan. Color Slides Pilgrim 's Progress — 75 Eastman Color Slides. Entirely O riginal. 3-hour scrjpt; money-back guarantee; $10.00 (postfree); delivery in 17 days. Send money order/check to: Oriental Bible Study Fellowship, Inc., Box 2, Karuizaw a, N a­ gano Ken, Japan. Catalogue of m aterials upon request. Evangelical Cam paigns Evangelistic Cam paigns, illustrated messages, music, film s, children's features. W rite for in­ formation. Rev. & Mrs. John Fasano, Box 284, W inona Lake, Indiana. For Rent Cabin for rent. Forest Home. Christian fam ilies by day or week. Phone GR. 90445; write 10773 National Blvd., Los Angeles 64. For Sale Tent for Sale, 20 x 50; complete, good, reason­ able. W rite Box 131, The King's Business. Gifts This year give a New Year's g ift subscription to The King's Business m agazine. Once a month for all o f 1957 . . . just $3. A nd we'll send an attractive g ift card announcing your thought­ fulness signed the way you tell us. The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, C alif. Help W anted Top secretary and writer needed for The King's Business. 3 7 y2-hour week. Exacting work, low salary. Give complete educational and work his­ tory in first letter. W rite: M anaging Editor, The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, C alif. Phone: M A . 5-1641. Miscellaneous Literary and sermon helps. Busy pastors prompt­ ly assisted with sermons, addresses, thesis work, to scholarly specifications. Am ple research fa ­

Help save your city from a sneak a ir attack. Be a civilian volunteer plane spotter in the Ground Observer Corps. For details, contact: C ivil Defense. Be a m issionary to the Jews. Free tracts to all who have a burden for the salvation o f Israel. Hebrew Christians o f Bridgeport, Inc., 151-K Prospect Drive, Stratford, Connecticut. P lasticraft Scripture Texts. Regular dollar pack­ age contains fifty assorted texts. Distribute them. Send $1.00, today. Standard Specialties, Box 4382-E, San Francisco, California. M usic Dr. Gordon E. Hooker, who is associate pro­ fessor of music at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, has arranged some outstanding sacred piano solos. These arrangem ents are now a va il­ able for m ailing, postpaid. They are: "There's a Wideness to God's M ercy," "Blessed Be the Fountain," and "Safe in the Arm s o f Jesus." O riginal introductions, rich harmonies, brilliant cadenzas, modulations, chimes. Just 35c each or a ll three for $1. Order direct from Dr. Gordon E. Hooker, 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, C alifornia. M usic composed, edited, arranged, printed for your hymn-poems. Folders Free. Raymond Iden (KB), M ount Vernon, Ohio. M usical Bells, Cowbells, Steel or cast, Sleigh- bells, Chorded Clusters, Choral Concert Glasses, 4*40 Pitch, Terms. Evangel Bells, Valparaiso, Indiana. Object Lessons M agic and M echanical Object Lessons. "V isu al A ids That W in ". Attractive, Inexpensive. Scrip­ tural application included. Shock Scripture Serv­ ice, Dept. K, Athens, Tennessee. Pen Pals W anted: Five hundred new members for the Christian Pen Pal Club. Details free. John Snyder, Lemayne, Pennsylvania. Sermon and Study Helps M inister's Filing System. W ilson Index used In­ ternationally. Satisfied users 30 years. Inex­ pensive. Sim plified. Small and large libraries. M aranatha Book Room, Box 622, North Platte, Nebraska. Tracts and Pamphlets Generous supply of God-centered tracts for many needs. Send dollar bill. "B a ck to God" Tract Comm ittee, Dept. KB, 2850 Kalam azoo Ave., S.E., Grand Rapids 8, M ichigan. Save souls! Be Wise! Distribute Free Novelty Tracts! Tickets, Summons, Checks, Passes, Pass­ ports, Reservations, Transfers. Professor Chester Jones, W rentham , Massachusetts.

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