King's Business - 1957-02


The blood letting which the brave little land of Hun­ gary has suffered at the hands of the invading force of 200,000 Communist soldiers and 5,000 tanks is now a matter of history. Men, women, children and babies have been massacred and the dead and wounded num­ ber more than 100,000. 'This horrifying tragedy is not at an end. HUNGARY IS ST ILL CRUCIFIED UPON THE CROSS OF COMMUNISM! Just a few miles from where I am writing this, is the land of Hungary. M ore than 140,000 h av e crossed this Iron Curtain fron tier into Austria. Thousands still cross daily. The Communists have laid land mines, thus causing death to many who would try to cross. It is winter in Austria and many of these refugees have to make their flight to freedom in sub zero weather across icy covered rivers. Thus, risking their lives against great odds, and with nothing but the clothes upon their backs, they still continue to cross the border. From the very first day that the Hungarian Refugees began to stream across the frontier, THE MISSION­ A R I E S OF T H E E U R O P E AN E V A N G E L I S T I C CRUSADE HAVE BEEN GIVING PHYSICAL AND SPIR ITUAL AID TO THESE HUNGRY AND HOME­ LESS PEOPLE. T h e EEC h as distribu ted $30,000 w orth o f cloth ing and fo od parcels, besides 100,000 Gospels o f St. John , 100,000 tracts, 10,000 N ew T estam ents and hundreds o f B ibles. The hunger for the Word of God is so great that refugees literally tear portions of Scriptures out of the

hands of the missionaries who are ministering to them. The Bible has been denied to these people for the last ten years under Communist oppression. Because of this great demand, the Bible supplies have been exhausted early. We must wait for more to come off the presses. As fast as your gifts come in, the EEC is continuing to send physical and spiritual aid to the Hungarian refugees who continue to stream into Austria daily. HELP THESE COURAGEOUS PEOPLE NOW IN THEIR HOUR OF DESPERATE NEED. These are moments of crisis and momentous change and we cannot wait to help the thousands who are suddenly homeless, sick, hungry and comfortless. THEY NEED YOUR HELP NOW! I have spent the past 6 weeks in Austria supervising our relief ministry to the Hungarian refugees. I have seen their appalling physical need, as well as their need for the comfort of God’s Word and the message of salvation in this their tragic hour; and in the name of Christ, we ask you to stretch out a helping hand to these desolate people. As God directs and touches your heart, please send $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 or $100.00; but send it today and mark it “HUNGARIAN REFUGEES.” W E NEED YOUR PRAYERS AND WE URGENTLY NEED YOUR SUPPORT NOW! Yours on behalf of the Hungarian refugees,

Please address all correspondence and gifts to:

H U N G A R IA N REFUGEE FUND Rev. Douglas G. Stewart, F.R.G.S. | ! EUROPEAN EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE, INC. (Member Mission I.F.M.A.)

Director for North America

811 Westview Street, Dept. K, Philadelphia 19, Pa. Dear Sir: W ith a glad and willing heart I am enclosing $...................... to help alleviate the physical and spiritual I needs of the Hungarian refugees. I I Name I Street City Zone State I .....:....................... ...................................... *................................ 1

Rev. Douglas G. Stewart

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