King's Business - 1957-02

Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller LOVE OF EASE

Vitamins & Minerals rrFamily Food Supplement” distributors and district managers wanted Family Food Supplement is creating a sen­ sation. We need distributors to serve their friends by making this outstanding product available to them. It sells itself! An unusual opportunity. write for details — owners — The Paul Ebling Family 2042 Larkwood W est Covina, California Do you need a SPEAKER for an evangelistic campaign? An ex-Hollywood cowboy actor, Leonard Eilers, has for years used his unusual talent to present the gospel in a homespun way that has captured tne hearts of thousands from coast-to-coast. Here's what a Los An­ geles City school principal said after Mr. Eilers appeared before the students: "I en­ joyed it myself throughout and wish he could appear before every school in the city. I cannot recommend him too highly.” Mr. Eilers is a graduate of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles. For speaking engage­ ments write to him in care of T h e K in g ' s B u s in e s s , B o x 31, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, .Calif. AVAILABLE FOR EVANGELISTIC SERIES EVANG. & MRS. JOSEPH T. LARSON, 4203 ALCOTT ST., DENVER 11, COLO. About 250 series in over 30 years; among 15 denominational groups; but is Baptist. Wife is able pianist & organist, also flannelograph talks for children. About 119 series in past 11 years with 2,500 decisions. "HEAVEN AND HOW TO GET THERE,” 64 pages, 60c each; Intro. Dr. Robert G. Lee, in fore­ word. Hundreds won by this sermon. Invite Correspondence to above address. radio can be your devotional guide Radio is a marvelous privilege and con­ venience. W e a t the Bible Institute of Los Angeles rejoice in the opportunity to pre­ sent the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ throughout the W est three times each week on the Bible Institute Hour. For those of you who are new to the West why not start your day by letting the Bible Institute H our be your devotional guide? Tim e is 8:30 A .M . in most areas over the M u tu al Don Lee Network. Consult the radio page of your local paper or write for free station log. The Bible Institute Hour, Los Angeles 17, C alif. And ask your neighbor to listen tool 8

G entlemen, g iv e n n o t h i n g , find everything and prove it three ways.” The sonorous to n e s o f th e brilliant professor froze the fledgling architects and engineers into momen­ tary immobility. “We make no allowances for any mistakes. Just one and you w ill fail the exam. When and if you gentlemen ever wrest a diploma from this re­ vered place of learning, you w ill fan out into the industries of our nation and assume positions of grave respon­ sibility. If you make one mistake there, you may count on it to be your last. We do not train for mistakes in these halls.” When our architect-friend recount­ ed this story of his experience in a famous American university, we knew such training bore fruit. Here was a young man whose name is respected in his chosen profession. He has learned to control and subordinate his thinking for the ultimate welfare of his client and, at the same time, give free reign to the soul of the artist within him. Mother has pondered that story many times as she has battled with and for the inertia of her children’s wills and minds. “This math is too hard; it’s hard to get an A in this school.” “I just can’t make my note­ book any neater.” “It’s too hard to scrub the floor the way you want it done.” Of course the math is difficult. But it’s a challenge to the mind’s develop­ ment. W ork at it. Be glad the stan­ dards of your school are high. The rigors encountered w ill help make a man out of you. You can and will make your notebook neater. It doesn’t take any brains to be careless but it takes just a little extra push to rise above the mediocre crowd. You will learn to do that floor thoroughly because it is right for appearance’ sake, it is right for your own moral growth, and it is right because you only please God when you do all things, no matter how menial, as unto Him. Who ever promised you ease in this life? The Christian is told he is in a daily spiritual warfare. He is en­ joined to don the whole armor of God, “fight the good fight of faith,” and “. . . endure hardness [not ease], as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2 :3 ). God make us parents and children good soldiers.

m eA tc a iir fMESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP Formerly Chicago Hebrew Mission Radio to the State of Israel Daily 8:30 - 9 P.M. Workers in Jerusalem and many Amer­ ican cities. Hear how God is working! Write today to: MILTON B. LINDBERG — or ARCHIE A. MACKINNEY 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago45^lll.

■A com p le te so n g - book o f 128 hymns and choruses—meets the need for singing en jo ym en t and in ­ spiration. TWO SIZES: Large Size, 60c each, 3 for Si.75; Pocket Size, 35c each, 3 for S i 00.

Its low cost means everyon e in your group can have a songbook! Spark up your Singing Youth w ith YOUTH SINGS! PRA ISE BO O K PUBLICATIONS KB27, Mound, Minnesota AT BOOKSTORES EVERYWHERE THE KING'S BUSINESS

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