King's Business - 1952-05

By Dr. Feinberg, Head of Department of Old Testa­ ment, Los Angeles Bible Theological Seminary, Los Angeles, in 5 cloth-bound te x tb o o k s : “ Hosea” “ Joel, Amos, Obadiah” “ Jonah, Micah, Nahum” “ Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Malachi” “ Zech- ariah”

American Bible Society, 450 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB2 entitled “ A Gift That Lives”, telling about your Annuity Plan and its rich two-fold return.

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T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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Faith Home for Children For several months, there has been a burden on our hearts to do something for some homeless children. We tried to get in touch with someone that could direct us to a Faith Home for children somewhere in our state of California, but have never found just what we were looking for. While we were waiting upon the Lord to direct us, there appeared in your magazine a story about a Faith Home back in Kentucky and the wonder­ ful work that is being done there with these children, so at Christmas time our small missionary group of the Oak Run CommunityChurch (non-denominational) sent several boxes of used but serviceable clothing and Christmas gifts to this home in Kentucky. Due to the great distance the postage was considerable on this ship­ ment. I am wondering if you would print this in your magazine and perhaps some of your readers could direct us to a Faith Home that cares exclusively for home­ less children located somewhere in Cali­ fornia. If so, would they drop a line to Mrs. Ernest M. English, President of the Oak Run Missionary Society, Oak Run, California. M rs . W. J. W ebber Oak Run, California Notes o f Appreciation This is to add our word to the many in appreciation of The King’s Business, a really splendid magazine. My mother is an invalid since being struck by an automobile five or six years ago. Her reading becomes increasingly limited, be­ ing now confined to the Bible, personal letters and your fine Christian publica­ tion. Her favorite feature is “ Dr. Tal­ bot’s Question Box” as there she has found answers to many questions that had been to her unanswered throughout the years. But we enjoy and benefit from all of the magazine, and it isn’t too far­ fetched to add, from even the ads. We bespeak God’s richest blessings upon you and your staff in your fine work of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. L uther R. V estergard North Hollywood, California I wish to go on record as saying that your magazine certainly is a “first-rate” publication and fits my needs perfectly. The junior story I make use of in morn­ ing worship service with our primary and junior age boys and girls, and I especially appreciate the thoughts con­ cerning salvation, service, etc., woven into these stories. It certainly is an out- j standing magazine and I’m just sorry to have missed receiving it for so long. D orothy S harp Mt. Vernon, Indiana (Continued on Page 19) M A Y , 1 9 5 2

Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W. Orr, D.D

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor

Copyright, 1952, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may he reproduced without permission All Rights Reserved Vol. 43 MAY, 1952 No. 5 Reader Reaction ..................................... . . . ................................................ 3 Editorially Speaking....................................................................................... 4 Dr. Talbot’s Question B o x ............................................................................ 6 Memorial Day 1952 ......................................................................................... 7 A Jew Finds the Messiah, Daniel R o s e ................................................... 8 Flesh and Blood Memorial, Elise Mertens ... ............................................ 10 God’s Ideal Woman, Frances E. S iew e r t ................................................. 11 Vessels of Clay, Eva Doerksen ....................................................... .. 12 Biola Family C ir cle ........................................................................................ 13 Inside Hollywood, Dorothy Clark H a sk in ................................................ 14 The Christian Life—A Walk with Christ, B. C. G ou gh ..................... 16 Junior King’s Business: A Divided Carrot, Evelyn Krauss N ow ell.. 17 Biola in Asia, J. Russell D a v is ............................................................... .. 18 Book Reviews, Donald G. D a v is ................................................................. 19 New Field W o r k e r ........................................................................................ 19 The Bible in the News, William W. O r r ................................................. 20 Young People’s Topics, Chester J. Padgett ........................................ 23 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison A rrow ood ............... 28 Object Lessons, Elmer L. W ild e r ............................................................... 36 Picture Credits: Cover Official U. S. Marine Corps Photo. Marines rush out a Piasecki HRP-I helicopter attached to Marine Helicopter Squad­ ron Ono.; p. 7, TJ. S. Department of Defense, Washington, D.C.; p. 11, Eva Luoma, Weirton, W. V a .; p. 12, Mrs. Gertrude B. H err; p. 17, Raymond Gage, Biola. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION—“ The King's Business” is published monthly; S2.00, on« year; $1.00, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The King’s ^Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS—“ The King's Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1988, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 588. P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1988. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Page

and authenticity of the Scriptures was in its proper setting. The rest of the pages of the magazine were devoted to smutty articles, racy pictures, liquor and cigarette advertising. A hatred for the Word of God seems to spring quite naturally from such unwholesome soil. But the net result of such an article is not to be feared. If people can be per­ suaded to read the Bible, you may be sure the Bible will take care of itself. No one need be afraid of undermining the Book of God, which is founded upon the Rock of Ages. Perhaps this attack will be the means by which thousands of people will be driven to a considera­ tion of the Bible’s claims, and in ana­ lyzing it will be brought face to face with the One whom the Bible presents, even the Son of God Himself. However, this does not in any way reduce our dis­ dain for a magazine which would take upon itself to attack the Book which millions hold dear and which has been overwhelmingly demonstrated to be the good Book, the best Book, God’s Book! Television Is H ere! H ARDLY a week goes by but that some kind of a question crosses the editor’s desk asking what the Christian should do with regard to television. Does television have its place in the Christian home? What should be the standards governing its use? There is no question but that televi­ sion is here to stay. It is no longer a dream or an experiment. Its manufac­ ture, its promotion and its operation constitute big business. It has the in­ herent appeal of the eye gate along with that of the ear gate. Without a doubt television soon will be as much a part of our living as the electric iron, the automobile and the radio. No Christian can really ignore the pos­ sibilities of this new medium. It has a tremendous opportunity for good and it has a vast potentiality for evil. To be sure, there are many, many TV programs which are utterly unworthy (as in radio), but then there is the turn-off knob, and no Christian need ever view or listen to anything over television which is hurtful to his spiritual life or detrimental to his Christian growth. This is one of the fundamental princi­ ples of life that while we are in the world we are not a part of the world and while we cannot separate ourselves from sinful contacts entirely, there is no reason for us to harbor evil in our hearts, or admit it to our homes. On the other hand, it is to be remem­ bered that there are also possibilities for good in television. Several excellent coast-to-coast religious programs are now being shown. The mail results of these are encouraging indeed. There seems to be a greater appeal to the un­ saved as well as the saved by the use of this double medium. Under the good hand of God, television may eventually turn into a mighty force for evange­ lism and Christian edification. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

might earn imperishable rewards. God very graciously, in His love for the sons of men, allows them to take of the gifts which He first has given, and then re­ turn them in sincere dedication for the purposes of the propagation of the gos­ pel. For those who honor God there are rich rewards in store not only in this life but also in that which is to come. Box tops for God would be comical if it were not so tragic. What must God think when so-called Christian America in crass folly stoops so low as to offend His dignity in this manner. God is de­ serving of our highest. Far better to ignore Him completely than to heap upon Him the indignity of such a tri­ fling gift. Nor can such an affront go unpunished. God will surely bring sor­ row and suffering upon the people of America for such abysmal ignorance. “ Loofc” Article I T IS an old trick which has been used time after time by news-hounds and publicity seekers. If you want folks to read your magazine then try attacking the Bible or Christ or some preacher. In a recent issue of Look a scathing at­ tack was leveled against the veracity of the Word of God. From the pen of Hartzell Spence and under the sensa­ tional title, “ The Truth About the Bible,” Look suggested that there are 50,000 errors in our New Testament and intimated the entire untrustworthi­ ness of the sacred Scriptures. Needless to say, not one new idea was brought out in Look which had not been known for centuries by scholars and critics. All the material which this ar­ ticle presented had been gone over time and time again. The consensus, after centuries of critical examination of the Biblical text, has been and is still, that the Bible in its original manuscripts was wholly and completely without error of any sort. Books by the score have been written, carefully analyzing the Biblical position and ably refuting charges against the integrity of the Book. The attack by Look upon the veracity

Imagine This! R ECENTLY two full-page advertise­ ments in a religious magazine of wide circulation proclaimed that you can help your church make money by eat­ ing certain prescribed cereals and sav­ ing the box tops. These are to be turned in in a certain participation plan for which half a cent will be paid. Of all the depths of depraved inanity, this seems to be about the worst. Eat your cereal and then give your box tops to God! Help to run the church of the Lord Jesus Christ with box tops! Have we ever stopped to realize the tremendous affront of such a plan to Almighty God? God is thè Maker and Sustainer of the universe. All things are His, including the silver and the gold, the cattle on a thousand hills, the world and all it contains. He is absolutely un­ approachable in wisdom, power, right­ eousness, holiness and might. Before Him the seraphim veil their faces as they cry out, “Holy, holy, holy.” He alone is the Uncreated One and His hands have formed the universe. To Him belongs the perfect allegiance of every one of His creatures. And it is suggested that we give God box tops! Throughout the pages of Scripture, the principle is sounded with clarion clearness that the best, the finest, the first, belongs to God. Throughout the Old Testament Jewish feasts, before anything could be used by the people, God’s part must first be offered. Never is God satisfied with less than our best. Always He is worthy of the highest product of our hands and the greatest devotion of our hearts. And this “ amaz­ ing” plan to raise money for the work of God suggests that we give Him box tops! Let it be clearly understood that God is in no wise dependent upon anything that our hands do for Him. Every last thing in this vast incalculable universe answers to His authority. He has need of nothing. The only reason that anyone is allowed to present goods or services to God is simply in order that they Page Four

entrenched in Spain which are far less intolerant than Cardinal Segura’s group. The fact remains, however, that the deep inner purpose of Catholicism in Spain is not only to intimidate the peo­ ple but to stamp out Protestantism root and branch in favor of the rigorous controlled regime from the Vatican. God Saved M y Baby A VERY sincere and earnest article appeared in a recent issue of the Saturday Evening Post telling the story of a certain Sam Binder who had not been to church in a number of years. Into the Binder home came a precious little baby who became a joy and a de­ light to the parents’ hearts. When the baby was nine months old, a series of illnesses brought him directly to the gates of death and in spite of all that medical science could do, including injections and oxygen tents, it seemed to be a losing battle as the baby fought for its breath. The agonizing parents were forced to look from the doctors to the only One to whom they could look, and that was God. So they prayed in their anguish and God graciously heard their prayer and the little lad became well again. This is but one story of countless that could be told, pointing out God’s ability to touch the human body and His will­ ingness to answer human need. There is just one item that needs to be carefully remembered. The article concludes on the note that whereas the persons in the story had quit attending church sometime before, now they were going back as regular attendants. Whereas their confidence in God had been very slightly used, now they determined to give God a real place in their lives. This is all commendable and noteworthy. There is but one im­ portant matter which needs to be stressed and of which the Scriptures treat quite definitely. It is not enough to believe in God, not enough to seek God in prayer; it is not enough to attend church regularly. One must also place his personal faith and trust in the Son of God. It is Christ who is the open door to heaven, it is the death of Christ on Calvary that washes away sin. You may attend church from now until doomsday and it would never' save you. It is not even possible to honor God the Father except we first honor God the Son. Jesus Christ who Himself was God incarnate is responsible for saying that “ no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Much is being propagated today in the line of piety and God-fear­ ing but let us remember that no one can be a friend of God except first the sin question be dealt with and the sin question can never be dealt with on any other basis than that of salvation through the blood of Christ.

Dr. Rimmer Goes Home A jNOTHER one of God’s great stal- YTi^wart men of the faith has been called home. On March 19, 1952, Dr. Harry Rimmer entered into the presence of the King. ' There is no doubt but that our beloved Brother Rimmer was raised up by God at a very definite time for a very definite purpose. Born in San Francisco Sept. 9, 1890, Harry Rimmer worked in lumber camps as a youth, then joined the Coast Artil­ lery, and engaged in prize fighting on the side. On his way home from a fight New Year’s Eve 1912, he heard Charles Trout in a street meeting which led to Harry’s conversion. He studied medicine for a time, then feeling the call to preach, enrolled at Biola. His first mis­ sion was to lumberjacks and Indians, followed by several pastorates, evan­ gelistic campaigns and outstanding work for servicemen through two World Wars. His extensive studies in the field of science resulted in the establishment of the Research Science Bureau, Inc., to many public debates, and to three trips abroad, the last to Africa, where he photographed the leper work for Dr. Trout, and later raised funds for it. But his unique ministry was that as a de­ fender of the Word of God. At that time most of the Christian world was over-awed by the spectacular claims of so-called “ great scientists” who loudly disputed the credibility of the Scriptures. There seemed to be no one to stand up and cross swords with these Goliaths of the educational world until God called another David in the person of Harry Rimmer who used his twinkling wit and sharp incisive mind to pierce the pomposity of these pseudo­ scientists. The Christian world shall ever be grateful to this man of God for his fear­ lessness on the public platform and his brilliance as a writer as he pulled down the strongholds of false scientific hypo­ theses. Perhaps Dr. Rimmer’s greatest and most enduring contribution will be the hooks which he has written. Easily read, sparkling with wit, they nevertheless are crammed full of truth, emphasizing the Creatorship and the imminence of God and the Saviourhood and Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many young people are now in the pulpit or on the mission field because Harry Rimmer’s writings enabled them properly to evaluate the statements of the liberals and to take their stand upon the Word of God. Thank God for Dr. Harry Rimmer; his was a life well lived. Dr. Rimmer is survived by his wife, Mignon, a daughter and two sons, one of whom is a student at Fuller Theo­ logical Seminary. (Continued on Page 18) Page Five

Christ fo r Everyone in October A NOTHER mighty movement for evangelism is being prayerfully planned during these months. Instead of one or two large evangelical campaigns, it is now suggested that there be a great many simultaneous evangelical efforts in thousands of churches over the United States and Canada. The theme of this campaign is to be, “Christ for Everyone.” It is suggested that these meetings be different from the ordinary religious rally in that they will take place in sec­ tions never before covered, reaching the villages and smaller cities. Then either the local pastor will do the evangelizing or call someone to his church. Many of the nationally known religious leaders are giving their support to this move­ ment. Practically all the evangelical groups are in sympathy and without a doubt there is a vast potential for God in the making. Prayer meetings are al­ ready being held and promotional mate­ rial being prepared. This great cam­ paign will be a success in every sense of the word only as God, the Holy Spirit, puts the stamp of His approval on it. Let us all pray to that end. Tolerance in Spain T HERE has been a great deal of pressure brought to bear upon the government of Spain, urging them to show greater religious tolerance to the Protestant minority. On the other hand, the entrenched Catholic majority has stubbornly opposed any show of weaken­ ing on the part of the favored state church. The real deep interference of the Spanish hierarchy was revealed re­ cently in a pronouncement by Cardinal Segura, Archbishop of Seville. The Car­ dinal complained: “ Ever since 1945, when the Spanish government authorized the opening of certain Protestant churches in this coun­ try, Protestant propaganda has consid­ erably increased, and it has been toler­ ated to a far greater extent than is per­ missible in keeping with the spirit of the charter of the Spanish people.” He further argued that some people in Spain have come to believe that all religions are equally acceptable in the presence of God. Simultaneously with the Cardinal’s remarks was a more direct protest against tolerance as a gang of well- dressed young men burst into a Protes­ tant chapel at St. Basil, struck the pastor in the face, poured gasoline over the altar, and tried to set the church afire. In near-by Madrid the Protestant pas­ tor exhibited a pamphlet published by a Catholic organization in which Protes­ tants were denounced as libertines, women of easy virtue and traitors to their country. As usual, after such an outburst, the reaction of the Catholic hierarchy was an apprehensive retreat and denial. It was pointed out that there is quite an­ other school of moderate Catholics well * M A Y , 1 9 5 2

is the author of man’s destruction, and that the people have no choice in the matter; that their unbelief was abso­ lutely necessary in order that this prophecy might be fulfilled, and that God ordained that it should be so. Can you enlighten me? These verses do not teach either fatal­ ism nor extreme predestination. Let us read them thoughtfully: “ Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias said again, He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.” God foreknew that Israel would not believe, and therefore Isaiah spake these words. But long before the Lord spake these words through Isaiah, the Jewish people had deliberately hardened their hearts and turned away from God. The Lord Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem. He wept over the nation of Israel. He said “How often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Matt. 23:37-39). We must all remember that God is sovereign in punishing and may mete out judgment as He pleases. Some He cuts off suddenly, the moment they sin. Others He gives over to judicial blind­ ness, and ceases to strive with their consciences. Something like this will come upon professing Christendom after the true church is translated. Then Second Thessalonians 2:1-12 will be ful­ filled. The antichrist will be revealed to the world, and will deceive those who have rejected the truth of God as it is in Christ Jesus, “because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be judged (R. V.) who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteous­ ness.” This will be judicial blindness. This is a solemn and awful subject, and should awaken those who know the truth and have light, yet, are rejecting the same. Was the Roman Catholic Church the first Christian church? We call to your attention, first, that if you will turn to Acts 2:5,10, you will find there recorded that “ there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout

men, out of every nation under heaven” and there were “ strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes.” Again in Paul’s Epistle to the Romans we read these words: “ Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me” (Rom. 16:7). Here we learn that there were some believers in Rome who were “ in Christ” before Paul was saved. Thus we know there was a church in Rome some years before Paul wrote his Epis­ tle to the Romans. There was also an assembly in the city of Jerusalem, land one in Samaria before there was an assembly of New Testament saints in Rome. In this sense, therefore, the church at Rome was not the first New Testament church. In Hebrews 10:26, I read: “For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there re- maineth no more sacrifice for sins." It appears to me this destroys all hope for the restoration of the backslider. What is your opinion? In this verse the Apostle Paul is ad­ dressing Hebrews, and the warning is based upon the perfection of the one sacrifice of Christ as the context clearly shows. The “ sinning wilfully” here is the definite turning away from, or the refusal of, that one perfect sacrifice__ the finished work of Christ. To do so means eternal ruin, because there is no other sacrifice that can meet the sin question. The Holy Spirit is here speaking of the wilful, definite rejection of Christ’s atoning sacrifice. Plainly speaking He is saying that if, after examining what the Old Testament Scriptures teach con­ cerning Christ and His work; if, after comparing these prophecies with the New Testament presentation of Christ, thus obtaining a knowledge of the truth; if, in the light of all this knowl­ edge, one deliberately and permanently rejects Christ, then God has nothing more to say to him, except to mete out judgment. You may ask, why? Because in the Lord Jesus Christ the Triune God has offered the onty way of salvation. Christ crucified is “the wisdom of God.” That is the only way the wisdom of God has devised. The backslider is not in view in this text at all. It is the man who has “ trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the cov­ enant an unholy thing,” who is under consideration here. (Read Heb. 10:29.) THE K I N G ' S B U S I N if SS

Who will receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and is there ever a visible sign accompanying this baptism? Every Christian is baptized with the Holy Spirit the moment he is born again, for it is the quickening power of the Holy Spirit which regenerates the soul. In the present age there is no visible sign accompanying this baptism of the Holy Spirit; there is a change of one’s life and testimony, but there is no visible sign such as accompanied the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, and in the house of Cor­ nelius as recorded in the book of Acts. How may we, of today, know “ the fellowship of His suffering" spoken of by Paul? This was the prayer of Paul, the Apostle—that he might know the fellow­ ship of His suffering. And Paul did prove that God’s grace was sufficient for every trial! (Read Phil. 3:10; 2 Cor. 12:9). Moreover he learned that God’s “strength is made perfect in weak­ ness.” Therefore, Paul could rejoice in trials. They made him know Christ bet­ ter by throwing him back on faith, and Paul was willing to pay the price. Tribulation teaches the Christian to set his affection on things above, “where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God” (Col. 3 :1,2). It teaches him also that “here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to .come . . . a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God” (Heb. 13:14; 11:10). Many other Scriptures might be quoted, but these are some of the precious lessons to be learned through the furnace of affliction. Let us not for­ get our Lord’s parting word to His disciples: “ In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). It seems to me that the statement in John 12:39,40 teaches fatalism. These verses seem possibly to indicate that God

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On May 30th we shall make our way to the cemeteries where lies the “ sacred dust” of those who have been dear to us in life. Particularly shall we pay tribute to those who gave “ the last full measure of devotion” by laying down their lives for their country. Hundreds will lay wreaths upon the graves of those who died in three wars; thousands will place flowers upon the graves of -those who perished in two great world conflicts. The cry of all hearts on this Memorial Day of 1952 is “ How long, 0 Lord, how long?” How many Memorial Days must there be? How much more blood must be shed? How many more homes must be broken? How long must fathers and children and wives and husbands be torn asunder? How long will this fearful carnage last? Even as we honor our dead with floral and spoken tributes, our hearts turn to the living who are even now pouring out their life’ s blood at the Korean front. Let us who know and love the Lord pray for an end to this senseless slaughter of our bravest and best. And most of all, let us plead, as the Word of God bids us, “ Come quickly, Lord Jesus.” For it is only His coming that will bring an end forever to all wars and establish the reign of the Prince of Peace upon this earth. Upper Left—Infantrymen of the 5th RCT look down into North Korean positions during drive along Naktong River. Left Center—South Gate of Suwon City, Korea, after being taken by 7th Infantry Division. Lower Left—Leathernecks inch forward under fire on the central Korean front. Lower Center — U. S. Marines evacuate a comrade wounded in fighting near Koto-ri, Korea. Lower Right — U. S. Marines rest in the snow after moving out of Kodari, Korea. Official Department of Defense ond Marine Corps photographs.

pastoral duties, not the preaching; but the visitation and other responsibilities that made heavy demands on time and strength. At the end of the year, health demanded a change and in 1915 we had come to California. During the five years we had been here, the opportunities for witness and service had not been lacking. The first building of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was just being completed and I found there the fellowship I needed and valued. I found, too, that Los An­ geles offered many of the same kind of opportunities for witnessing in street meetings and to Jews that I had known in the East. There was, indeed, a very great need and I was happy to join with others in going to districts where there was no other witness for Christ. It was not easy. Many times our lives were threatened. There were times when we needed police protection. Almost every evening, as we began to speak, a con­ cert of auto horns would seek to drown us out; bricks, tomatoes, and eggs were among the things thrown at us, and other methods were used in an attempt to discourage and discredit us in our efforts to preach the Good News of Sal­ vation. Very few Jewish people were be­ ing converted at that time, and there was both fear and resentment at our mention of the Lord Jesus Christ. But while not discontinuing this type of witness, I had become more and more burdened for the people that lived in my own neighborhood. It was a more fash­ ionable* neighborhood than the ones we visited for street meetings and house-to- house visitation, but it needed the gospel just as much. As the burden grew, a way was opened. Selina and I and Car­ rie, who was with us, had talked it over and had decided to open our home for evening meetings, meetings where enter­ tainment and refreshments would be the “bait” for lonely Jews, but where a Gos­ pel witness also could be given. With painstaking care, we had ob­ tained names; then we had telephoned, written, and visited each contact to ob-

of another Christian Jew who was con­ ducting missions for Jewish people, Dan­ iel made the journey to Pittsburgh to talk with him. He was amazed at the story of this man’s sufferings for his faith and thrilled at the opportunity for witness in the street meeting to which Morris Reuben took him. Even tomatoes and eggs thrown at him could not daunt his enthusiasm in this his first street meeting, which was, indeed, to be but a forerunner of many other such meetings, even as far away as Califor­ nia! Part III T HE night was cool enough for a fire and I was glad. Now I watched the warm flickering firelight catch in pin-points of radiance on polished wood and bronze lamps in our California living-room. Its rosy glow played also upon the faces of a group of Jewish men and women who sat uneasily about the room, their faces masking a variety of feelings. Music from the strings of a violin skilfully played, sobbed and swelled through the. room. There is something about an open fire and music, I thought, that speaks of peace and home and puts people at ease. I felt a gradual lessening of tension as these who had been strang­ ers to me such a short time before, waited to see what I was going to do. Five years before, my wife Selina and I had come to California for a visit, a visit that had grown into a permanent residence. The thirteen or more years prior to this, following our conversions, had been years of happy service in Ohio. It had been the stress of service, in fact, that had necessitated a rest and had culminated in our visit to California. In addition to the demands of an estab­ lished business by which I earned our livelihood, and my responsibility for street meetings and mission work in areas where there were Jewish people to be contacted, I was serving as Sun­ day school Superintendent in a Baptist church in Cincinnati. When the pastor fell ill, I assumed a large part of his

Synopsis o f Foregoing Chapters From a background of a religiously orthodox Jewish home, Daniel Rose found himself, at thirty, a successful enough business man but one seeking always to quiet his unrest and anxiety of heart in worldly pleasures. His wife, Selina, who had been a Catholic when they were mar­ ried, accompanied him on his endless round. One night they departed from the usual and entered a church because Daniel loved music. Unable to sing the Name of Jesus, a Name he had been taught to hate, Daniel covered over the words with his fingers and sang the rest of the hymn. When Daniel’s sister, Carrie, wrote that she had found the true Messiah, Jesus Christ, Daniel was stunned. Car­ rie came to visit them and tried to wit­ ness but Daniel would not listen. When Carrie became dangerously ill and Daniel thought she was dying, he promised to do anything she asked, even to accept Jesus Christ as his Saviour. He dropped to his knees and tried to pray but real­ ized he was just bargaining with God. Carrie was soon well again,but Daniel knew no peace. He was under such deep conviction he could neither eat nor sleep. Ten days and nights of torture brought him to the place where he could endure it no longer. He must either accept Christ, or reject Him. “Oh, God,” he prayed that night, “ the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob I do want to know the truth. I cannot face another day of this torture. If Jesus Christ is Your Son and my Mes­ siah, I will accept Him, but show me the truth!” Instantly, God’s Spirit bore wit­ ness with his and he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Saviour. His shouts of joy brought Selina and Carrie running. Soon Selina had been saved and when Charles, Carrie’s hus­ band, was led to the Lord, the four close friends were complete in Him. On June 22, 1902, all four were baptized. Then began Daniel's attempts to wit­ ness to his former worldly companions. Rebuffed, but not dismayed, he went on seeking new ways of witness. Hearing

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there were children. There were many in our neighborhood who were not in a Sun­ day school. Since the burden was placed on my heart, I must do something about it. I began this new project with the boy next door. “ Freddie,” I asked one day, “how would you like to help me start a Sun­ day school?” “ Fine!” he answered promptly. “ Well, you and I will go out and in­ vite children to come in and we will have a Sunday school,” I told him. On Saturday we set out. We didn’t find any children who seemed interested until we were about to give up when we met seven boys who promised to come. Six of them came out on Sunday. And from that beginning a neighborhood Sun­ day school grew until our rooms were crowded and we needed help in the teaching. Begun with a group of boys, it soon included boys and girls as broth­ ers brought their sisters and they, in turn, brought their friends. The three of us, Selina, Carrie and I, had more than we could do, and we were glad in­ deed when Miss Christina Braskamp, an experienced teacher, came out from Biola to help us. During the years we were able to carry on the Sunday school in our home, some sixty children were con­ verted, ten of whom were Jewish boys and girls. A young Catholic girl who be­ gan to come to our home for Sunday school after she had attended mass in the mornings, was also saved. I have kept every one of these on my prayer list and have prayed for them ever since. The years that followed the beginning of these two types of ministry were full and satisfying as we were able'to give out the gospel and to see it received by not a few. But in 1934 all meetings in our home came to a stop and the light went from the day for a long while when I lost Selina and Carrie, one preceding the other by only a few months. Carrie had led Selina and me to the Lord and had helped us all through the years, so my loss was more than that of a sister. Carrie Menard was a great soul winner and a woman of prayer. Scarcely a Wed­ nesday evening prayer meeting went by that Dr. R. A. Torrey of the Bible Insti­ tute did not call upon.her to lead in prayer. Her going was felt in many cir­ cles and my own home was suddenly in­ credibly lonely with the loss of both wife and sister. But though the natural sor­ row of losing the earthly companionship of my beloved ones was great, there was not the hopeless wailing of the Jew who

tain a promise from him to attend our home gathering. Some had come reluc­ tantly; most of them came out of curi­ osity, but they were here and much de­ pended upon this first meeting. We had worked hard to prepare for them. At­ tractive refreshments were ready for the serving; the home had been made as in­ viting as we knew how. I had engaged a young violinist to play, for Jewish people love music and will go out of their way to hear it. By the time he had finished, the atmosphere in the room was relaxed and friendly. With no perceptible pause, I took up my Jewish Bible and began to talk to these unconverted Jewish peo­ ple about the things of the Old Testa­ ment, leading right on to speak of the true Messiah, the Son of God, Elohim Himself, the Jew of all Jews. There were varied reactions from this curiously assorted group to this first gospel presentation. Some were openly resentful; some were fearful; all were unbelieving. We didn’t know whether or not any would return for the next meet­ ing two weeks later. But they came. At­ tracted by an evening in a friendly home, in an atmosphere of music and friend­ ship, they continued to come. We had to keep in touch with them and encour­ age them, it is true. Just as soon as one meeting was over, we began preparations for the next. We followed up every name we had, every one who had been out at all. We wrote letters, telephoned, and visited them. Sometimes we went after some of the older men and women in the car. Once I called for an old gentleman who had promised to come. But at the last min­ ute he changed his mind! I didn’t hesi­ tate. I picked up his coat and helped him into it. “You promised me you would come,”I said firmly, “now come on.” And he did! Numbers grew until fifty and more could be expected every meeting. They ranged in age from eighteen to eighty- five and all were Jewish. Truly, this was a unique opportunity! Before long we had to put in folding doors between some of the rooms so that three rooms could be thrown together to provide an ade­ quate meeting place and it was usually full. And as our guests began to know us, there were very often opportunities given to deal with individuals after the musical entertainment, preaching of the Word, and time for refreshments were past. Such opportunities filled us with joy. Each one who permitted us to speak was faithfully prayed for as, indeed, were all who came. When one old gentle­ man called on Christ just before he died, and another, an insurance salesman, ac­ cepted the Lord after hearing the gospel at these home meetings, I felt all the work and effort was well worth-while even if no others than these were won. Another burden was added during these years. Our home provided a meet­ ing place for Jewish adults twice each month, but why should not it also be used every Sunday afternoon for children? My experience in Sunday school work in Ohio had given me the great desire to see such work carried on wherever

Sunday afternoon Jewish service at Church of the Open Door has no hope of ever seeing his loved ones again. That hopelessness had been re­ placed by the assurance of reunion in His blessed presence where we shall never part again. Left quite alone now, I found time heavy on my hands. Circumstances pre­ vented my continuing the classes in my home. I was no longer pressed by the demands of my business and I believed God had some full-time Christian service for me. But where? I prayed about this matter for almost two years. One day I went to visit Dr. Louis T. Talbot, pastor of the Church of the Open Door, and president of the Bible Institute, little dreaming that he was about to be used to answer my prayer. “ Danny, how would you like to take over the Jewish work here at Biola?” he asked me, coming straight to the point. I gasped in astonishment. This was my answer! “ Dr. Talbot, that is just what I have been praying fo r!” I exclaimed, “ I have been asking God for the past two years to open the way for just such a work but I didn’t dream He would answer in this way!” “ I would like you to take it over this coming Sunday.” “ All right,” I agreed, happily. And I have been with the Jewish Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles since that time. God has done the “ abun­ dantly above” for me in my association with those who have worked with me and He has made the work a blessing to many souls, both those who are bur­ dened to “pray for the peace of Jerusa­ lem,” and for Jewish men and women, boys and girls who have been reached through this ministry. There were few Jewish people being converted in those early years; but I have lived to see the day when many Jewish people are com­ ing to accept Christ as their Messiah, whole families turning to Him. Some, it is true, are secret believers, but the num­ ber of Christian Jews is growing. Just a year after my taking over the Jewish Department at Biola, the Lord sent me a co-worker who has proved to be a brother indeed. David Sanders, a converted Jew, was walking along the (Continued on Page 22) Page Nine

Band of Jewish workers from Biola

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Flesh and Blood Memorial

By Elise Mertens

M OTHER,” I whispered over the teacups, “If God should ever take you before He does me, I want to be a flesh and blood memorial to you.” I wondered at my own unexpected avowal. Nothing had prompted it except a tremendous realization that I adored the beautiful utterly unselfish character across the table from me. Mother was only a bit past fifty, but an inexplicable fear shot suddenly through my heart that some day I might lose her. Youthfully impulsive, I pledged my love in the greatest tribute I could con­ ceive. Her eyes lighted, and she smiled “ Thank you” in loving understanding and appreciation. Together we dreamed over happy plans that we envisioned for future days when we would serve the Lord in some special way. Mother had always wanted to be a missionary, but rearing a large family had created quite a different career. And so devotion to others and to her Lord, who was more real to her than even the very breath she drew, constituted her whole life. A few days later, after our conver­ sation at the table, I stood in the same room at the opeh French doors, looking up into the blue of a cloud-flecked sky. Mother was gone! God had called her in sweet surprise to join Him in a more wonderful service in another life. She had only been sick two days. Stunned and heartbroken, I leaned wearily against the door. God comforted my solitude with , promises that He would never leave me alone, that His Presence would go with me through the hard days and years ahead. Now I had to try to take her place in the home, to help bear the burdens of the little family, keep the home cheery and bright, and the lights of faith, hope, and love shining as she had throughout the years. Yes, work on the memorial would have to begin! The weeks and months passed. One day I planted a rose tree at the head of her grave, for I found it impossible to scrape together the necessary amount to buy even a modest stone. That would have to come later. Until then, the roses that she loved so well would bloom, and the work on the flesh and blood memo­ rial could continue. But the latter was such slow progress. In fact, it didn’t seem as if anything was being accomplished. The days were spent working to help keep a roof over our heads and food in our mouths. All the spare time between of necessity was

filled with household chores, for now I had to do them alone. There was no time left for performing beautiful services to mankind. Some day, perhaps, I could do something wonderful!

work and girls won for Christ, lives surrendered and consecrated to His service, missionaries aided and sent forth to the field, Bibles distributed, and so on. The girls enthusiastically caught the vision. From year to year there was great rejoicing when the trophy was triumphantly carried home by one of the thirty or more clubs, with its name and the date engraved on the base. Quiet joy filled my heart, for though I was unable to be or do anything of myself, still I could see the results in countless other lives. Then there was the added thrill of knowing that the circle of influence was unending—it even lapped foreign shores! At last the rose tree was replaced by beautifully-engraved granite. As I stood looking down upon it, I breathed a prayer for the Memorial Cup that represented the lives of so many girls, and then for the flesh and blood me­ morial that never seemed to be materi­ alizing. A feeling of dissatisfaction en­ veloped me. Something was lacking, but what? I had so longed that some day I could be a perfect memorial, and yet it wasn’t turning out that way! Then suddenly I knew! I remembered Mother’s favorite verse, Galatians 2:20: “I am crucified with Christ; neverthe­ less I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.” I must be a flesh and blood memorial not to her, but to Christ! “ Ye are living stones”—I saw it now! I was to be a “marked memorial” to Him, even as the bondslave had his ear pierced as evidence of his voluntary life devotion and servitude to his mas­ ter. That was right—Christ had no other memorial than those who bore His Name engraved on their hearts, and His Image stamped upon their lives. The imme­ diacy of the vision got hold of me. The memorial must be beautiful—“ Not I, but Christ!” It must be fitting—“ a liv­ ing sacrifice” . It must be lasting— “ Christ shall be magnified in my body by life or by death, for to me to live is Christ!” Work must now begin on the greatest of all memorials! Once again beneath the blue, with glad and eager heart love brought a tribute to the One whose Name is above every name—King of kings and Lord of lords, the One Altogether Lovely! Though all unworthy, it was all that I had. In simple trust and abandonment of devotion I laid the trophy at His feet. “ Lord Jesus Christ—I am Thy me­ morial!”

Missionary and Evangelism Trophy At last I concluded that if I could instill into multiple lives the same faith and devotion to Christ, and the vision and call of missions that mother had bequeathed to me, that would be a more fitting memorial than a single life. After all, what was the value of one life in comparison with scores of others? Squeezing my work schedule into as limited a space as possible, I sought out girls who were otherwise unreached with Christian fellowship, and organ­ ized them into Bible Clubs. There I tried to win them to Christ and to His call for their lives. Still, my contact was so small. The harvest was so great and the laborers were so few! Then one day God won­ derfully showed me a plan. However, the secret was shared with only the director of a large group of Bible Clubs. So I scrimped and saved and at last was able to lay $18.00 down on the counter in exchange for a beautifully- engraved bronze trophy, a lasting trib­ ute to my precious mother! On Memorial Day at the annual con­ ference of the clubs, it was presented as a perpetual trophy to be won each year by the club that achieved the high­ est endeavors in evangelism and mis­ sions. This would represent personal

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T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

G o d ’i M J W c ornan By Frances E. Siewert

G O where you will to church on Mother’s Day, you will very likely hear a sermon based on Proverbs 31. Ministers are apparently quite ob­ livious to the fact that many women writhe under their interpretation of that chapter; that they have learned to dread Mother’s Day, and many of them find excuses for being absent from the serv­ ice. The text? “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above ru­ bies.” The sermon’s implications? That said virtuous woman is a faithful wife, a slaving mother, a shrewd money­ maker and a kind neighbor. The listen­ ing women, who have had exalted dreams of being workers together with God as were Hannah of old and Susan­ nah Wesley, are suddenly deflated to the status of a jungle mother, doing only what it is her instinct and good policy to do. Could that be what the Holy Spirit intended to teach when He in­ cluded that chapter in the Word of God? The difficulty is. not with the well- meaning ministers. Doubtless their task is more difficult for them than is that of their listeners. A woman “ preached” that chapter in the first place—taught it to her young son, the new king, Lem­ uel. May it not then be reasonable that women can best interpret it? No studi­ ous mother in Israel would ever give it a literal interpretation primarily. She has lived through the experiences of every verse of that chapter too intense­ ly not to know the blessed spiritual in­ terpretation which it disguises. “Her price is fa r above rubies.” Many years ago, desiring to know the Bibli­ cal estimate of my own value as a wife and mother, I deliberately went to a jeweler’s shop and asked him what rubies were worth. He brought out a whole tray of them and said, “ These average $5.00 a piece. Some are a little better than others.” I assured him that I did not want any, and went home, crestfallen. Why, suppose that “ rubies” could be understood to mean a hundred of them, that would mean that this much-heralded “ virtuous woman” was worth only $500 to her husband and children! I was acutely aware that there were many animals standing in their pens in the stockyards that were worth far more than that. But that very fact made me know that the solution had not yet been reached. That night I sent a message to the famous jewelry firm of “ Tiffany’s” New York, explaining my problem. I still have their reply. It reads: “September 17, 1926 “ Dear Madam: “Replying to your inquiry, the value of rubies depends entirely on the qual­ ity and some years ago a nine-carat ruby was worth from $1,0,000.00 to

that untutored servants could at a few dollars a week and their board, plus a little ingenuity in helping to meet the family’s bills. The thirty-first chapter of Proverbs has a spiritual interpreta­ tion so rich, so stimulating, so challeng­ ing that one hesitates to put it into words lest it lose some of its precious­ ness. That chapter was written to young men, telling them what women to avoid and how to choose an ideal one. But if girls and boys alike were taken through their teens with its home ideas con­ stantly before them, divorce, broken homes, juvenile delinquency and spir­ itual poverty would cease to exist as far as they are concerned. For it teaches that God’s ideal woman is trust­ worthy; a blessing and a bringer of blessings. She seeks out each worth­ while possibility in her home life and

$50/100.00. Fine rubies are now worth from $1,000.00 to $2,000.00 per carat according to quality, but certain grades would not be worth more than $50.00 to $300.00 per carat, and there are im­ perfect stones that would not fetch more than $5.00 to $50.00 per carat. There are exceptional rubies that might have sold for $150,000 to $200,000. “Respectfully, “ Tiffany and Company” That much for one stone! Then a hundred of the exceptional ones might be valued at $15,000,000.00 to $20,000,- 000.00! And God places the value of His ideal women as “far above” rubies. That was something to work for with all the ambition of my being, and I in­ stantly knew positively that it could not be confined to one’s success at doing the menial tasks and friendly favors

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