King's Business - 1952-05

they were not founded on the Rock, Christ Jesus. There are six million di­ vorced women in the U.S. today. This tragic condition has made over five mil­ lions of children semi-orphans. In the past few decades the divorce rate in America has risen over 800%! Making a “Go” of Marriage Involves A Recognition of Its Importance The heme is the most important insti­ tution in the world today. We know that this is so because God Himself fashioned the home. It was the Lord who performed the first wedding ceremony (Gen, 2:21- 24). Three of the immortal ten com­ mandments have to do with the protec­ tion of the sanctity of the home (Ex. 20:12, 14, 17). Our Lord spoke often and clearly on the importance of the pres­ ervation of the home (Matt. 19:3-9). The home is the most important insti­ tution in the world because it is the basic unit of society. It is the home that gov­ erns the spiritual life of a nation. The next generation will be as spiritually sound as the parents of this generation are even now making it. The home gov­ erns the moral life of the nation. We speak of “juvenile delinquency” but in reality it is “ parental delinquency.” Par­ ents of the last generation were indif­ ferent to the Word of God and the church of Christ; we are suffering from this tragic neglect today. The home governs the physical condition of the nation. This is the meaning of Exodus 20:12. Obedi­ ence learned in the home produces men and women who are law-abiding citizens. Lawlessness in the home leads to law lessness throughout the land, and law­ lessness leads to death. The home is the basic unit of the church. This truth is evident throughout both the Old and New Testaments. The church is built around the home. When the home breaks down, the church breaks up. Making A “Go” of the Home Involves A Willingness to Follow God’s Will The Holy Spirit through Paul indi­ cates the divinely intended position of each member of the family. As this order is followed, the blessing of God results. The wife is to be in subjection to her husband in all things (vs. 22-2U). This does not mean that she is to be her hus­ band’s slave, or that he is to belittle her as a servant. It does mean that the wife is to recognize the headship of her hus­ band over her and over the home. The husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is Head of the Church. We see what great evil has come into the church bv men claiming the headshin that be­ longs to Christ alone. So also in the home. Only trouble can come when the headship of the husband is not willingly and lovingly acknowledged. The husband is to love his udfp. as himself (vs 25-33). This love keeps the husband, as head of the house, from be­ ing a heartless dictator or a stubborn beast. The husband’s love for his wife will annrnximate the love of Christ for His Church (v. 25). This was sacrificial

love, love that led Him to Calvary. The wife will find it easy to submit to the husband who loves her enough to die for her. The husband is to love his wife as he loves himself, for, in reality, the man who loves his wife does love him­ self, for they are owe-flesh (Gen. 2:24; Eph. 5:28, 29). When this great doctrine of the oneness brought about by the marriage relationship is recognized there will be a mutual love between husband and wife. Children are to obey their parents (6:1-3). This is a must for a successful home. Disobedience to parents is anarchy against God (v. 1), and leads to dishar­ mony and all manner of evil in the home and in the heart. Parents must deserve the love and respect of their children. By example they are to show their chil­ dren what a truly Christian home is like. In demanding his children’s obedience, he father must be careful that his wishes are justified (v. 4a). Sometimes parents are not justified in their demands nor kind in their actions toward their chil­ dren. The father is obligated to teach his children in the way of the Lord. It is at this point that many fathers fail. They are to take the spiritual leadership of the home. June 15, 1952 SOMETHING FOR NOTHING Prov. 16:8; Lev. 19:11-13 We are living in days when the slogan for the average man is the topic of our lesson, “ Something for Nothing.” Appar­ ently the people of Europe have come to the place where they expect the United States to foot their bills indefinitely, and that with very little thanks in return. The people in America seem rapidly to he reaching the place where we, too, expect something for nothing. There are those about us who feel that the govern­ ment owes them a living. In the govern­ ment itself are some who think nothing of dipping their greedy hands into the public treasury to satisfy their own de­ sires. There is “ Something for Nothing” That is Entirely Legitimate We have reference to the forgiveness of our sins and the hope of Heaven. Here is “ something for nothing” that every man must freely receive or he will never possess (Isa. 55:1, 2; John 1:12; 3:16; 3:36; Rom. 6:23). Why is it that salvation cannot be pur­ chased but can only be received as a gift? First, because man has nothing with which to pay. Every man is a bank­ rupt sinner. He is already condemned because he has broken the law of God. It is the very nature of the unregenerate man to sin against God (Rom. 3:23; Jer. 17:9). Salvation is “ something for nothing” because its price has already been paid. Sin is an awful thing. Men make light of their sin because they do not see the exceeding wickedness of rebellion against God. Disobedience to God is sinning T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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