King's Business - 1952-05

Ifeiiij-loose/ MISION FORJEWS' New York’s Jews have been coming to Her- mon House to learn for the first time of Christ, their Messiah. Many of themhave come to know Him as Saviour. We invite your fellowship in this soul­ winningministry. FREE! Send for your copy of “A Study of Prophecy,” a time­ ly, fascinating booklet. Write Dept. K New York Jewish Evangelization Society, Inc. j , Cooper Sta., N. Y. 3,

The fact remains that believing is not enough unless that belief is trans­ lated into the sacred and saving action of a personal experience with Jesus Christ Himself. The question is “Have you been born again?” (Study John 3:3-7 and 2 Cor. 5:17). The majority of people, at least in nominally Christian lands, hold more or less to the Christian faith and yet are guilty of the common sin of actually rejecting Christ as their own personal Saviour from the guilt and power of sin. This is the only sin that sends a soul to hell (John 3:36). Murder does not damn a soul; adultery does not damn a soul; stealing does not damn a soul, but rejecting Jesus Christ does! Murderers have been saved, and so have adulterers, thieves, liars, and every type of sinner. But no soul has ever been saved who went into eternity without Christ! Don’t Trample on the Holy Spirit It is possible to resist the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51), to grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30), and to quench the Holy Spirit (1 Thess. 5:19). All of this adds up to “ stepping on” the blessed Holy Spirit. When a man refuses to believe the gospel and turns a deaf ear to the plead­ ing call of the Holy Spirit, he is tram­ pling on the Holy Spirit. When a be­ liever lives in sin or holds bitterness in his heart toward a brother, he is griev­ ing the Holy Spirit, and trampling Him under foot. When a believer refuses to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit in matters of life and doctrine or in matters of Christian service, he is quenching the Holy Spirit and thus trampling Him beneath the feet. These are indeed serious actions! Don’t Trample on the Rights of Others 1 Sam. 12:4, 5 When Samuel was nearing the end of his ministry as leader of the people of God, he assembled them before him and invited them carefully to review his life and service. With one accord the people acknowledged that Samuel had been a flawless leader. He had not defrauded, nor oppressed, nor taken any bribe. What a wonderful record! How we wish that today we had more leaders in public of­ fice like Samuel! Practical Christianity is always con­ cerned about the other man’s rights. The most doctrinal book in the Bible has a large section devoted to the practical outworking of the Christian experience in the lives ofjtrue believers (see Romans 12:1-15:13). June 29, 1952 "IT'S SMART NOT TO------ " Dan. 1:3-18; 1 John 3:7-8 The record of Daniel in the inspired Word of God is a thrilling account. This young man, taken captive by an invading army and transported to a foreign land far from home, in the midst of powerful

temptations, refused to compromise and maintained a steady testimony for God. The reasons for Daniel’s steadfastness are apparent: he had real faith in God; he was jealous for the Name of God in a heathen land; he loved the Lord his God with all of his heart. Today, as in Daniel’s day, there are many temptations confronting young people, and today, as in Daniel’s day, it is “smart not to . . .” It is Smart Not to Defile One’s Body Many young people today are victims of a false standard of morality. They have been taught the doctrine of evolu­ tion as if it were a fact; they have lis­ tened to the nonsense of behaviouristic psychology; they have been pressed into pessimism by world conditions ; and they have been high-pressured into immorality by radio, television, motion pictures, newspapers and magazines. A recent survey taken among high school students in America indicated that 91% of the boys and 82% of the girls have lost their purity. Young person, be careful what you read, and what you see. Concentrate on pure things and things of good report. Keep your eyes fixed on the lovely figure of the Lord Jesus Christ, and let Him be the inspiration, the Hero of your life (Phil. 4:8; Heb. 12:2). It is Smart Not to Defile One’s Soul Man is a spiritual being; he is a soul (Gen. 2:7). The soul of man is his real self, the real “ I” . Sin has defiled that soul, and effaced the image of God. For that reason it is necessary for him to be born again and to become a new creature in Christ (John 3:3; 2 Cor. 5:17). Holiness of life is the evidence of the new birth. Holiness is the inevitable fruit of justification by faith. The Apostle deals with this fact in Romans 6:1-8:39. John deals with the same truth in John 3:7, 8. In the latter passage the Holy Spirit through John teaches us that it is impossible for a truly born-again man ever to live in constant sin as the habit of his life. Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil in the believer and to make it possible for every believer to live in victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Again, we point out that although the believer may slip and fall, he will never remain in sin. It is possible for a person who professes to be saved to con­ tinue in sin, but not for the true be­ liever. Let every man make his calling and election sure (2 Pet. 1:10). Young people need to know that the body is defiled through the use of bev­ erage alcohol. No animal will drink liquor, but man will! Seventy-five per cent of American people drink ! There are five million drunkards in the United States. In our land some nine billion dollars was spent on alcohol, enough for over 20 gallons for every person in America. Liquor is today wrecking more homes, ruining more bodies, and damn­ ing more souls than any other one thing in the country. It is smart not to drink !

NATIONAL BIBLE COLLEGE EXTENSION COURSES, designed to cover same subjects and texts as in resident semi­ nary. Fundamental, true to God’s Word. Lead to graduation. Low cost. IF YOU CANNOT GO TO COLLEGE LET THE COLLEGE COME TO YOU. Write for literature. NA­ TIONAL BIBLE COLLEGE, 1820 Ida Avenue, Wichita 9, Kansas.

D R . L O U I S T. T A LB O T presents 3 new films in color and sound. “ INDIA’S SORROW” The desperate plight of 350,- 000,000 souls. Portrays religion, child widows, caste, lepers &the way missionaries are striving to reach this country. Time: 35,minutes. “PETRA” Fulfilled prophecies in Palestine regarding Sidon, Tyre, Amman, Moab and Petra, the rock city of the dead. Time: 35 minutes. “ I SAW BORNEO" A journey into the interior show­ ing former headhunters, and a most remarkable work of the gospel. Time: 25,minutes. All films available on a free-will offering basis. Send requests to FILM DEPARTMENT Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, California We would like to show 0 “ India's Sorrow“ 0 “ Petra” 0 "I Saw Borneo" on ............................... or ........................................................... . ..... . ....................... Your name ............................................................................... Your church or group............................................................ Address .................................................................................... City .............................................................................................. State ...........................................................................................

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