King's Business - 1952-05

was led to the Lord, twenty-six years ago by my sister, Carrie, and I have known her many years. Together we now con­ tinue to serve in every way the Lord in­ dicates. By telephone, by letters, and by personal visits in our home here we are privileged still to touch many lives and we daily thank God for the strength He gives for this ministry. I praise God that I am able to be present at the afternoon meetings each Sunday at the Church of the Open Door where hundreds meet to pray for the Jewish work and where we are privileged to hear the testimonies from time • to time of those who have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their own Messiah. Please God we shall continue to be active until He takes us Home. I have failed my Lord often through the years, but He has never failed me. Since I have found Jesus Christ to be the Messiah and High Priest, the Saviour who saves His peo­ ple from their sins, I have had a deep abiding peace which the world cannot give, a joy which cannot be equaled and which nothing can take from me. And I know that when I am called from this earth, I will spend eternity with Him who gave His life that I might have eternal life with Him. Because of the great love I hold for the Jews, and because I understand so well the unrest and anxiety in their hearts today, I am praying that as this testimony goes forth in published form, some of them may see it and come to know the peace of mind and heart that I have found. I am no less a Jew than I was fifty years ago, but now am a Jew who has come into his own, by gain­ ing a full knowledge of his inheritance. The Messiah! How our people have longed for Him all through the cen­ turies of persecution and world wander­ ings. How I would proclaim to each one of them: “Hear me, my Jewish brethren, 1 have found peace, order, and serenity of mind, heart and life. Would you like to have these, too? You, too, can reach out and accept your portion, if you will but read, and pray to Ruach Elohim (the Holy Spirit) to open your eyes to see the truth.” For “ Hewas wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: The chastisement of our peace was up­ on Him, And with His stripes, we are healed” Isaiah 53. The Old-Fashioned Minister The old-fashioned type of minister was a preacher, a spokesman, an am­ bassador. He urged men to repentance for sin, to belief in the mediatorial work of Christ, to holiness of life. He was a witness. His message was the Word, his plea the mercy of God in Christ, his warning the wrath of God against sin. A statement from the Word was the end of all controversy. Under such a ministry men both trembled and be­ lieved. Prayerless pews make powerless pul­ pits.

The body is defiled by the use of drugs. There are 300,000 teen-age drug addicts in the United States today. These pitiful victims became addicts because they were afraid to be different. But it is smart not to be a dope fiend! Young people, keep your body pure and clean, a fit habitation for the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19, 20). It is Smart Not to Defile One’s Mind A Christian young man. or young woman has to be continually on his guard against the subtle suggestions whispered to him from many sources. In your young people’s group have the members list some of the avenues of wrong think­ ing open today. The mind and heart of man are the fountain from which flow the issues of life. If the mind is dirty, the life is dirty, too. How may the Christian keep his mind clean and pure? The Scripture gives the answer (Psa. 119:9, 11). Study these verses carefully and discuss them in the .meeting. Out of sixteen letters sent out in one month recently (for I keep in touch with some twenty of my relatives now and give them no rest), I had eight returns thanking me for letters and material sent. Whenever I go to look for the mail I first look for those familiar return- addressed envelopes I have enclosed in their letters. Every chance I have, I pray for these of my own, family. At night when I cannot sleep, I ask the Lord to disturb them and to give them no rest or peace until they have found it in Him. I firmly believe I will receive yet more letters telling me others have believed. On February 17, 1952, I observed my eighty-third birthday. This year marks also my fiftieth birthday in the Lord and I would not exchange one day of the fifty years for one that had gone before. Each day brings a new thrill as I walk it with Him. Just the other day, for in­ stance, He gave me the joy of meeting one of the “ boys” from those early years when we had a Sunday school in our home here. Our water heater needed re­ pairing and when the repair man came, he recognized me! A tall man, now in his thirties, but still resembling the boy I had known, he recalled the times he had come to our home as a boy for Bible study. “ I don’t get what you used to give us now,” he added. “ You came straight out with the gospel.” He said he was going on with the Lord and I hope I can keep in touch with him for the rest of the time left me. Not long ago I heard of another, a business man in the city, who is bearing a consistent Christian witness. This brings much joy as evidence of the fruit of a witness those many years back, and encourages the heart to continue in prayer and service. Three years ago the Lord gave me an­ other companion in Clara, my wife. Clara M A Y , 1 9 5 2 A Jew Finds The Messiah (Continued from Page 22)

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