King's Business - 1952-05

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Pointers on the Lesson H omer A. K ent , T h .D.

Helps fo r the Children A llison A rrowood

Lesson material is based upon out­ lines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council o f Religious Education; used by permission.

June 1, 1952 CHRIST'S STANDARD OF MORAL PURITY Ex. 20:14; Matt. 5:27-32; Mark 10:2-9

The New Testament Interpretation Matt. 5:27-32 The inner meaning of the seventh commandment is here presented. Our Lord makes it clear that sin is a mat­ ter of the heart. The Ten Command­ ments have not only to do with outward observance, they also deal with the con­ dition of man’s inner life. According to this passage, the man who intently gazes upon a woman to lust after her has already broken the seventh com­ mandment. The lustful gaze is the bud that finally flowers into the overt act. By this standard of judgment who knows how many daily break the command­ ment who by no means commit the out­ ward act. Man looketh on the outward appearance, but God looketh upon the heart. Those who say they keep the Ten Commandments usually think only of the outward observance. They forget the inner meaning as Christ considers it. By His standard, which is the only infallible standard of interpretation, every man stands condemned. Only in Christ can he stand before God com­ plete. The passage before us shows us that every possible effort should be put forth to protect the marital relation (w . 29, 30), and that it is a relationship which should not be dissolved (vv. 31, 32). God’s Original Ideal Mark 10:2-9 It is apparent that the practice of divorce was prevalent among the Israel­ ites in the time of Moses. They may T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Pointers on the Lesson The material in today’s lesson is fundamental to the welfare of the home. Disobedience to the instructions found in the passages selected for our study result in untold misery and tragedy. Living in harmony with them means happiness for the individual and strength for the nation. Sex is one of the major factors for good or ill in the life of man. Our lesson will give guid­ ance for this area of life. The Basic Command Ex. 20:14 The seventh commandment has in mind the well-being of the home. Faith­ fulness on the part of husband and wife to each other is one of the foundation stones of a true home. Adultery has to do with marital unfaithfulness, even as fornication has to do with illicit inter­ course on the part of unmarried per­ sons. When God established the home (Gen. 2:24), He meant that there should be one man for one woman, and that this relationship should be permanent. Anything less than this is a departure from God’s ideal and is destructive to the home. The seriousness of an adulter­ ous relationship is suggested by the fact that more than once the nation of Israel was accused by God of descending into spiritual adultery, which means a de­ liberate turning away from the true God unto gods that led the people into awful sin. God’s awful judgments in­ variably followed.

For information and reservations write: MOUNT HERMON ASSOCIATION Fulton C. Lytle, D.D., Exec. Dir., Mt. Hermon, Calif. Page Twenty-eight.

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