King's Business - 1952-05

ACCORDIONS ALL LEADING MAKES ALL SIZES, TYPES, STYLES, COLORS In every price range, for students and professionals UP TO 40% DISCOUNT TO MISSIONARIES Up to 30% Discount to Christian Workers SALES, RENTALS— 12 TO 120 BASS LEN JOHNSON Internationally-Known Gospel Accordionist 11020 Ventura Blvd., North Hollywood, Calif. Phone: SUnset 1-9550 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. offers a liberal arts education free from denominational bias and all en­ tangling alliances with modernism. More and more churches and mission boards are demanding college trained candidates. SHELTON provides high college standards on a sound Bible- believing basis with strong theological and pre-theological departments. Write for catalog. S h e l t o n d t b l l e g e Dr. J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., President 340 W. 55th Street New York 19, N. Y. GOSPELLIGHT j $ h e l t o t t Q T o U e g c Formerly The National Bible Institute

“ I would give my life to know whether or not that boy is telling the truth.” The soldier quickly replied, “ Sir, I know that boy. He refuses to lie. You can stake your life on what he has told you as being the truth.” The general moved his troops as the boy had said and won the battle that day! When others think of you do they know that whatever you tell them is true, or when they hear you speak is there a question mark in their minds as they wonder whether or not you are telling the truth? God says, “ Thou shalt not bear false witness [lie] against thy neighbour.” In the New Testament He says, “ Speak every man the truth . . .” Some Christian boys and girls would never tell a black lie, but they feel perfectly all right about telling white lies. Do you think that God lists lies as to whether they are black or white, or even tattle tale gray ? No, God is color-blind when He hears lies. They are all lies in His sight, whether they were black or white or big or little! People become angry when they find that what someone has told them is not the truth. They never really trust the word of that person again. Those who tell little lies, soon find themselves en­ joying the telling of bigger lies. When they become older, they are so in the habit of lying that sometimes they scarcely know that they are lying to others. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the truth. Punishment or being “made fun of” may result from telling the truth. Sometimes we need to dare to tell the truth. A willingness in our hearts to obey God’s law and a prayer that He will give us the courage to tell what we know to be true will cause our friends to say about us, “ He refuses to lie. You can stake your life on what he has told you is the truth.” Greed is just another word for selfish­ ness. Selfishness is a hideous monster that stands between the soul and God. Selfishness was the sin that cast Satan out of Heaven, and every soul that has followed him in his downfall has been guilty of the same sin. Selfishness puts self in the place of God. It says “ I will” follow my own desires and leave God out of the picture. Thus the seriousness of this sin or of its equivalents, greed and covetousness, can readily be seen. The Basic Command Ex. 20:17 “ Thou shalt not covet.” Being the last of the Ten Commandments does not mean that it is the least important. It is more to the point to say that with this commandment a climax is reached. Covetousness is a sin which leads to the other sins mentioned in the Decalogue: T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S June 22, 1952 THE SIN OF GREED Ex. 20:17; Luke 12:13-21,29-34 Pointers on the Lesson

liars are grouped in the same category with unbelievers, murderers, whoremon­ gers, sorcerers and idolaters and we are told that such “ shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone” (Rev. 21:8). A Tragic Instance of Failure John 18:15-27 Two stories are interwoven in this passage, the story of Peter’s denials and that of our Lord’s mock trial. This lesson is mainly concerned with the first. It is a sad illustration of the failure in the obligation to be truthful. Peter had vowed that no matter what others might do he would never deny his Lord. Yet now within a few short hours he lied three times with respect to his relationship to his Lord. First, he lied to a maid who had charge of the door of the high priest’s palace. He boldly said “ I am not” one of Christ’s disciples. At this time it is evi­ dent that Peter’s courage completely left him. He got in the wrong company and found it easy to say what in his heart he did not believe. “ Peter stood with them, and warmed himself” (v. 18). It is always dangerous to linger by the enemies’ fire. Many of God’s children have become burnt by so doing. Betweeen the first denial and the other two, the mock trial of Jesus under Annas took place (vv. 19-24). During this time Peter was standing by the fire in the hall along with the servants. It seems as though Peter would have repented of his first denial during this time but it appears that his associations with the servants of the high priest only strengthened his tendency to do wrong. So the second denial takes place by the fireside in the presence of these ser­ vants. Again he told a flagrant lie—“ I am not” one of His disciples. The third lie was told to an individ­ ual member of the servant group, who had said to Peter, “ Did not I see thee in thè garden with him?” But Peter de­ nied the association and “ immediately the cock crew” (v. 27). A tremendous warning appears in this failure. It is possible for the child of God to have part in very holy experiences, to be subjected to splendid teaching from God’s Word, to have been given high position in the church of Christ, and yet, through lack of watchfulness in prayer and undue familiarity with the world, to slip away from the Lord and bring the cause of Christ into disrepute.

Graded Lessons

Correctly Bible

HENRIETTA C. MEARS, LH.D Originator and Editor-in-Chief

For a BETTER SUNDAY SCHOOL Teachers are delighted be­ causechildrenlearneagerly. GospelLightoffers NE Wand DYNAMIC courses for this lateful "Hour of Decision.” Meet the challenge with these fresh, adaptable les­ sons. Nursery through Adult—graded either by department or age.

Send for valuable Free Survey Chart and see how you can improve your Sun­ day School. No obligation for this "eye opener” — WRITE TODAY! YES, Send me FREE Survey Chart "H ow to Organize Your Sunday School.” I am interested in □ Nursery □ Beginner □ Primary □ Junior □ Junior High □ High School □ Adult Nam e ------------------------------------------------------------------------- M y Address. -------------------------------------------------------------- — ------------------ City _________________________ Zone State ------------------. M y Church. --------------------------------------— ---------------------------------------- ■ Mail to your Christian Book Store, or G O S P E L L I GH T P R E S S 1214 S. Brand Blvd. • Dept. KB5 • Glendale 4, Calif. Page Thirty-two

Helps for the Children Dare to Be Truthful Ex. 20:16; John 18:15-17,25-27

Memory Verse: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour” (Ex. 20:16). During the Civil War a little boy heard his enemies making plans for their next move. Quickly he told his general. The general said to a soldier,

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