King's Business - 1952-05

MUSIC BE YOUR OWN TEACHER! Learn at home this money-saving way It’s easy as A-B-C, no matter which in­ strument you want to play. You learn by playing real melodies from actual notes instead of tiresome exercises. Everything is in print and pictures. First you read how to play a tune. Then a picture shows you how.

some things which Jesus had to say with respect to commandments. This lesson affords opportunity to study the relationship of the Old Testament to the New. A Pointed Question Mark 12:28-34 “ Which is the first commandment of all?” (v. 28). By this question the scribe meant which is the most impor­ tant commandment. He wanted to know what God requires of man as his high­ est duty. In Jesus’ answer, He put love to God and man on the highest possible plane. “ There is none other command­ ment greater than these” (v. 31). Note the scope of the love with which man is commanded to love the Lord: (1) with all thy heart, that is, with sincerity of thoughts and feelings; (2) with all thy soul, that is, with emotional warmth and fervor; (3) with all thy mind, that is, with intellect and reason, and (4) with all thy strength, that is, with energy and enthusiasm. As a man comes face to face with such a command he realizes his undone condition. He needs a Saviour. Unless man has a new nature he can in no sense love God or man as is exhorted in the second commandment. The scribe uttered a great truth in his comment following our Lord’s words “ to love him . . . and . . . his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices” (v. 33) . It is suggestive of the emptiness of mere formalism in religious service. The latter can never "be a substitute for heart-devotion to God. They are only pleasing in the sight of God if they are the expression of hearts that are right. “ Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams” (1 Sam. 15:22). Jesus saw the true condition of the inquiring scribe and said, “ Thou art not far from the kingdom of God” (v. 34) . He was not far from the kingdom in the sense that he recognized that true righteousness consists in the ful­ fillment of these two commandments just given by Jesus. All that this man needed to do was to confess himself devoid of this righteousness and receive the Saviour for himself. Whether this man ever took the step we can only conjecture. It is possible to be near but not in. A New Command John 13:34,35 It should be noted that this command was given to those who were already followers of Christ. Such as these sure­ ly ought to radiate the love of Christ to others. Such love becomes a vital force witnessing to others of the power and winsomeness of Christ. Some folks get the cart before the horse in this matter and imagine that if they just manifest a form of love toward others they will get to Heaven. But nothing is plainer in the Word than this, that sal- T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

with Christ, seek those things which are above” , etc. What are you seeking, the things in the muck of this world or thp things which are important in rela­ tion to the city of God? Helps lor the Children When It Belongs to Another Ex. 20:17; Luke 12:13-34 Memory Yerse: “Thou shalt not covet” (Ex. 20:17). How often have you seen the toys of another boy or girl and grieved because you did not have some like them? Have you been jealous of the good report cards that your friends have had or of their new home or their nice clothes? Have you made your parents unhappy by whining and complaining that others had things that you do not have? God’s Word says, “ thou shalt not covet.” That means that you are not to make your­ self and others unhappy by wanting things that others have but that you cannot have. The Lord Jesus told some people about a rich man whose crops were so great that he decided to pull down his barns and build bigger ones and keep his riches for himself. That night God told the rich man that he would die. He asked the man this ques­ tion, “ Then whose shall those things be, which thou has provided?” Rather than increasing his own happiness by sharing his riches with others, the rich man clung to all that he could and died before he could enjoy his riches. Those who lay up treasure for themselves are not rich toward God and toward others. Sometimes we desire to have things which we truly need. God says, “ Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” He also says in Philippians 4:19, “ My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” God has never promised to give to us all that we want, but He has promised to supply all that we truly need. Happiness does not come by wishing for things that belong to someone else, but by enjoying the things that you have and being willing to share them with those who have less than you. The things that we truly need we can pray that God will give us wisdom to work and plan wisely to receive. Those who try only to keep getting more and more for themselves may have much in the way of things, but their lives will be unhappy and they will have few friends who truly love and respect them. June 29, 1952 CHRIST'S NEW COMMANDMENT Mark 12:28-34; John 13:34,35 ;15:10-14 Pointers on the Lesson From the Old Testament command­ ments we turn our attention this week to the New Testament where we see

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