King's Business - 1952-05

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Rev. Elmer L. Wilder

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

HO. 9-5883

HO. 9-5883

June 1, 1952 T he W hite B oys

June 8, 1952 T h ink ing A bout A T hief


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Objects: Six jars, graduated in size, filled respectively with sugar, soda, starch, baking powder, flour and salt. Lesson: I have six brothers in my bag this morning. Before introducing them, I want to remind you of the words of Christ, “ Ye are the salt of the earth” (Matt. 5:13). Salt is used to keep things from spoiling. The world would be much worse than it is, were it not for the fact that there are Christians in it. Then, too, salt makes people thirsty for water. Many unsaved people become thirsty for Christ because of the godly life of some Christian whom they know. Here are the six boys. They are dif- i ferent in size, but they all have a fam­ ily resemblance. Bill, what does this taste like? “ Sugar.”

Objects: A capital “ I” and a black crayon. (The “ I” is cut from stiff con­ struction paper, before the lesson. It should be 14 inches high, the stem 1 inch wide, and the top and bottom bars 4 inches wide and 1 inch high. Color the back red. Crease 2% inches from the top, permitting the top to fold forward when desired. Make another crease 5 inches from the bottom. When the top is folded down and the bottom up, the two bars will come together, making a red cross.) Lesson: This white “I” reminds me of an individual when he is bom into the world. His life’s record is clean, but because of his sinful heart it does not remain that way long. Many sins are committed which stain and mar the life. I want to talk to you about one particular sin—stealing. More people are guilty of this sin than we realize. One of the first things which a child steals is something out of his mother’s cupboard. Mothers often forbid chil­ dren’s eating between meals in order that they may have good appetites at mealtime. We will write the word “ FOOD” on this “ I” with a black crayon. Children have been known to steal money from their mother’s purse, in order to buy candy. We will write the word “ MONEY” on the “ I” . Older people have been known to steal time from their employers, when the boss was not watching. We will write “ TIME” on the “ I” . It is possible to steal another per­ son’s good name by speaking falsely about him. We will put the word “NAME” on the “ I” . This “ I” is now covered with sin. Many forms of stealing have been placed on it. It reminds me of a person before he is saved. All of these forms of stealing break the commandment, “ Thou shalt not steal” (Ex. 20:15).


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You are right. This is Sugar White, j He is sweet, but he cannot do the thing Christ meant when He said, “Ye are the salt of the earth.” John, see whether or not you can tell us the name of the next brother. From the face you are making, I think this must be Soda White. Soda is good to use in cooking, but that is not what Christ meant when He spoke of “ the salt of the earth.” Mary, we will let you try to name j the next one. It is difficult to tell by | the taste, so I will help you. It is Starch White. Starch makes clothes stiff, but it cannot be used for salt. Esther, you will find that the next “ brother” bites your tongue. It is Bak- ling Powder White. Lois, we will let you taste the next j one. Yes, his name is Flour White. Flour is very useful, but it does not take the place of salt. Paul, will you name the last one? “ Salt.” Yes, this is Salt White. Christ wants Christians to be the salt of the- earth, causing people to be thirsty for the Water of Life.

Page Thirty-six

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