For many people, knee pain can be a way of life, limiting their ability to climb stairs, squat down to get something off the floor, enjoy long walks, shopping and a host of other daily activities. The knee joint is one of the most complicated joints in the body and has to bear up to 6 times your body weight with running or jumping. This incredible joint has to move over a million times each year and over 80 million times over a lifetime. This is also the reason why things can go wrong, causing injury and pain.
The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health & Fitness
3 Easy Steps to Healthy Knees
For many people, knee pain can be a way of life, limiting their ability to climb stairs, squat down to get something off the floor, enjoy long walks, shopping and a host of other daily activities. The knee joint is one of the most complicated joints in the body and has to bear up to 6 times your body weight with running
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THIS NEWSLETTER: •3 Easy Steps to Healthy Knees • Exercise Essentials • Improving Sports Performance
The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health & Fitness
or jumping. This incredible joint has to move over a million times each year and over 80 million times over a lifetime. This is also the reason why things can go wrong, causing injury and pain. Just like takingcareofyourheart,your jointsneedattention tomaintainahealthystate.Here areeasyways foryou to takecareofyourknees,avoidingarthritisandother jointproblems: Stretch yourhamstrings,quadriceps andadductormuscleseach day. Bykeeping these muscles flexible, the forces on your knee joints can be balanced, allowing your joint to bend, rotate and for your patella (kneecap) to track properly. Keep the muscles around your hips and knees strong. Especially the gluteals and quadricepsmuscles.Studiesshow that thoseadults,especiallyover55whohavestronger glutealsandquadriceps, tend tohave lessbackpainandmoreability tododailyactivities. Exercise regularly. While this is good for the whole body, the knees especially need exercise to keep their cartilage healthy. The cartilage does not have much blood supply and requires its nutrition from joint fluid. Most of the joint fluid absorbs into the cartilage only through movement and compression of the knee. Therefore, it is important to do weight bearing exercise such as walking, running and other sports. However, if you have arthritis, it is advised to do less impact activities such as biking, elliptical machines, aquatic exercises, etc. Havinga regularphysical therapycheckupensures thatyour jointsareworkingat theirpeak performance. In addition, any problems will be discovered early, preventing the onset of arthritis and joint injury. If you do have arthritis or have had surgery, then a regular physical therapy check up is especially important. If your attention is on that sore knee, then it is timeyoucalledus fora freeknee jointanalysis.Talk tooneofourexpertphysical therapists today and see how life can be with freely moving knees. 3 Easy Steps to Healthy Knees
CALL TODAY: Gretna Location (504) 365-1020 Belle Chasse Location (504) 398-2004
3. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist
2. Your therapist can
1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.
discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home.
might recommend you come in for an appointment.
Relieves Knee Pain In Minutes Try this exercise to relieve knee pain
Celebrating Our Staff! Congratulating Staff Anniversaries!
Relieves Knee Pain
Knee Flexion Kneel on both knees with your knee angle at 90 degrees. Slowly lower your buttocks towards your heels and then return to the start position. Repeat 6 times.
Congratulations to our employees celebrating work anniversaries. Cheryl and Addie made 10 years with Rehab Access and Justin is celebrating 4 years. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to our practice and patients!
Patient Success Stories
“The staffwere really a blessing toworkwith!”
“I could not bemore satisfied!” “Great crew of professionally trained personnel, smiling faces always and prompt treatment. My condition improved immensely through my treatment here. Could not be more satisfied.” - W.K.
“I would recommend Rehab Access to everyonewho needs rehab!” “My experience was great. It helped me out a lot. All of the pain I used to have was minimized throughout my workouts. I wasn’t able to bend past my knees when I first started, but now I can touch my toes again. Everyone was outstanding and helped to get me back to a functional state. I would recommend Rehab Access to everyone that needs rehab.” – M.K.
“I’ve had 3 knee surgeries and am missing a meniscus. I’ve had for rounds of PT prior to this. This is the first time I’ve seen such a dramatic reduction in pain and increase in strength. All the water work did its job. The staff is awesome, and they really motivated me to push myself. I really appreciate their positive energy and attitudes. They were really a blessing to work with.” – G.S.
Improving Sports Performance
Whether you are a high school athlete or just like to exercise for fun, improving your body’s ability to exercise is a good challenge. While there aremanydifferentwaystotrainforyourparticularsport, includingnutrition, we are going to focus on improving your joint performance and stability. This will allow you to run longer, cut faster, and throw better. Joint Stability. Improve your sports ability through joint stability. When a joint is more stable,musclescanfunctionbetter. Forknees,anklesandhips trybalance exercisesonunevensurfacessuchasfoamorafolded towel.Trystanding on one leg while doing small knee bends. Joint Flexibility Joints need to be flexible in order to move through their proper range and allowmusclestopullcorrectly.Formanypeoplewhoarerunners,stretching mustbedoneeveryday tomaintainmuscleand tissueelasticity.Dynamic stretching is often best, where the stretch is done in a moving fashion, such as in Yoga. This is different than a prolonged stretch. Joint Strength Incorporate strengthening exercises into your sports routines. This is especially importantforrunnersandweekendwarriors.A littlestrengthening exercisingcangoa longway topreventsports injuriesandsoreness.The stronger your muscles are around your joints, the better ability you have to play and avoid injury. Joint Coordination Youhavean inherentsenseofwhereyour jointsare inspace(proprioception) and how they are moving in space (kinesthetic sense). This allows your braintocoordinatethemusclemovementsaroundyour joints.By improving yourbalanceandcoordinationwithspecificexercises,yougreatly reduce the chance of injury and will enhance your sports performance.
At Rehab Access PhysicalTherapy, we train you on the best way to attain and hold your posture throughout the day. We help you relieve your back pain quickly while improving your posture for maximum long term results! Call Today!
The Ideal Protein Weightloss Method Don’t Waste Any More Time. Get Your Own Personal Weight Loss Exam, Call 504-398-2004. If you need help to finally lose that stubborn belly fat this year, we can help! Lose Weight Safely and Keep It Off!
Resultswhile following the IdealProteinWeightLossMethodmayvary fromperson toperson,or from individual to individual.Authorized IdealProteinadministrator,RehabAccessFitnessLLC.
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