Improving Sports Performance
Whether you are a high school athlete or just like to exercise for fun, improving your body’s ability to exercise is a good challenge. While there aremanydifferentwaystotrainforyourparticularsport, includingnutrition, we are going to focus on improving your joint performance and stability. This will allow you to run longer, cut faster, and throw better. Joint Stability. Improve your sports ability through joint stability. When a joint is more stable,musclescanfunctionbetter. Forknees,anklesandhips trybalance exercisesonunevensurfacessuchasfoamorafolded towel.Trystanding on one leg while doing small knee bends. Joint Flexibility Joints need to be flexible in order to move through their proper range and allowmusclestopullcorrectly.Formanypeoplewhoarerunners,stretching mustbedoneeveryday tomaintainmuscleand tissueelasticity.Dynamic stretching is often best, where the stretch is done in a moving fashion, such as in Yoga. This is different than a prolonged stretch. Joint Strength Incorporate strengthening exercises into your sports routines. This is especially importantforrunnersandweekendwarriors.A littlestrengthening exercisingcangoa longway topreventsports injuriesandsoreness.The stronger your muscles are around your joints, the better ability you have to play and avoid injury. Joint Coordination Youhavean inherentsenseofwhereyour jointsare inspace(proprioception) and how they are moving in space (kinesthetic sense). This allows your braintocoordinatethemusclemovementsaroundyour joints.By improving yourbalanceandcoordinationwithspecificexercises,yougreatly reduce the chance of injury and will enhance your sports performance.
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