Ardmag Jingle Bells Edition : Dec 2022

The B.I.G North Pole 2023 Sea Ice Research Expedition Edel Kieran will be one of a team of six going on an expedition to the Arctic Ocean sea ice next year- before it’s gone.

Here is a brief overview of her expedition and the science. More here :

Coming together from around the globe this team of like-minded women is mindful of the fact that they may be some of the last people ever to be able to stand at the North Pole on frozen ocean. It is this terrible likelihood that inspires and unites them. The sound of the ice cracking and moving below the tent at night is only one of the frightening experiences they will face. The team will each spend a few hours every night in camp on polar bear watch gazing up at the northern lights. This will be one of the most memorable experiences. Facing temperatures that can fall as low as 40C/F, the B.I.G. expedition team will ski across the surface of the frozen Arctic Ocean to reach the North Pole in April 2023. Hauling everything they will need during their journey in sledges that they drag behind them, they will camp out on the ice and use the 24-hour daylight to navigate their way through obstacles of ice rubble and open water on the pack ice. It is a constantly shifting landscape that poses many risks.


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