King's Business - 1968-03


Why? There’s a flaw in their training in godliness. If you’re going to end well, don’t let up the training . . . day after day after day. The third reason for training is to be whole, complete. God wants us that way. Now “bodily training is o f some value . . .” Keep your body in shape. Body, mind and spirit are interrelated and we need to exercise all three. Bodily training is limited, how­ ever, to the body and to this life, while “godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” How do you train yourself in godliness? By association and ap­ plication. Association with God daily . . . taking time to search the Word and pray. Then appli­ cation of the Word to our lives that day. But do we have to train our­ selves? Isn’t there another way? Paul said, “ Train yourself, Timo­ thy.” Let’s face up to the fact that we are responsible for the way we are. Let’s quit blaming our parents, environment, teach­ ers, even God for our condition, there are certain things God doesn’t do for us. For example, God isn’t going to repent for us; we’re supposed to do that. God isn’t going to stop lying for us; we stop lying. It’s up to us to be obedient. Judgment will be on that basis. Not on what we knew but on what we did with what we knew. Romans 8:13 says, “ For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live.” Aided by the Spirit, you put to death the deeds of the body. We must train to be obedient even in little things. Luke 16:10 states, “He who is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much.” Borrowed books returned, promises fulfilled, little tempta­ tions earnestly resisted; reading the Bible instead o f that maga­ zine ; turning off the TV in order Continued on p. b2

The Ambiguity of Religion

By DAVID BAILY HARNED. It Is said that Harvey Cox would have the secular swallow the religious and Paul Tillich would have the religious swallow the secular. But Dr. Harned believes that ambiguity represents a vital strength of religion. "A powerful statement of the basic truths of Biblical religion ... Brilliantly un­ masking.”— e d w a r o w. b a u m a n . Paperbound, $2.45 The Search for Meaning A NEW APPROACH IN PSYCHOTHERAPY By AARON J. UNGERSMA. Now in paperback by popular demand — the book that clarifies the theories of the Austrian existential analyst Viktor E. Frankl, founder of “logotherapy”.Special fore­ word by Dr. Frankl. "Will suggest new areas of under­ standing of the human mind and spirit.”— h a r r y c. m e s e r v e , Journal of Religion and Health. Paperbound, $1.95

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G I V E Y O U R C A R TO M ISSIO N A R IE S ON FURLOUGH When you donate your car, uie send you a tax-deductible re­ ceipt for top retail value. Write: AIM, Inc., (Automobiles In Missions) 51SI, Glendile California 91201

Get First-Hand Knowledge About The MISSIONS OF ASIA A unique tour to the Mission Fields and scenic/cultural highlights of Hawaii, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Philippine Islands with DR. RA LPH R. COVELL Associate Professor of Missions June 24-July 15, 1968 — 22 Day« All Expense— Low Cost Financing Available Write today for free information GO TAA S W O R LD TOURS 615 $. Flower $t., Los Angeles, 90017

Missionary family

MARCH, 1968


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