King's Business - 1968-03

Continued from p. 39 to have a vital quiet time the next morning. Keep your thoughts pure. Watch your hundreds of lit­ tle daily decisions. By spending time with God, by obeying Him, you will be ready to meet the needs of people, to talk about the Lord with boldness and wisdom. A young sailor I once knew was an example of the person who is ready. He received Christ in the service. In Seattle, his first time back in the States, he saun­ tered over to where a cult was holding a street meeting. He would listen and then say, “ Ex­ cuse me, but the Bible says . . .” and he would quote an appropri­ ate Scripture. Soon a crowd gath­ ered. After a while the men holding the meeting had nothing to say, and the crowd asked the sailor to speak. So he got up on their stool and gave a ten-minute Gospel message. That experience was preceded by hours of Scripture memorizing, regular quiet times, prayer, talk­ ing about Christ in his everyday life. He didn’t suddenly become what he was that night. He used to say to me, “We’ve got to have the Scripture on the tip of our tongues.” And he did. We must also labor in prayer. A young man once came to Daw­ son Trotman complaining that he wasn’t leading people to Christ. Dawson asked, “How’s your prayer life?” He admitted that he had a little conscience-easer be­ fore he went to bed and that was all. Dawson told him to come back after he had his prayer life straightened out and then they could discuss witnessing. He came back three weeks later, having led a soul to Christ in the meantime. “Godliness is of value in every way”—and we must train our­ selves in it in order to be pre­ pared, to endure, to be complete. We do it by our daily association with God . . . searching the Word and praying. Then obeying . . . applying the Word to our daily lives. BE

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On street corners, in homes, in shops, and in our witnessing cen­ ters, our workers faith­ fully proclaim the story of redemption accord­ ing to Moses and the prophets, and the gos­ pel message from the New Testament, and Jews are finding the Saviour. For help in witnessing, or for your own spiritual need, write to: Rev. A . A . MacKinney General Director Am erican M essianic Fellowship 7 4 4 8 N. Dam en Avenue, Chicago, III. 6 0 6 4 5 generous income, and to determine with certainty the disposal after their death of that which the Lord entrusted to their stewardship without delays, deductions, inheritance taxes, and probate court costs.

A Jewish boy accepted a tract, "Isaiah's Por­ trait of Messiah" and immediately asked. "Can you tell me more about this?" There on a street corner in Chicago a 12 year old boy listened intently to the skillful presentation of the Scriptures and ac­ cepted Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Sav­ iour. A middle-aged Jew­ ess, after hearing the gospel for several years at Miami Beach called and said, "I am terribly distressed. Please come over. I must find the Lord today."

RELIGIOUS BOOKS BOUGHT A N D SOLD! Any book reviewed or advertised in KIN G 'S BUSI­ NESS available from Kregel's Book Store, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503.

FREE— Keith Brooks' "M essage of a Lily"; Tor- rey's Prayer Groups for Revival, tract; "U npar­ donable Sin." W ord Publishers, Kaufman, Texas 75142.

Witness W ith Scripture Tracts. 100 assorted— 25 cents; 500 assorted— $1.00. Scripture W it­ ness, 209 Lafayette Ave., Hawthorne, N J. 07506.

Bibles Rebound Write for illustrated price list from Nation's larg­ est Bible rebinding specialists. W ork Guaranteed. Norris Bookbinding Company, Box 305 K, Green­ wood, Mississippi 38930. Help Wanted Large Rescue Mission needs additional staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com­ pensation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. Teachers wanted for first grade and combined fourth and fifth grades of Valley Christian Academ y this fall. Salary better than average. Write to First Baptist Church, Box 586, Santa Maria, California 93454. Business Opportunity Western Book and Tract franchises are available for new Christian Bookstores in the Western States. Excellent ministry opportunity for husband and wife team who have a desire to be in business for themselves. Complete assistance and training on all phases of store operation. For full particulars— write to Western Book & Tract Co., 1618 Franklin St., Oakland, Calif. 94612. Fastest growing! M ost completely trained and equipped! Unlimited growth in your own profes­ sional cleaning services business. Moderate in­ vestment. For full information, write world's leading system — ServiceMaster, Dept. 420, Downers Grove, Illinois 60515. LVN. Christian sanitarium. Pleasant working con­ ditions. Employee Benefits. Glendale, Calif. 11-7 shift. Write to Advertising Manager, King's Business.

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