King's Business - 1968-03

lovethose * i 0J .C R pr ballpens » L in e !y UNDY... that’s what good writing is all about, and that’s the truth!


Out to

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Mrs. Phyllis Pearce Eiler has been named Executive S e c r e t a r y o f GLINT (Gospel Literature in Na-

tional T ongu es), a n o n - p r o f i t litera­ ture missions as­ sistance organiza­ tion l o c a t e d in G le n d a le , Califor­ nia. Dr. Cyrus N. Nel­ son, P r e s id e n t o f t h e organization, made the announce­ ment.

h B r i (J is in! Listen to the athlete. He talks ot red dog and fast breaks, hazard and pin high, last lap and starting block, fall and riding time. The lingo of the athlete. For Christian athletes it is the language of victory. A1 Worthington, Gil Dodds, Bill Wade and twenty-eight other na­ tionally famous athletes unite their voices in pointing the way to victory in the Christian life. OUT TO WIN edited, by GARY WARNER $2.95 at Your Bookseller or write to Moody Press, Chicago 60610



Mrs. Eiler

Mrs. Eiler will supervise GL INT ’S international office in its worldwide m inistry o f encouraging, guiding and assisting responsible groups in Edu­ cation literature. Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., founder and first president o f Bob Jones University, went into the presence o f the Lord in mid-January. Dr. Jones had been known fo r his extensive years o f Bible teaching and evangelistic min­ istry. Ill health in recent years forced him to curtail his active schedule. HEY THERE VONDA ! a new color motion picture featuring Vonda Kay Van Dyke has been released by Gos­ pel Films, Inc., o f Muskegon, Illinois. Not yet 25 years o f age, Vonda Kay Van Dyke is the author o f “ The Girl in Y ou r M irror,” a best-seller, which has sold over 250,000 copies, and “ Dear Vonda Kay,” which is ju st off the press. She won the title Miss America in 1965. Gospel Films, now in its 17th year, distributes films in 30 languages in 121 countries around the world. Wheaton College has designated its library building the Robert E. Nicholas building in honor o f one o f the col­ lege trustees who has served on the board since 1932. The building was originally paid fo r anonymously by Dr. Nicholas. Dr. Nicholas w a s named to the college’s board o f re f­ erence in 1939. Three years later, he was elected to fill a position vacated by trustee Fleming H. Revell upon his death. The follow ing year he was elected to the executive committee o f the Board o f Trustees. Miss Millie Larson, linguist with the W ycliffe Bible Translators, working in Peru, reports that there are now more than 2000 Aguaruna students training in Spanish, reading, arith­ metic, and other varied subjects. She states, “ The enthusiasm fo r educa­ tion doesn’t wane, but seems to be on the increase among the Aguaru- nas.” Upon completing the primary school, many o f the students are tak-

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