Go Magazine | Issue 62

Raw Slim & Tone

6 ways for dealing with menopause changes The symptoms listed previously can vary in intensity, from mild to severe, and in duration – for some women, they may last for a year or so, for others, they remain ongoing to some degree.

1 Educate yourself

Knowledge really is power in the case of peri- menopause and menopause. Make the transition a bit smoother by arming yourself with the knowledge of what to expect, and preparing yourself for poten- tial outcomes. Speak to your healthcare professional regularly to better understand options available to you. Link up with local women’s health clinics and groups to get more evidence-based information about menopause and share your experiences. 2 Stay comfortable You can stay comfortable by wearing layers of clothing, always having cool water and a fan handy, and avoiding certain foods that can trigger flushing, such as Learning meditation or another mindfulness technique will ease fluctuating moods, irritability and anxiety. Breathwork techniques can be very powerful – one study found that women who practised deep abdominal breathing (taking six to eight controlled breaths a minute) twice a day, reported a 50 per cent decrease in hot flushes. 4 Get moving Regular exercise keeps bones strong and muscles hot or spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine. 3 Practise active relaxation supple, as well as supporting heart health and weight management. Find something you like to do, whether it is bushwalking, swimming, or yoga – if you enjoy it, the chances are stronger that you will keep it up. Supplementation with magnesium, curcumin and fish oil can help to ease any body aches and pains that can suddenly appear with the onset of menopause. 5 Eat the right foods Soya has been shown to help reduce hot flushes and night sweats. All the legumes (chickpeas, lentils, beans) are also phytoestrogens, and therefore belong in the natural menopause diet. Antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetables slow the ageing process and help fight the risk of cancer and heart disease, while nuts and seeds, especially flaxseed, contain healthy fats to keep your hormones balanced. 6 Add a natural advantage Sage tea controls hot flushes and night sweats, dandelion can ease water retention, and nettle tea improves absorption of calcium and magnesium, minerals which are important for bone health and preventing osteoporosis. Other evidence-based natural medicines, including agnus-castus for erratic periods, dong quai to balance hormones and counter night sweats, and black cohosh for hot flushes, make it easier to cope with menopausal symptoms.

No Gluten, Dairy, Added Sugar, GMOs

Low Carb

ISSUE 62 • 2021 amazonia.com



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