S ri M ayapur D ham ’ s greatest at traction, which charms millions of hear ts, are the Deity forms of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava, Sri Nrsimhadeva and Sri Panca Tat tva. Sri Panca Tat tva or the Lord in His 5 aspects appeared and per formed Their pastimes only a lit tle over 500 years ago in Sri Mayapur. Worshipped at ISKCON Mayapur with unparalleled grandeur, Sri Panca Tat tva are the largest astadhatu Deities in the world. Astadhatu is a combination of 8 metals. Sometimes tourists on a visit to a holy place car ry the misconception that “God is a poetic myth”. This misconception gets shat tered to pieces when feasting their eyes on the very real, tangible forms of the Lord at ISKCON Mayapur. The Hare Krsna festivals shower a taste of spir itual bl iss. ISKCON Mayapur organizes fantastic festivals throughout the year. The most remarkable one is the 3 weeks Sr i Gaura Purnima festival or the ap pearance of Lord Sr i Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who establ ished the spir itual process recommended in this age of quarrel , to inundate the wor ld with the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, a process also known as Sank ir tana. Other impor tant festivals are Sr i Kr ishna Janmastami , the apperance celebra tion of Lord Kr ishna fol lowed by Sr i la Prabhupada’s appearance day and Sr i Nrsimha Caturdasi . The Deities are bathed in great opulence with as many as 30 items whi le devotees sing, dance, and play musical instruments. These festivals are also high l ighted by per formance of dramas, other k inds of per formances l ike sk its, pantomimes, screening of soul-stirr ing spir itual f i lms, display of exhibits and feasting. Par ticipation in these festivals heightens one’s spir itual awareness. 13
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