Al Dia - US Spanish - 202212


Avances de Directores Directors


McKenzie Valley* IDAHO Mesera MARCAPASO D Waitress PACESETTER

Felisa Williams* CALIFORNIA Producción MARCAPASO D Production PACESETTER

McKenna Williams* FLORIDA Promotora Independiente MARCAPASO D Marketing Executive PACESETTER

Lolita Yraola* TEXAS Promotora Independiente MARCAPASO D Marketing Executive PACESETTER

Adriel Zahniser* FLORIDA Administradora de distrito MARCAPASO D District Manager PACESETTER

Melaleuca en las noticias LÉALOS TODOS Si bien Melaleuca es, y continuará siendo, uno de los secretos mejor guardados del mundo, sus buenas causas están saliendo a la luz. A continuación les compartimos algunas de las noticias sobre Melaleuca cubiertas por los medios de comunicación. E X C L U S I V O Melaleuca in the News READ ALL ABOUT IT! While Melaleuca remains—and will continue to remain—one of the world’s best-kept secrets, aspects of our business are being rightfully discovered. Here’s just some of the media coverage Melaleuca has recently received. E X C L U S I V E READ ALL ABOUT IT! While Melaleuca remains—and will continue to remain—one of the world’s best-kept secrets, aspects of our business are being rightfully discovered. Here’s just some of the media coverage Melaleuca has recently received. E X C L U S I V E

NET NEWS LEDGER ¿Qué está haciendo bien Melaleuca? Cómo esta compañía estadounidense dedicada al bienestar What’s Working for Melaleuca? How This American Wellness Company Became a $2 Billion Success Story NET NEWS LEDGER What’s Working for Melaleuca? How This American Wellness Company Became a $2 Billion Success Story llegó a convertirse en una historia de éxito valorada en $2,000 millones

CEO WEEKLY Frank VanderSloot: Cómo un granjero de Idaho se convierte en el ejemplo perfecto del sueño americano Frank VanderSloot: How This Idaho Farm Kid Epitomizes the American Dream CEO WEEKLY Frank VanderSloot: How This Idaho Farm Kid Epitomizes the American Dream

TECHBULLION La ciencia detrás de los productos Melaleuca The Science behind Melaleuca Products TECHBULLION The Science behind Melaleuca Products

GOOD MEN PROJECT Productos Melaleuca Melaleuca Products at the Forefront of Men’s Skin Care Trends GOOD MEN PROJECT Melaleuca Products at the Forefront of Men’s Skin Care Trends a la vanguardia del cuidado de la piel masculina

DISRUPT MAGAZINE La innovación detrás de los productos Melaleuca The Innovation behind Melaleuca Products DISRUPT MAGAZINE The Innovation behind Melaleuca Products

DALLAS MORNING NEWS Cómo Frank VanderSloot salvó a 115 familias agricultoras y a la industria de productos lácteos de una región How Frank VanderSloot Saved 115 Family Farms and a Region’s Dairy Industry DALLAS MORNING NEWS How Frank VanderSloot Saved 115 Family Farms and a Region’s Dairy Industry

TECH TIMES Lecciones aprendidas de la tienda virtual Melaleuca. com que atrae a clientes comprometidos con su bienestar general Lessons Learned from Online Retailer That Appeal to Health-Conscious Shoppers TECH TIMES Lessons Learned from Online Retailer That Appeal to Health-Conscious Shoppers


* Estos diligentes Promotores Independientes han avanzado rápidamente y su foto se publica en cada estatus que han logrado. * These hardworking Marketing Executives have advanced rapidly and are pictured for each status they have achieved.


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