Inside Cover A — March 13 - 26, 2015 — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
8:00 am Development Forecasts for the next 10 years • forecasting the next 10 years of metro development: Modeling for site selection and development planning. •A fast paced overview of the key tools that you will need as you prepare for your next development •A Developers Tool Kit for 2015 •Development Opportunities that will change the face of New Jersey 8:50 AM Residential Builder and Developer Update • Evaluating land prices: Where they were, Where they are at andWhere are they going • What is the market for raw land and what does the deal need to look like today • What are the builders buying and why • How are land deals structured today and how is it different from the boom • What future opportunities exist 9:40 AM Break 9:50 AM How to EffectivelyWorkWith Municipalities • Annexation of parcels into cities • How cities our effectively working with builders to fast track the approval process • How are municipalities effectively working with home builders and commercial developers to spur growth • What are cities doing to attract investment in their communities 10:40 AMMarket Update • Inventory status • Current and future absorption • Land values: Where are they now and where are they headed • How does New Jersey’s Economic Growth+ stack up to the rest of the United States • Interest rates and other economic conditions affecting consumer confidence 11:10 AMWhat are the Opportunities for Commercial Development • What new opportunities for development are happening right now • What types of projects are in consideration for land development? • What needs to happen to get the market moving? Or do we have to wait until after the election • What are the challenges with land development vs. redevelopment? • Who is active in the market place and what is their risk tolerance and expected returns 12:00 PM Adjourn & Networking
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