8C — March 13 - 26, 2015 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
C entral PA
Skelly and Loy to design upgrades Conewago Industrial Park expands wastewater treatment plant
hen the Conewago Industrial Park (CIP), located just outside of Elizabethtown, PA, reached an agreement of sale with Nordstrom, Inc., for a lot that would become home to the retailer’s new- est regional on-line order fulfillment center, it was clear that a major improve- ment would be required in advance of a planned late Spring 2015 occupancy. The existing CIP wastewater treatment, constructed in the 1970’s, was quickly ap- proaching its treatment ca- W
CIP engaged Skelly and Loy, Inc., to design the re- quired upgrades and prepare the applications required for permitting of the project.
pacity and discharge level limits. Estimated additional sewage loads from the new 672,000 s/f facility and its projected peak of 700 full-
time employees, along with anticipated future growth elsewhere in the park, led CIP to commit to a treatment plant upgrade.
In addition, AMS of Skelly and Loy (AMS), an affiliated construction subsidiary, was selected to install the system upgrade. The $2.4 million project will more than double the plant’s peak treatment capacity to 150,000 gallons per day. The design phase began with a review of Pennsylva- nia Department of Environ- mental Protection-mandated discharge limits and an eval- uation of nutrient removal requirements. The result- ing information allowed for evaluation of several po- tential treatment system upgrades suitable to the site. Consideration was given to ability to meet limits, ease of operation, capital cost, operations and maintenance costs, and likely regulatory acceptance, resulting in a recommendation to employ a new sequencing batch reac- tor (SBR) system. Following DEP’s approval of the recom- mendation, final detailed de- sign was performed to obtain local building permits and allow for construction cost estimate determination. With permits in hand, the AMS team finalized the construction cost and be- gan construction, serving as general contractor for the installation. In-house AMS personnel are performing excavation, treatment equip- ment installation, and site work, with pre-fabricated concrete tank fabrication and installation and elec- trical systems installation performed by subcontractors. Although facility construc- tion began in July imme- diately upon receipt of the DEP construction permit, the winter’s extended below- freezing temperatures and frequent precipitation have resulted in significant work delays. Yet, start-up of the upgraded treatment system is expected in May, just in continued on page 14C
Save the Date Don’t miss our latest news @ACEMentorEPA 14th Annual Scholarship Breakfast Eastern Pennsylvania Affiliate Thursday, May 14, 2015 Crystal Tea Room, Philadelphia, PA Join over 400 A/C/E industry colleagues for networking, breakfast, and awards to raise money, support, and awareness for the ACE Mentor Program. email easternpa@acementor.org for ticket and sponsorship information & Awards Ceremony to benefit the ACE Mentor Program
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